PLP Five Capabilities Task Assignment

PLP Five Capabilities Task Assignment Words: 729

Task Description: You need to use a mixture of written and visual information to express/ demonstrate your understanding of EACH capability. There needs to be 1 x A4 page for each capability. Use the guiding questions to assist you with what information to include. The most important section is the question, “How does this capability link to your personal or learning goals. ” This task has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the following Learning Requirements and Assessment design Criteria: Learning Requirements

Know and understand the five capabilities Identify, explore, and develop personal and learning goals, and strategies to achieve them Select and develop at least one capability relevant to achieving their goals Assessment Design Criteria Specific Features Understanding the Capabilities UCI – Understanding and explaining the five capabilities. Developing Personal and Learning goals DP2 – Developing the selected capability or capabilities relevant to achieving their goals COMMUNICATION WHAT do you understand about the communication capability? Definitions must be in your own words. WHAT examples of the communication capability have you explored?

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HOW is it relevant to your personal and learning goals? WHAT have you done that might show development of this capability? The communication capability represents the ability to do public speaking, and interact with others using skills such as speaking and listening. I have explored some aspects of communication at work where I work in retail and am constantly communicating with customers and the other people I work with. I also used a fair amount of communication at work experience where sked the vets and nurses a variety of questions while trying to understand the tasks performed in that career.

Communication is an important capability that is needed for my future as it is needed for future job interviews and when I go to university as it miscommunication could lead to me struggling with assignments. At the beginning of the year I struggled a lot with communication and misunderstood quite a bit but through talking more and asking more questions have improved my communication skills. EXAMPLES: I organised work experience at a Vet clinic through emails, phone calls and a isit to the clinic.

Job interview Course counselling interviews Part time work Work experience at Pet Universe Vet Clinic PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT WHAT do you understand about the personal development capability? Definitions must be in your own words. WHAT examples of the personal development capability have you explored? HOW is it relevant to your personal and learning goals? Personal development is how I have grown as a person and how I continue to grow. Personal development can include such things as academic growth, managing time better, and basically anything that gives you a clearer idea on ou and your future. ave been trying new things to help me develop into a better person such as trying to organise my study time better and have a career plan. My personal development continuing to grow will help me have the best chance in the future. During my work experience discovered that I am capable of handling situations involving blood and surgical procedures. Career counselling interview Talking to Career experts at the Expo Asking questions at work experience Organising Work Experience with plenty of time through an email which lead o a phone call which lead to me going into the clinic to hand in the forms.

Job interviews CITIZENSHIP WHAT do you understand about the citizenship capability? Definitions must be in your own words. WHAT examples of the citizenship capability have you explored? HOW is it relevant to your personal and learning goals? WHAT have you done that might show development Of this capability? Citizenship is where you Paid and un-paid work Volunteering Organising [involvement in a fund raiser Out of school activities – sport, music, drama, clubs

SRC elections School leadership Peer Support programs Contributing to a household – babysitting, chores, Caring for others LEARNING WHAT do you understand about the Learning capability? Definitions must be in your own words. WHAT examples of the Learning capability have you Future Problem Solving / Tournament of the Minds activities Preparing for mid-year examinations Improving ICT skills – learning a new application Debriefing Term / Semester reports Learning new skills at Work Experience New skills related to Personal and Learning goals

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