Philosophy Of Education Assignment

Philosophy Of Education Assignment Words: 1079

Philosophy of Education Rough Draft Instructions Overview For this assignment, you will create d rough draft of your personal philosophy of education. Throughout your teaching career, your philosophy of education will help gulled your choices and methods when working with young children. The final draft will be due at the end of this course. Instructions 1 . Read “Developing a Philosophy of Education” on pages 28 to 30 of the e-Text On Implausibly) to help you develop a rough draft of your own personal Philosophy of Education. 2.

To begin drafting your Philosophy of Education, you will consider the questions provided by the author of our textbook on page 29. This Inlaid draft should be based your current thinking about educating young children and your knowledge and experiences so tar. It you haven’t yet worked directly with children, consider your own experiences as a child and/or your experiences with children in your family. Additionally, thinking about questions you currently have about the field of Early Childhood Education will help guide your learning In this class.

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You will continue to refine and develop your philosophy over the course of this class as well as through he rest of your professional development and career In the field of Early childhood Education. 3. Complete the Philosophy of Education template attached to this dropped and submit it back to this dropped by the deadline. See the Schedule In the Start Here! Module for dues dates and the Philosophy of Education Rough Draft Rubric attached to this dropped for grading information. Due Date June 8, 2015 11:59 PM Philosophy of Education Rough Draft Template Respond to the following prompts.

If you don’t currently have an answer to the prompt, write down some questions that you’d like to explore related to the topic: 1 I live the purposes of education are…. To establish a core sense of well-being in students and instill the Joy of learning through successes and failures. 2. I believe that children learn best when they are taught under certain conditions and learn in certain ways. Some of these arena.. Creativity and sell-expression: art Is sell-correcting and only the creator can tell when Its finished; self-expression transcends core communication as we all do not use the same voice or terms to tell the same story 3.

The curriculum, all of the activities and experiences of my classroom, should Include certain ‘basics’ that contribute to children’s social, emotional, Intellectual, and physical development. These basics include…. Living laboratories using food and art and construction and volunteerism as vehicles to validate knowledge learned and 1 Off lacking. 4. Children learn best in an enriched environment that is healthy, respectful, and challenging. Features off good learning environment are….

Clean, well-lighted place for books, solo and communal meeting places, interactive tools and technology stations, art gallery and food zones. We will have etiquette with each other and a safe ND consistent group conscious. 5. Children live and breathe in a technological age. My feelings about integrating technology in my teaching include…. A brief knowledge base as to what tech is out there, but more focused in the hands-on/can-do methods. Using tech as enrichment to activity, not as the activity; I would never use computers to play BINGO on a class level, but perhaps use a hand-held to soothe a child during solo play.

I would use audio reading with paper page turning. I would use music (vinyl records) to enhance cerebral thinking and graphics to enhance another media, like collage or puppetry. 6. All children have certain needs that must be met if they are to grow and learn at their best. Some of these basic needs are…. Food, clothes, Jacket, shoes, hygiene, toothbrush, pillow, notebooks, pencils, reading books, conversation, safety, security, leadership, self-expression, self-worth, sense of well-being. 7. Some ways I can meet children’s needs are….

Using my creativity to integrate basic needs into basic curriculum teaching math, science, literacy, social skills, and leadership skills. And using my vast creative people resources to integrate the Joy of learning into the Joy of living, teaching basic needs tit sharing and workshop curriculum. And using my constant supply of art materials to integrate the physical actions to the cerebral lessons. 8. All teachers should have certain qualities and behave in certain ways. Qualities I think are important for teaching are….

Leadership, listening, patience, humor, fertilization, action, courage, creativity, drama, professionalism, silliness, fairness, gratitude, sharing, caring, and more patience. Love and understanding are also good to have. Curiosity, empathy, open-mindedness, intelligence, integrity, sense of accomplishment, passion, commitment, drive, duty, sensibility, herding skills, cooking ND baking, love for nature, nurturing, untiring, collaborative, innovative, respectful, instructional, informative, challenging, inclusive, did I say ‘patience’.

Based on your responses to these prompts, draft Philosophy of Education Statement that includes the following criteria: Your beliefs about how children develop and learn What and how you believe children should be taught. Links to your responses to the above prompts : “Often the usual way of teaching is to bawl into a pupil’s ears as if one were pouring water into a funnel, and the child’s business is simply to repeat what (they) are told.

Wouldn’t it be better to amend this state of things, and begin straight away to exercise ten mina ten teacher Is trailing, according to Its capacities’ Nine teacher should make (their) pupil taste things, select them, and distinguish them by (the pupil’s) own powers of perception. Sometimes (the teacher) should prepare the way for the pupil, sometimes let the pupil do so for (themselves). The teacher should not start everything and do all the talking, but give (their) pupil a turn and listen to (them). ” This statement was taken with adjustment from an essay by Michel De Montage, written during the sass’s.

I find it incredibly well written, still true in 201 5 and speaks to my philosophy perfectly. As I am not sure that a conventional school district would appreciate my beliefs, I do know I can still teach through unconventional methods. I am a social entrepreneur and a community artist who will begin her own thing to help the youth of Pueblo and beyond gain a greater sense of well-being. My philosophy is that “children who are treated as interesting individuals with minds of their own will react by trying to prove that they are intelligent and that they are individuals” (Emily Post, 1969).

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