PMP critique Assignment

PMP critique Assignment Words: 957

Answers Keller excess Depths Quote excess Papaya Mondale excess 1. 0 Executive summary This project plan was given by Ecological Foot Print Inc. For “Us Ecological Foot Print App” developing. This project is to design a mobile-based application that runs both android and ISO mobiles. And the delivered application should also be able to make any upcoming changes in the future.

The deliverables required from this application are to help people live and work more sustainable by setting targets for achieving greenhouse gas savings through individual self-motivation and help a better environment. The ultimate aim of the project Is to have a better quality of life by setting goals that every individual should be able to meet. Measurement tools, In the app will help individuals to compare the Impacts that different satellites or everyday decisions might have, whether they take place In the home, school or office, or In managing an event.

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The app will allow Individuals to Investigate areas related o food, travel, power usage, and other factors such as use of shopping bags, recycling etc. This application will utilize the data regarding the areas weather conditions. Sheldon Cooper Is the CEO of the project. Leonard and Sheldon are the joint sponsors of the project. The allocated budget of the project is $150,000 and the of February 2014 and scheduled completion date is on sixth of May 2014.

The minimum required deliverables for the project are: Project Initiation Project Charter Kick-off meeting minutes Project Planning Scope Statement Work Breakdown Structure (WEBS) Schedule (Giant chart) Network Diagram Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) Risk Management Plan Detailed Budget Project Executing Product related deliverables Project Controlling Milestone report Weekly status reports Weekly team meeting minutes Change Requests Project deliver 2. 1 Introduction 2. 2 Name Us Ecological Foot Print App 2. Description The aim of the project is to design an android and ISO based application to help people live and work more sustainable by setting targets for achieving greenhouse gas savings through individual self-motivation and help a better environment. Victoria is high in using the natural resources and emitting carbon dioxide levels, so he aim of this app is to allow individuals to investigate areas related to food, travel, power usage, and other factors such as use of shopping bags, recycling etc. The app will utilize data regarding an individual’s city weather conditions.

Individuals will be compared to those of their state, country and the world. With the use of this application, people should live and work more sustainable by setting targets for achieving greenhouse gas savings through individual behavior modification and indirectly through other peoples’ or organizations behaviors which can be influenced. The allocate budget and time is $1 50,000 and four months respectively. 2. 4 Sponsor details: Sheldon Cooper CEO, Big sang Inc. Melbourne 3000 Phone: 0401234567 e-mail: csheldon@bigbang. Com. U Leonard Hovercrafts Director, Mobile Development 301 global shine Phone: 0401234568 e-mail: hleonard@mobdev. Com. AU Project manager and team members: The project consists of a project manager, two programmers and a digital image specialist that work on the application. Their details are as given below: Name Role Played Contact Details Andy Project Manager Ph: 0400000001 andy@ecofootprint. Com Answers Keller Programmer Ph: 0400000002 annu@ecofootprint. Com Depths Quote Image specialist Ph: 0400000003 deepu@ecofootprint. Com Papaya Mondale Ph: 0400000004 pappy@ecofootprint. Com 2. Deliverables: Software: Fully functional Android and ISO based application that lets users compare the impacts that different activities or everyday decisions might have, whether they take place in the home, school or office, or in managing an event. The app will provide individuals with an overall ranking in terms of food, travel, shelter, and goods and services, and advice around these. 2. 6 References: Scalable, K. (2006). Information technology project management, (4th De. ). Cambridge,MA: Course Technology De Never, Loch $ Pick 2002 Definitions: decompose the tasks into smaller components.

Giant Chart: It is a bar chat used to illustrate the project schedule with start and finish dates. Network Diagram: Network diagram in a project involves sequence of steps represented in blocks linked sequentially according to the dependencies. Responsibility assignment matrix (RAM): Used to clarify roles and responsibilities of each member involved in the project. Project Charter: It is a statement of scope, objectives and participants in a project. Identifies stakeholders, and defines authority of Project Manager.

Project Management Plan (PM): It s a document that consists of project planning, assumptions, communication, schedule, budget etc. Software Development Life Cycle (OSDL): Describes the process of planning, analyzing, designing, testing and maintenance of an IT project. 3. 0 Organization: 3. 1 Organizational Charts: Ecological Footprint Inc. Barnett Rosenstein Ski-Willowiest Ecological Footprint (Project Manager) Amy Affray Fowler (Green House Gas specialist consultant) 3. 2 Project Responsibilities: See Appendix A – Responsibility Assignment Matrix . 3 External interfaces: Hardware Provider: Apple store www. Apple. Com. AU pH: 03 9300 0000 Kevin Susann (user representative- ecological footprint) e-mail: skevin@ecofootprint pH: 0409999999 4. 0 Management and Technical Processes 4. 1 Management Objectives The Senior Management of Ecological foot print Inc. , have identified the need for help people live a sustainable life and has allocated $1 50,000 for its development. This app will be mobile based that will run on phones and androids and will help people to set targets for achieving Green house gas savings. The senior management of Ecological foot print Inc. Just at least include measurement tools that will help individuals to compare the impacts their different activities or everyday decisions, whether they take place at the home, school or office, or in managing an event. The app should allow individuals to investigate areas related to food, travel, power usage, and other factors such as use of shopping bags, recycling etc. And must also utilize the data regarding the area’s weather conditions. 4. 2 Project Controls To manage and monitor the status and progress of the project, several documents have been developed.

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