Student Assignment

Student Assignment Words: 725

The mobile phone advertisements through messages are becoming a pain for the cell phone users. Backbone Pros It’s easy! Setting up a profile is a smooth process, and the relatively uncluttered II of the site is easy to navigate and use. It’s free and all you need is an internet connection and any device that can connect to the internet, mobile phones included. – See more at: http://foresight. Com/useful-tools/the- pros-and-cons-of-backbone. HTML#stash. Bouzoukis. Duff Beyond boundaries: Backbone transcends all physical boundaries, and lets your kids connect with far away friends and distant family.

Your kids can easily be informed about hat goes in the lives of people who are physically distant. – See more at: http://prestigious/useful-tools/the-pros-and-cons-of- backbone. HTML#stash. Bouzoukis. Duff A place to share thoughts, causes and ideas. Your child can interact with kids with similar interests and ideas across the globe. They can join groups and support fan pages, and find out what other kids are interested in. – See more at: http://foresight. Com/lustful-tools/ the-pros-and-cons-of-backbone. HTML#stash. Basilisks. Duff It’s educational!

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A majority of teens and teens use social networking to discuss school work and share discussions about school assignments. See more at: http:// foresight. Com/l-useful-tools/the-pros-and-cons-of- backbone. HTML#stash. Bouzoukis. Duff Cons Time consuming Backbone is a real time guzzler ? your kid could be playing outdoors, doing homework or doing other more meaningful things – See more at: http://foresight. Com/Useful-tools/the-pros-and-cons-of- backbone. HTML#stash. Bouzoukis. Duff Kids can be mean:accessibility can be a real problem.

There are even some documented cases of kids who committed suicide after being bullied on social networks! – See more at: http:/ /PU resists. Com/Useful-tools/the-pros-and-cons-of- backbone. HTML#stash. Bouzoukis. Puff Things aren’t always what they seem There are many fake Backbone accounts, information that is misrepresented – your child could be exposed to these. – See more at: http://foresight. Com/ Useful-tools/the-pros-and-cons-of-backbone. HTML#stash. Bouzoukis. D Puff It’s addictive! Besides all the social features there are games on Backbone that can be very addictive.

Did anyone mention Verifiable? – See more at: http:// foresight. Com/useful-tools/the-pros-and-cons-of- backbone. HTML#stash. Bouzoukis. Duff Whose image is it anyway? Once your child uploads an image to Backbone, it becomes public and anyone can download and misuse that image. See more at: http://foresight. Com/Useful- tools/the-pros-and-cons-of-backbone. HTML#stash. Bouzoukis. Duff Its anti- social? For your kids online interaction could become a replacement for face- to-face meetings. This can hurt social development and isolate your kids. See more at: http://foresight. Com/useful-tools/the-pros-and-cons-of- PROS: – Staying connected with friends and family far and near. – Connecting with folks around the world. – Having the ability to reach multiple friends with one post. – Seeing what friends are up to. – Pages (not walls) offer an ability to get your products, talents, or whatever to each billions of people around the world. Backbone has the largest membership in the world on the internet. – Groups are great for connecting with others that share similar interests. Community games allow you to play with friends if you are into those type of things. (l hate them myself and getting invites can be annoying so I just block all game invites when they come. ) CONS: – Backbone collects all your info including all web browsing whether you are logged into the site or not and they save this info into a database which they sell to advertisers and give freely to covet authorities whenever they ARQ guest it room backbone even without your knowledge. You consent by agreeing to the Terms of Service. (this is not some weird conspiracy theory… Casebook has admitted to possessing the technology to track ALL your internet browsing, web searches, and purchases made over the internet. And where you are traveling whether or not you are using the location sign-in. ) – Employers and prospective employers monitor employees walls. – Some people are stalkers and will use any personal info you may post against you. – Having to read posts from people that use backbone as a place to dump their issues on everyone in hopes they will generate sympathy from others. This is dangerous I might add.

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Student Assignment. (2022, Feb 12). Retrieved February 12, 2025, from