Social Organized Crime Perspec Assignment

Social Organized Crime Perspec Assignment Words: 693

Social Organized Crime Perspective Paper Jesus “AT’ Logan-McNealy CA / 384 Criminal Organization university of Phoenix December 1, 2014 Ms. Pamela Linden Social Organized Crime Perspective In this paper, the author will explain and discuss the term social institution as applied to organized crime. It will also argue for which empirical and speculative theories are most applicable when applied to organized crime and criminal behavior. At least four references will be cited from assigned readings and scholarly research sources.

This will be done at a relatively high bevel, given the length of the paper as specified in the assignment (700-1 ,050 words). The paper will follow PAP guidelines, using in-text citations and references. Social Institutions A social institution is a group of people that has association and a mission or goals to recruit and influencing others from a particular community to help by carrying out their goals. According to Lyman & Potter (2007), as it applies to organized crime, in various ways.

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It involves a portion of individuals living within a jurisdiction, interested in a product that the criminal organization is offering. This enables the organization to effectively generate, dispense and consume the product. In addition, it focuses on community social structure as it exercises control on its members and influence participation to remain protected and to dwell in its rewards. Furthermore, criminal organizations do form close relationships with legitimate businesses (Potter, 2007).

Theories of Organized crime and Criminal Behavior Empirical theories An empirical theory is based on research from literature, or based on direct research. This author believes that the rational choice theory is an example of an empirical theory. This theory has been studied since first developed in the mid-eighteenth century. This author also believes that this the most applicable theory when applied to organized crime and criminal behavior. It perceives people as free agents who are able to make rational choices in virtually all aspects of their lives, including their involvement in crime and wrong doing.

Policies stemming from this approach dictate dealing harshly and quickly with offenders in an effort to deter them from making such hoicks again. It is based on the pleasure-pain principle where the punishment for the offense must outweigh the pleasure the offender received as a reward for committing the crime. (Potter, 2007). It is arguably the most developed of the various theories that has withstood centuries of academic scrutiny. Speculative theories Speculative is based on persona; opinion. This author believes all other theories are speculative. These include: Alien Conspiracy theory and Deterrence theory.

This author also believes that the failing Mexican state ay also serve to generate another theory on the emergence and success of organized crime. Besides the profit motive, the extreme inequality experienced by the Mexican nation, the notorious corruption and lack of legitimacy of its government, coupled with the dysfunction of its economy has served to elevate Marco-trafficking organizations to quasi-governmental status. This is especially possible where competition over territory has been long been settled and there is enough civic stability for the organization to make infrastructure investments.

These organizations have built schools and hospitals and invested in modernization of agricultural methods and output. They also administer “justice” although without the trappings of courts and trials. They have realized considerable legitimacy in some jurisdictions which is a real threat to the Mexican government; which has ceded control over large geographic areas. It has been my personal experience that most Mexican citizens perceive their government as the premier example of organized crime in the country.

The movers and shakers of the US economy would take note of these consequences to Mexico as they proceed on their quest to cannibalize the US middle class and create greater and greater inequality in this country. As extreme as it was, both nations should make note of the French solution as applied during their revolution. Neither nation is ultimately immune from similar consequences. Conclusion In this paper, the author explained and discussed the term social institution as applied to organized crime. It argued for which empirical and/or and criminal behavior.

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