My Perspective On Writing Assignment

My Perspective On Writing Assignment Words: 931

I can not express my thoughts on the topic ‘writing’ without stating how much I love to read (fiction, novels, thrillers). I had no idea how much efforts and pain the writers must have undergone to get the book out. Now, I know differently; writing is hard, the process of putting thoughts, Ideas and plot on paper while keeping the coherence of the piece. You can take my word for it, I will appreciate my novels differently. I will savour and enjoy them like fine wine because the process is no less tasking.

Organization is my major challenge with the writing process; ho w to tie the writing together in the introduction, ma in body and conclusion and still get the message across . I have other issues such as grammar ,pu nctuation which also need to be addressed . The challenge of poor organization can not be discussed if my manner and process of writing is not highlighted . Instances where I had to write anything ,I just jumped on the topic, my first draft was the final and only draft . To be fair, this process has delivered both sides of the coin i. e some good writing and some bad ones too.

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I edited as I wrote and this led to a draft with no value left . My write up lacks organization , that seamless logical flow of paragraph and sentences which make a coherent piece. The natural flowing passages are not God given rights of writers but needs to be earned like most good things in life. A problem identified is half solved thus; the problem of poor organization ,lac k of coherence in my writing process can be traced to my method of writing . The despair associated with a writing assignment , the first and final draft syndrome and the rush to deliver paper within the deadline all contribute to my method.

This method is inefficient as the essay always seems disjointed . A variety of new and improved ways of writing are in circulation . Some of my new resolutions on writing methods are adapted from Alex Johnson’s ‘ Bad Morning ‘There are five stages in writing claims Alex Johnson . Each of the stages solves one of my bad traits . The “ruminate” stage involves thinking about the topic which should lead to new insights and perspective on the topic . “Ruminate “stage can be likened to planning which route to take before the journey commences . I want to take time out to ponder before writing any essay.

The despair associated with a writing assignment is solved with this stage. “Generate ” stage is the time I will use to jot down the ideas ,thoughts and perspective accquired in the first stage . If the example of journey is followed, this is the point where the alternative routes are considered. I really believe in this stage and have decided to make a habit of having pencil and paper handy. The ideas might be random and scattered but I can always go back to the jottings and put them in some order . Outline stage is numerical numbering of the jottings in a logical sequence.

If the journey example is continued ,’Mapquest’ of the chosen route is printed. The poor organization is dealt with in this stage as the outline allows the essay to be coherent ; each part flowing into each other . The techniques for this stage are many and varied ,flow charts . flash cards . diagrams etc. The effort spent on this stage is always rewarded at the end of the writing. The time spent putting a sequence to the ideas allows order and organization in the essay . This stage allows the ideas , thoughts on the writing to be transferred to paper in a rough outline format .

The first draft is the next stage . Anne Lamont from ‘Bird by Bird believes that the first draft will be shitty while Alex Johnson informs that getting it perfect is not the aim of the stage . All these suggestion show that first as final draft syndrome is not the right way. The preceding three stages all contribute to the drafting stage . It is easier now and the realization that it is not expected to be perfect ,makes a difference . The idea is to get a thesis or the main idea on which the piece will be centered around. I will no longer use my first draft as final syndrome again .

I will use the stage to expand on my thesis or main idea . My constant editing on this stage will be discontinued . I am free and permitted to write a ‘shitty first draft’ and this takes the pressure off. Revision is the last of the Alex Johnson’s five stages of writing ,my punctuation and grammar issues can be handled by the stage . The revision is to be encompassing . All aspects of the essay are checked . The errors that were accepted from first draft are corrected . The structure of the essay is revised as new insight on the topic might be gained .

It is where the first draft is polished into the final draft. My punctuation and grammar will improve significantly by using Hacker, Diana. A Writer’s Reference. In conclusion , my writing will be greatly improved by the steps highlighted above . Each stage is important and contributes to a fine essay ;one which is coherent and can get the message across to the audience. If any of my writing could achieve this feat ,my aim in the English Composition class would have been achieved . I know I will probably derive as much satisfaction and sense of achievement as all the other writers get .

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