Summary: Sociological Perspective of Education Assignment

Summary: Sociological Perspective of Education Assignment Words: 1261

Summary While speaking during a Gleaner Editors’ Forum at the newspaper’s North Street, central Kingston office January 29, 2013, at which the Caribbean policy Research Institute’s recent findings on Education in Jamaica’ were examined; Mr.. Overtone Hannah president of the National parent-teacher Association pointed out that nothing new has been found from the study, which had highlighted nine critical dimensions of education in Jamaica, He however, commended the study.

Mr.. Hannah was resolute in pointing out that parents must see them self as important players in educating their children and should be held accountable for the short comings of their children participation in the learning process. He however stresses that parent can’t be held to books unless there are explicit goals for them to accomplish and there is failure on their part in accomplishing those goals.

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He further goes on to say that all players in the education system have a part to play in ensuring that students learn, by setting general and specific goals to be accomplished over a period Of time With revision sporadically. He specified also that parents should also assist children n choosing career paths, With less focus on the traditional areas. The author’s main point is their needs to be collaboration among the stakeholders in the Jamaica society to ensure that students learn.

The author purpose is the highlight the views of the president on the study that was conducted The intended audience is stakeholders in the Jamaican society who directly and indirectly involved in the Jamaican education system. Evaluation The article is educative and doormat. The tone tot author is objective and grabs the reader’s attention, It is also short and to the point, The thesis statement is trait foamed and jumps out at initializing reading which gives the audience an idea of what the rest of the article will be about.

The topic sentences are identifiable for each paragraph to prevent confusion of readers. Each paragraph can also be related back to the thesis statement The use of in text citations was also used effectively to give readers an idea of the main characters views on the topic of interest. The use of simple language aids in readers understanding of the article and reaches out all areas Of society. The tone is calm and informative.

Classification as used as the method of organizing the article which allows the reader to follow along. Credibility was also established as the writer’s full name and job title was provided along with the date of publication. The article was noted to be a bit bias as it mainly highlighted the opinion Of one person Issue The educational issue identified in this article was that stakeholder in the education system don’t know what role they should play in the education system to ensure that students learn.

The recent concluded study on the education system in Jamaica done by the Caribbean Policy Research Institute highlighted he roles that each stakeholder should play in order to help students learn The issue mentioned above is quite evident with some stakeholder namely parents in Jamaica, they only think that their role in educating their children is send them off to schools in the mornings period.

Those parents are not cognizant of the fact that their job in in the education system is not only limited to sending their children oft schools, but involves much more such as ensuring that their children are equip With the necessary tools, seeing that they complete assignments, put in adequate time in studying etc. Sociological perspective The sociological perspective that stood out in this article was functionalism.

The reason why chose functionalism is because the functionalism theory “sees each aspect of society is interdependent and contributes to society’s functioning as a whole'( Classifies. Com) and this article we can see where the education system is depending on the different parts of society to help students learn. So to justify my reason for choosing the functionalism as the sociological perspective in this article is shall put forward evidence from the article in support of reason. First piece of evidence is the title of the article “It Takes Village to Educate a Child” (The Jamaica Gleaner 2013).

The tile is emphasizing that in order to educate a child it is going to take the various parts in the society working together to achieve that. Secondly this section from the article that state that “The findings noted that all players, including the Ministry of Education, parents, students, administrators, teachers, employers and community leaders, have a part to play in ensuring hat students learn” (The Jamaica Gleaner 2013) which is also emphasizing the collective working of the various parts of society to maintain stability.

Thirdly the author coat Mr.. Hannah as saying “As parents, we hue to realize that we are important stakeholders, involved in the complete life of our child’s development” (The Jamaica Gleaner 2013) this is also evidence Of functionalism seeing that parents are one of the various parts on society that must work with the other parts in order to stability in the society and in the case of this article educational stability.

This article makes me think about 1) why wasn’t there any mechanism developed by the education ministry to outline the role that the various stakeholders in the society should play to ensure that students learn? 2) How are we going to get the entire stakeholder in the Jamaican society working collectively to ensure that students are learning in schools? Conclusion This article was very insightful and straight forward. The issue that was highlighted in the article is one of grave concern and needs the necessary authorities need to act now to get grip on the situation.

The educating of our children is vital for the society to have order and stability and with this said all the player in sociably should play their part in ensure that students are learning in schools, Recommendations recommend in order to effectively addressing the issue outline in this paper the government should: I) Have a campaign which informing stakeholders in the society of the role they are charged to play in ensuring that our students are learning in 2) Develop a comprehensive frame that pays special attention help parents develop the necessary skills and attitude that would help hem better help their students learn.

Reference Clientèles, Three Major Perspectives in Sociology http://www. Clientèles. Com/ Jamaica gleaner (2013) It Takes a village to educate A CHILD retrieved from http://Jamaica-gleaner. Com/g Name: Aisha Martin ID#: 2008016094 course Title: Sociology of Education Programmer: DUVET Instructor Diploma Module# 1 Due Date: 23/09/13 Assignment#: 1 Title Of article: It Takes a Village to Educate a Child Source of article: The Jamaica Gleaner It Takes A Village To Educate A Child Published: Tuesday January 29, 2013 2 Comments

Declaring there was nothing new in the recent study on the state of education in Jamaica, Overtone Hannah, president of the National Parent-Teacher Association, says that after SO years the powers that be are still tinkering with education. He was speaking during a Gleaner Editors’ Forum at the newspaper’s North Street, central Kingston office yesterday, at which the Caribbean Policy Research Institute’s (CaPRI) recent findings in the ‘Report Card on Education in Jamaica’ were examined. Hannah said while he commended the report, it was just another in a long list of reports already done.

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