Ninth Grade English Assignment

Ninth Grade English Assignment Words: 1877

Read the following submission instructions: Electronic Submission Please keep In mind that you must submit your assignments electronically. This not only leads to fewer lessons being lost, but you will also receive your grade and assignment feedback sooner. This template will help you submit your assignments for Portfolio Assignment 1. I have included the Checklist in this template to help remind you of the assignments you must submit for this portfolio. Complete your assignments within this document, one by one, and keep it saved on your computer desktop. Make sure you backup this document regularly to make sure that none of your work Is lost. ) A place for each assignment Is provided on Its own separate page with Instructions. When you have finished all of the assignments from Lessons 1-2, please label the Portfolio Assignment 1 document like this: Harassment Portfolio Note: Please save your document as either a . DOC or . RTF (rich text format) file. Submit this document through the Portfolio Assignment 1 Submission link in the course.

Portfolio Assignment 1 Checklist: Chart of Commonly Misused Words-?Part I (lesson 1) History Ideas Brainstorming Chart (lesson 2) Personal History Entry Written in First Person (lesson 2) Personal History Entry Written in Third Person (lesson 2) (Lesson 1) 35 points Word Part of Speech Noun, verb, adverb, adjective, contraction, etc. ) Definition Sentence Example: Its Pronoun belonging to or relating to something that has already been mentioned Example: The cat chased its tail. It’s Possessive Something that belongs to someone. It’s my last piece of bacon. Whose belonging to or associated with which person.

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Whose round is it? Who’s Contraction Contraction to who is or who has. Who is there? Possessive case of you used as an attribution adjective. Your Jacket is in the closet. You’re Contraction to you are You’re so tall. Their determiner Belonging to or associated with the people or things previously mentioned or easily identified. Her taunts had lost the power to affect their egos. They’re Contraction to they are They’re all so great. There adverb in, at, or to that place or position. I want to go sit over there. TO perception expressing motion in the direction of I’m going to walk down to the mall. Umber equivalent to the sum of one and one I have two dollars to spend. Too to a higher degree than is desirable, permissible, or possible Only schools wastes too much of my time Were verb past ad singular, past plural, or past subjunctive of be We were on vacation last week We’re Contraction to we are We’re going to have fun this weekend. Our Belonging to or associated with the speaker and one or more other people previously mentioned or easily identified. Matt and I had our fun for the day. Hour noun a period of time equal to a twenty-fourth part of a day and night and divided into 60 minutes.

How many more hours until schools over? Are 2nd person singular present and 1st, 2nd, 3rd person plural present of be. We are finally going home. For preposition with the object or purpose of I need money for food. Fore adjective situated or placed in front. America was created by our fore fathers. Four Number Equivalent to two and two I have four hours left to spend on homework. Allusion An expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly. An allusion to Shakespeare. Illusion a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses The illusion is messing with me head.

A lot pronoun a large number or amount, a great deal There are a lot of actors in the cast. Give or apportion to someone as a share or task. Equal time was allotted to each team. Personal History Ideas Brainstorming Chart (Lesson 2) 30 points Remember to include at least 10 different ideas for your personal history stories/ entries. You must STAR (*) or highlight the idea you have chosen for the personal history story you submit in this portfolio (remember that you will write about the same topic in both first and third person). In each box, write one or two lines about each idea) My trip to Cab Mexico, where I went fishing and spent time with relatives. Football, I have been playing for over eight years now and still love the sport. My vacation to Hawaii, where I went deep sea fishing and went shopping. Basketball, I have been playing since I was young and haven’t thought about quitting yet. When I moved states and had to make new friends. Moving up from middle school to high school. Joining the baseball team, I Joined last year and can’t get enough. When I got my first Oxbow, I would not leave my room or do my homework.

