Roman Catholic Church Assignment

Roman Catholic Church Assignment Words: 1662

For the full-scale of culture application to business environment cognitive competencies, this assignment will discuss the culture characteristics, analyses the culture for business operation, study the culture synthesis, and then give recommendations according to the applications of business environment in particular. According the requirement of this assignment, I have chosen the country of Italy to complete the tasks of this assignment. 2. The Background of Italy To understand the culture of Italy better, this part is to introduce the source of the Italy background in details.

Thus, this part will illustrate the language, education, religion, social structure, political, and economic philosophy of Italy. 2. 1 Languages of Italy Italian is the official language in Italy. Never the less, the 96% of the native Italians speak Italian. For these partial of native Italians, their main mother tongue are including German, Catalan, Greek, French, Slovenian, Albanian, Corsican, Cambrian, Bavarian, Waller and Croatian. However, half of the total Italian population speak their mother tongue, called regional dialects (quintessential. Co. K, 2014). According to the history records and the geography of Italy, these regional dialects major are including Sicilian, Venetian, Freudian, Neapolitan, Melamine, Sardinian, Clinician, Algerian, and Piedmont. Italy is a free state to educate all nationalities in Italy. For those 3 years old children in Italy, they can start their kindergarten education. According to the European education standards, the children aged 5- 5. 5 years old in Italy are allowed to start their primary school education for 5 years without of examination requirement.

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They must start their First Grade Secondary School education for 3 years when they are aged 11 to 14, after they past all of the exams, they are allowed to start their Second Grade Secondary School (High School) education, which requires students to pass all of their exams before their graduation, and they will obtain a diploma certificate within 3-5 years according to different faculty requirements (understandingly. Mom, 2014). 2. 3 Religion of Italy According to the source of the Italy history, the main religion of Italy is Roman Catholicism. The Roman Catholicism centre is in the Vatican City, and the pope also stays in it.

Islam is the second religion in Italy sources from the immigrants of due to the only few Jews left after the War II (Kim, 2014). 2. 4 Social Structure of Italy In Italy, family is the most valuable social structure, because family can stabilize their family members by supporting each other with emotion and finance. In north of Italy, only the nuclear family stay together normally. But in the south of Italy, the extended family usually stay together. According to the main Roman Catholic religion, you can see the Catholic churches are more than any other country.

The religion is high in Italy, and you can see them in many lobbies and buildings, and you will find people’s names, trade, and profession are in particular patron saint. The church proclaims transparent hierarchy to Italy. Expect is provided to older people, successful businessman, and well-connected people (quintessential. Co. UK, 2014). 2. 5 Political Ideology of Italy Italy is a republic country since June 1946, voted by plebiscites. Its constitution was created in 1948. The president of Italy take turns to select by the elections of Italians ( inconsiderableness. Com, 2014) 2. Economic Ideology of Italy After the postwar, Italy concentrates to rebuild its economy successfully from being an integral member of NATO & Joining the European Economic Community. However, the left-wing Red Brigades destroyed the stability of Italy from 1970 to the early 1980. Later on, the governments of “Revolving door” managed Italy an unstable polity from 1980-1990. In Jan 1999, Treasury Secretary Carlo Clamps permitted Italy currency (infeasible. Mom, 2014). Nowadays, the economics of Italy is diversified by many industries, and the well-developed industrial in the north are most held by private companies (internationalization. Mom, 2014). Although Italy has experienced the global crisis in 2008, but Italy GAP of Italy increased from IIS$1737. 8 billion in 2004 to US $1982. 94 billion Gag 2014(Satanist. Com, 2014). This part is to analyses the Italy culture from its history and geography. 3. 1 History of Italy To know the history of Italy is to know the culture root of Italy. Basically, Italy has a long history with a solid culture foundation. The historical record of Italy has been started by Indo-European immigrants since 2000 B. C. To 1000 B. C. In its 3rd century B. C. Romans has overthrown Indo-European and dominated the civilization of Etruscan to Italy and with the Rome leadership control until the 4th & 5th centuries A. D. After that, the barbarian has taken the Western Roman Empire. From that time on, many other ethnic groups contended to fragmented polity for a few centuries. But during this period of 13th to the 16th century, it has made Italy a cultural center for the Western world. Rome Empire has enthroned Italy for total about 22 centuries in its history, which has covered the most of the Italy history (infeasible. Com, 2014).

