Managerial Finance Syllabu Assignment

Managerial Finance Syllabu Assignment Words: 1308

The instructor cannot guess what a tuned does not understand. The instructor expects and appreciates students’ questions. Students who ask the most questions in class often get the highest grades. COURSE ATTENDANCE and PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR Attendance is mandatory. Being on time and prepared to do your Job is a key business behavior. This is a business course and so it requires a business-like approach to attendance, fulfilling assignments, meeting deadlines, conducting respectful and professional conversations, and handing in homework. Attendance Students need to be in their seats ready to answer the roll call by the beginning of class.

Each class in a business program is like a business meeting. Attendance will be taken during each session. Students who miss 4 hours of instruction in a course may have their grade lowered by one letter grade. For example, an A grade will be lowered to a B. Students who miss an additional 4 hours of instruction may have their grade lowered another full grade. For example, a B grade will be lowered to a C. Students who miss 12 or more hours of instruction will fail the course. Class Participation The instructor expects students to focus on in-class exercises and lectures and make an effort to understand the point of the lecture or exercise.

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If the instructor finds students sleeping in class, chatting loudly with classmates, reading books from other classes, or spending class time to do something other than participating actively in what is planned for the class that day, the instructor may deduct points from the student’s final grade and/or expel the student from the class. Academic Honesty Academic honesty is very important to Kaka College. All written work must meet the standards of work for students at Kaka College, set by the faculty.

Plagiarism (the use of another’s material without citation or reference) will not be tolerated. Cheating on exams or copying parts of other’s assignments will result in a ‘O’ grade for that assignment for all parties involved. That means both the person who copies from another student and the person who allows their work to be copied may receive a ‘O’ grade. Cheating on a final exam or final project can result in a student receiving an “F” for the course. The instructor may also officially notify the university that students were caught cheating and identify the names of the cheaters.

Examples of cheating are: Having a tutor or friend complete all or a portion of an assignment Having any other errors make revisions to a student’s final work Copying work submitted by another student Using information from online information services without proper citation Completing a test with answers other than the student’s own Using a cell phone to receive text answers during an exam Using a cell phone to text a friend about the questions on an exam Writing information on a desk to use in an exam Using an electronic translator to store information for an exam Bringing notes of any sort into an exam unless authorized by the instructor Attempting to buy an exam Other efforts to use other people’s work instead of one’s own work Appendix A College Vision, Mission & Program Outcomes To be renowned as a global leader in comprehensively integrating liberal arts, digital technologies, experiential learning, and professional practice. To create exemplary citizens and leaders to serve the nation and the world of the 21st century.

We provide a transformational liberal arts-based education, strengthened by experiential learning that challenges students to develop their intellectual curiosity and to realize, with purpose and integrity, their full personal and professional potential. On successful completion of the Kaka College B. S. M. Degree a student will be able to demonstrate mastery of the following Program Outcomes: 1 . Functional Components of a Business: Identify and define the functional components of a business (management, accounting, marketing, finance, human resources, and economics) and their interrelationships. 2. Critical Thinking: Demonstrate the ability to apply critical thinking and decision-making skills across the functional components of a business. 3.

Written & Verbal Communication: Demonstrate the ability to express homeless clearly, concisely, and logically through effective oral and written communication. 4. Information Technology: Demonstrate the ability to utilize current technology to maximize managerial effectiveness in the achievement of tactical and strategic objectives. 5. Applied Business Skills: Demonstrate applied business skills in their chosen areas of concentration. FIN 312 Financial Management will address the following Program Outcomes: 1, In addition this course will address all student learning outcomes for the course. Appendix B Essay Presentation and Paper Guidelines and Grading Rubrics

Overview An effective way to help you learn about financial management concepts is the actual analysis of a NC’ annual reports’ financial statements and risk management. This project is designed to walk you through such a task. The class will be divided into groups (5 students maximum per group). Once groups have been created select a multinational corporation. You are required to submit the following essay: Financial Analysis of Financial Statements 1. A presentation: 50 points 2. Final Paper: 50 points Your contributions to this project will be graded both individually. Further, the allowing outlines what must be included in each assignment, however, you can be creative and add more information if necessary.

You will be graded based on the following criteria: Use of analytical financial management concepts. Degree to which information was sought and attained. Quality of suggestions. Quality of writing. Objectives Financial Analysis of Financial Statements The Essay Presentation and Paper will include a discussion of the following: Discuss the type of business organization of your company Discuss the organizational financial structure of your company in relation to the total Meany’s organizational structure Discuss the types of securities of your company Discuss the following financial statements: Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash Flow Statement Corporate Taxes 1.

A presentation (after chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4): 50 points 2. Final Paper (after chapter 7 and 8): 50 points Essay Paper: In addition to the interim and final presentations, you are required to submit a comprehensive written paper. Your paper will include all the topics listed in the interim and final presentation sections, above. Additionally, your paper must use Times New Roman 12 point font, be double-spaced, have I-inch margins, and all references should be cited using PAP format. The full marketing plan should be a minimum of 12 pages in length. Further, your paper must include a cover sheet and a reference page. Any paper popularized will receive a zero grade.

Rubric for Essay Presentation and Paper Critical Elements Not Evident Basic Proficient Distinguished Company’s Financial Background (15) Fails to provide background information on company’s finance and the main topics (0-4) Briefly describes background information on company’s finance and the main topics (5-10) Provides a good overview of company’s finance and the main topics (11-13) Provides a comprehensive overview of company’s finance and the main topics (14-15) Analysis of the Main Elements (40) Fails to present an in-depth analysis of the main elements (0-10) Briefly presents an in-depth analysis of the main elements (11-20) Presents an in-depth analysis of the main elements (21-30) Presents an in-depth analysis of the main elements; well-defined context from a multiple perspectives (31-40) Mechanics (15) Major errors related to organization, grammar, and style.

Some errors related to organization, grammar, and style. Minor errors related to organization, grammar, and style. No errors related to organization, grammar, and style. (14-15) PAP Citation (10) None of the sources are accurately documented in PAP format. (0-2) Some sources are not accurately documented in PAP format. (3-5) All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented, but many are not in PAP format. (6-8) All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented in PAP format. (9-10) Application of theory, scholarly resources, and course concepts (20) Fails to utilize scholarly resources, apply theory or course concepts

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