When I got my first car, I could finally go where I want when I wanted. (Lesson 2) 50 points This assignment must be TYPED It should be at least 500 words in length It should be labeled “LESSON 2-?First Person” It should also have a title LESSON 2-?Fits person My Trip to Cab San Lucas When I turned fifteen years old, for my birthday I went on the vacation of a life time. On this trip I had some of the best times of my life. My family and I went to so many places and did so many things that I will never forget this vacation. We went deep sea fishing, snorkeling, banana boating, and much more.

None of these activities would be as much fun as they were without my family with me. One of the best feelings is once you get off the airplane and feel the hot air, it feels resort the smell of the scented candles smell so good that I don’t care about waiting to get the keys to the room. After going up the elevator to the room and we walk into the condo the view is remarkable. I can see the beach, resort, and all the famous restaurants and bars. Once I am unpacked the first thing I always do is Jump into the pool and order a tropical smoothie, then I tried to stay in the shade and not get sun burned because I had a long trip ahead of me.

Going to the beach is great, there are so many things to do out at the beach. Me, my dad and my uncle rode the banana boat until my dad fell off on a giant wave. We changed clothes and met my uncle’s friend who owns a boat to snorkel on. Against my will I Joined them, I had a pretty good time until my dad got stung by a Jelly fish. I id not want to be next so we headed back to the resort to get dressed for dinner. Getting around town was easy with so many taxis, the first night we had sushi to be prepared for the fish we were going to catch the next day.

After dinner I went to bed early so I could wake up early for fishing. After getting to the dock and waiting for the boat captain I am amazed at the size of the boat, I have never been fishing in a qualified yacht before. Once were around the fish the workers cast out and we wait. Seeming like ages we finally had the first fish on the line and me being the youngest I got the first fish, a yellow fin tuna. Many hours went by of catching fish until our arms were too tired. When we finally got back to the resort I fell asleep in my room from being so tired.

I would recommend to any one Cab San Lucas as a great vacation spot. The only hassle is the time spent flying and in the airports, but anything that’s this good is worth it. Next time I go to Cab San Lucas I will have even more fun and get to do way more things. Personal History Story Written in Third Person It should be labeled “LESSON 2-?Third Person” IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember a main requirement of the first two personal history entries is that they are the same story, Just told from two different points of view. You will not receive credit for these entries unless this point of view requirement is fulfilled.

LESSON 2-?Third person My Trip to Cab San Lucas When Michael turned fifteen some of the best times of my life. His family and him went to so many places and did so many things that they will never forget this vacation. They went deep sea fishing, snorkeling, banana boating, and much more. None of these activities would be as much fun as they were without his family with me. Amazing compared to the cold damp climate of Washington. When he enters the resort, the smell of the scented candles smell so good that he doesn’t care about waiting to get the keys to the room.

After going up the elevator to the room and they walk into the condo the view is remarkable. You can see the beach, resort, and all the famous restaurants and bars. Once unpacked the first thing he always does is Jump into the pool and order a tropical smoothie, then try to stay in the shade and not get sun burned because he had a long trip ahead of me. Going to the beach is great, there are so many things to do out at the beach. Michael, is dad and uncle rode the banana boat until his dad fell off on a giant wave. They changed clothes and met his uncle’s friend who owns a boat to snorkel on.

Against his will he Joined them, he had a pretty good time until his dad got stung by a Jelly fish. He did not want to be next so they headed back to the resort to get dressed for dinner. Getting around town was easy with so many taxis, the first night they had sushi, to be prepared for the fish we were going to catch the next day. After dinner he went to bed early so he could wake up early for fishing. After getting to the dock and waiting for the boat captain he was amazed at the size f the boat, he have never been fishing in a qualified yacht before.

Once they’re around the fish the workers cast out and they wait. Seeming like ages they finally had the first fish on the line and him being the youngest, he got the first fish, a yellow fin tuna. Many hours went by of catching fish until their arms were too tired. When they finally got back to the resort he fell asleep in my room from being so tired. Michael would recommend to any one Cab San Lucas as a great vacation spot. The only worth it. Next time he goes to Cab San Lucas he will have even more fun and get to do way more things.

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