The territories of Sardinia, Naples, and Milan were given to Austria after the Spanish Succession War in the year of 1713, but Austria lost some these territories in the year of 1735. After a few decades in the year 1800, Mr.. Napoleon finally unified Italy and declared himself as the Italy king in 1805. However, he did not last long. After 10 years, Austria dominated its power into a disunited Italy again in the Congress of Vienna. Italians are not convinced by the Austria control and always try to uprisings, but unsuccessfully destroyed by the Austria armies in the year of 1820, 1821, and 1831.

As know as the brilliant liberal nationalist, Mr.. Giuseppe Amazing formed the Regiments, which is the foundation of Italy unity. After that, the patriots of Italy gave the leadership hope on Mr.. Count Camille Did Cavort from the House of Savoy in Sardinia, and who finally united Italy in 1852. He brought his armies to help England and France in the Crimean War from 1853 to 1856. He gains the Lombardy territories in 1859 due to supporting to France in the war to against Austria. In the year of 1860, Sardinia was enlarged by the territories of Roman, Tuscany and Pram from the plebiscite voting.

In the same year, Sardinia was enlarged by the territories of Sicily & Naples from Mr.. Giuseppe Garibaldi triumphant return war. In the year of 1861, Italian people finally claimed Victor Emmanuel II to be the king of Italy. In 1886, Venetian attached. On the 20th September 1870, the papal of Rome announced Italy is a unified peninsula which is independent nation under one constitutional monarchy (infeasible. Com, 2014). In the World War l, Italy declared its neutrality. Italy went to the war with Allies in 1915 and gained some lands, but Italy put it as the postwar settlement.

To rescue Italy from Bolshevism, the dissatisfied Italians were introduced to Fascist Party by a socialist called Mr.. Mussolini in 1919. Mr.. Mussolini conquered Rome and being the prime minister on 28th October 1922. He is the dictator of Italy. In 1935, he attacked Ethiopia for annexation. In 1936, he allied with Doll Hitler in Rome. However, Allies invaded Italy in 1943. The time Mussolini lost dictatorship, and the Fascist Partisans killed him on 28th April 1945. Italy entered a war to attack Germany in 1943. Italians plebiscite voted to have a republic nation in June 1946.

According to the peace treaty on 1 5th September 1947, Italian declared to return the lands to Greece and France originally. In 1954, Italy received Tries area west (a 90-square-mile zone) from Yugoslav (infeasible. Com, 2014). Nowadays, Italy is a stable country to build internal business. 3. 2 Geography of Italy According to the world map segment, the geography of Italy is a unified peninsula country in the south of Europe, and it looks like a boot in the world map (infeasible. Com, 2014). The neighbor countries of Italy are surrounded by Andorra,

Monaco, France, Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia, Albania and Greece. The total size of cities are including Rome, Milan, Naples, Turin, Palermo and Genoa (worldpopulationreview. Com, 2014). Whereby, Rome is the capital city of Italy. From those researches, Italy is one of the countries to do international business with whole of the Europe countries. 4. Recommendation for doing Global Business in Italy This part will give the recommendations for doing business in Italy according to its culture of history, geography, language, education, religion, social structure, political, and economic philosophy. 4.

Respect Different cultural customs Although, it is 96% of them are native Italians and speak Italian, but they may have different mother tongue or dialect and culture customs. Therefore, we have to respect each of them accordingly. To an international business, knowing the local culture is as knowing the needs of the local people. If you can provide the thing to that area’s people, you will have business opportunity. 4. 2 Well-managed Cross Culture Management There are cultural conflicts between cultures. Therefore, international businessmen need to understand the difference and culture conflicts between each of them.

Hence, the cross culture management needs to be created and studied by businessman and his staffs. Because you will have contact with local staff and customers, developing a well-managed cross culture management will help the stabilization of the employees and increase your business market share. 4. 3 Follow the religion characteristics of Roman Catholic As we know that the Roman Catholic is one of the largest and biggest religion in Italy, and Italy is the culture centre of Europe. To follow the Roman Catholic characteristics is one of the best and fastest ways to fit into global international business to the local ND the whole Europe.

If you can put your business to fit into the Roman Catholic quickly, your business can be accepted by the Roman Catholics easily. According to the culture study and analysis, I have understood the Italy culture differences to do global business. Therefore, I have learnt the repetitions of respecting the Italians. I have acknowledged the cultural intelligence is one of the important factors to bring the successful international business. This essay have gone through the characteristics of languages of Italy,

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