Student Assignment

Student Assignment Words: 593

The Change Wheel Personal and Global Perspectives Before completing this assignment, please review Chapter 1, up. 4-19. In Unit 1, we looked at change from several vantage points, including need, difficulty, and strategies for success. To complete this assignment, think carefully about change you have experienced in your personal life, and change in the world around you during your life. Task 1: Personal Change Identification Directions: Brainstorm a list of significant changes you have personally experienced throughout your life. Review your list, and identify six major hangs that have affected you in very important ways.

List them here: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Graduated from High School. Getting my football scholarship taken away. The death of my grandpa. Getting into IT nursing program. Becoming a weightlifting instructor. Dropping out of OFFS. Task 2: Personal Change Assessment Directions: Review the six changes you selected. How do they compare to each other in magnitude, when you consider the effect each has had on your life? Rank and re-order the changes listed above, starting with the one with the greatest, most far-reaching impact, then the next most affecting change, ND so on. . Death of my grandpa. Losing my football scholarship.

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Graduating from High School. Task 3: My Personal Change Wheel: Graphic Representation of Personal Change and Its Impact 1. Death of my grandpa. 2. Getting my football scholarship taken away. 3. Graduating from High School. 4. Dropping out of OFFS. 6. Getting into ITT nursing program. Directions: Use the pie chart above to create a visual representation of the impact of personal change in your life. The circle is divided into eight sections, separated by dotted lines. Use the dotted lines as guides to create pie slices presenting the magnitude of each of the six changes on your list.

Give each change a slice of the pie; the size of the slice should reflect its impact on your life. The most significant change should have the largest portion of the circle outlined, perhaps consisting of two or more eighths. Each change should take up less of the circle than the change before, although one or two changes may be of equal magnitude. Label each section of the circle with the change it represents. Task 4: Global Change Identification and Ranking Directions: Brainstorm a list of significant changes that have occurred in the oral since you were born.

Review your list, and identify six major changes that have affected you personally in very important ways. List them in order of their significance and impact from 1 to 6, with 1 being the most significant. 1. Twin Tour terrorist attack. 2. Afghanistan war. 3. Iraq war. 4. Killing of Osama Bin Laden. 5. Soldiers coming home. 6. Bombing of ISIS. Task 5: My Global Change Wheel: Graphic Representation of Global Change in My Lifetime 1 . Twin Tour terrorist attack. Iraq war. 6. ISIS bombing. Impact of global change in your life. The circle is divided into eight sections,

Task 6: Initial Observations Directions: Look over the two change wheels you have completed. In the space below, record any first thoughts or observations about personal and global change in your life. First thoughts that had about the charts was that it took me back to look of who I am today and who I have become. It also took me back to think about my grandpa’s death which is one of the most life events that has impacted my life. With the global change wheel it also took me back to what this country has become and how we are also out there to make this world a better place.

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