Maketing summary Assignment

Maketing summary Assignment Words: 1318

Tutorial Attendance and Participation – All students are expected to attend ALL tutorial sessions and participate actively during tutorial sessions. You must have valid excuses for missing tutorials, You should be present in class to personally hand in your individual assignment to the tutor. You can only participate actively if you prepare the tutorial assignments diligently, Those who are naturally shy/quiet should use this as a platform to learn to overcome their inhibitions and volunteer their views.

Students who fail to participate satisfactorily in class may fail or even get zero mark for this component. The first tutorial in Week 1 or 2 is especially important and during that class, you Will be informed about your individual assignment and you will be formed into your group for the group assignment. Please make arrangements to make sure you are present for the first tutorial class. 2. Subject Pool – Students taking this course are required to participate in research projects.

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This requirement serves two purposes: (1) to help you gain a better understanding of how academic research is carried out at tertiary institutions, and (2) to provide honors, masters and doctoral students as well as research faculty members in Marketing with access to data to complete their research projects. You need to contribute 3 hours four time to fulfill this requirement and get full marks tort this component. We will prorate the marks for students who serve less than the required number of hours. Each study is conducted in blocks of 30 minutes (e. G. , half hour study, one hour study).

Some studies are conducted in installment. These studies will require that you attend several sessions that are conducted over a span of a few weeks. You will be given credit for the study only if you attend all the sessions. You are advised to sign up for sessions you are able to attend. Please mark down on your schedule those sessions you have signed up and do turn up for those sessions. Penalty will be imposed on those who have signed up but failed o attend those sessions, unless valid excuses (for example illness evidenced with medical certificates) are provided.

You are advised to plan carefully so you can turn up for the sessions PUNCTUALLY. Once a session has commenced, the administrator for the research study may not allow you to join in the study and you may be marked as absent for the session. For subject pool matters, please contact Ms Wang Kim Fond (Moocher Ready Building 8121-08-23; mktwkf@nus. Du. So, 6516-3463) directly. If you wish to not participate in subject pool studies, you have to send an email to the course coordinator (bizlaugt@nus. Du. G) by 22 August 2014 to request to be excused from subject pool and to complete an alternative assignment instead. You will then be given an assignment by 27 August 2014 and that assignment will be due 30 September 2014. It you have not informed the course coordinator by 22 August 2011 that you want to be excused from subject pool studies, then it will be assumed that you are participating in the subject pool studies for the 10 marks. You will then not be allowed to choose to do the alternative assignment when you fail to sign up and participate in sufficient subject pool studies. 3.

Individual Assignment – 15% Each student Will be assigned one case study for individual assignment. The assignment (written report) is due during the specific tutorial class when the assigned case Will be covered. The report should be typewritten (single spacing, maximum 5 pages) and submitted in hard copy (printed on white paper, single or double sided as you prefer, and stapled properly at top left corner; no need for folders or files) personally to the tutor during the appropriate tutorial class. 4. Group Assignment. 15% The tutor will divide students into groups of four to eight students.

Each group as to select an Asian company (registered and headquartered in an Asian country) and collect secondary data (library and web research) to examine the following: a. History, management structure, resources, capabilities, and performance of the company. B. Markets (countries and customer groups) served and products & services offered by the company _ c. Select a product or brand offered by the company and carry out the following: i. Incommensurately analysis for the product or brand. IL Market and industry analysis for the product or brand, iii. Competitive analysis for the product or brand. . Customer analysis and segmentation for the product or brand. V. Marketing objectives of company for the product or brand. Vi. Marketing strategy and marketing mixes Of company for the product or brand. Vii_ Performance Of the product or brand in the marketplace. D. Evaluate and assess the marketing strategy and mixes Of the company. E. Provide recommendations and suggestions for improvements. Each group Will be given maximum of 15 minutes (maximum 15 powering slides excluding cover slide) for their presentation during the tutorial session (either Tutorial 3, 4 or 5) assigned by the tutor.

You should be present in class when your group is presenting the group assignment or you may bring down your own grade for the group assignment. The report should be typewritten (single spacing, maximum 15 pages; printed on white paper, single or double sided as you prefer, and stapled properly at top left corner; no need for folders or tiles) and submitted in hard copy to the tutor during Tutorial 5 class. Criteria for grading: a. Project oral presentation (10%) b. Professionalism of report formatting and presentation (10%) c. Quality and depth of analysis covered in points (a) to (c) (50%) d.

Quality and creativity of evaluation and recommendations covered in points (d) and (e) (30%) You have to read the text chapters ahead of the lectures to complete the group assignments. You need to apply some concepts before they are taught in the lectures. You can approach the lecturer or your tutor if you do not understand certain concepts you read in the chapters. Each student is expected to devote around 20 hours for this assignment. You are required to work with your group as a responsible team member and contribute sufficiently to this assignment and not be a free rider. 5. Final Examination – 50%

The final examination constitutes 50% of your grade and is a two-hour paper. It will cover the lecture notes and text chapters tort all topics that are listed under schedule in this course outline. The format of the examination will be closed book multiple choice questions. Expectations I _ Attend lectures and tutorials regularly. Be punctual for these sessions. Go to the tutorial class officially designated to you. You are not allowed to go to different tutorial groups during different weeks as the tutor in your designated tutorial group will be assessing your participation and grading your assignments. Complete all readings before coming to lectures and tutorials. Download and print a hard copy Of lecture notes before coming to lecture. 3. Complete all tutorial assignments before attending tutorials. 4. Pay full attention during lectures and tutorials. Switch Off all mobile phones, pagers, Pads, etc, during lectures and tutorials. Students are NOT allowed to operate their laptop or notebook computers or Pads during tutorials except for group presentations. 5. Hand up all individual and group assignments on time. Marks will be deducted for late submissions. 6.

All individual and group assignments handed up must be original work by the students. Anyone caught popularizing or engaging consultants to do their assignments will be reported to University Administration for disciplinary actions. The tutors reserve the right to conduct oral defense for individual or group work. 7 _ put in fair share of work for the group assignment, Do not be a free rider, Group members who encounter problematic individual members who do not turn up for discussion sessions or do their allocated share of work should report the matter to their tutors early.

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Maketing summary Assignment. (2021, Jun 11). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from