Magazines And Periodical Industry Analysis Assignment

Magazines And Periodical Industry Analysis Assignment Words: 2637

Assignment Industry Analysis Magazines and Periodicals Industry Industry Deflation What exactly Is the Magazine & Periodical Publishing Industry? How can this be defined? This industry produces and distributes magazines and periodicals in print and online. However, publishers that exclusively sell online magazines or periodicals are excluded from this industry: The Industry of the “Periodical Publishing” is defined by NAZIS 51 1 12: Periodical Publishing. “It says that firms/organizations that work in publishing periodicals, or the firm can be in publishing and printing periodicals.

These firms may perform various activities that will help them achieve publishing. But may or may not perform their own printing. The firms/organizations that do not publish periodicals but help in printing periodicals for publishers are also Included in the Periodical Publishing Industry”. As per the deflation all the establishments and firms coming under the above criteria will be deemed to be under the Industry of “Periodical Publishing” There are numerous sub-Industries which come under the broad umbrella of the periodical publishing they are: Sub- Industries

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The Subsidiaries come under the broad category of the Periodical Publishing and any firm that can be classified into the sub-industry below that will involve in publishing but not online publishing and printing. Comic books Magazines Statistical Reports Television Schedules Trade Journals The below pertains to the same type of organizations but are involved in both publishing and printing. Statistical reports Television schedules Media Industry-The Media industry is actually a super set of the publishing industry it consists of the Broadcasting & Cable TV, Publishing, Advertising and Movies &Entertainment.

It encompasses the entire media category under which the publishing is a part of the industry of the whole. Similar Industries: There are numerous similar industries to the Magazines and Periodicals the entire Media and Entertainment industry will come under the category of similar industry as they all cater to the same need of information/entertainment. It also includes the numerous other printing media industries and also the digital printing as the similar industries.

Thus we can see the similar industry for the publishing are the: 0 Broadcasting & Cable TV Advertising Movies& Entertainment. Digital Periodicals. Books Industry Radio Main Activities The major activities in the industry of periodical printing will the following: Content Generation Publishing Processing Distribution Value Chain for the Magazines and Periodicals Industry Origin Content Generation Origination of Story Lines Publish Acquiring Rights and Ownership Design Production and Promotion Raw Material Manufacturing Printing Materials. Reproduction Distribution to region wise. Management. Warehousing POS Point of sales to customers Retails Stores Stands The various process elements in the industry from the initial stage of content enervation to the publishing the final point of sales is shown above and the different tasks carried out by the individual activities is also explained. The activities are important as there is large deviation in the activities to be performed in the different players in the different aspects of the Value Chain Network.

For example a player will focus only on one of the aspects of the supply chain. Market Participants Content Generation/Origin: This phase of the supply chain is where the content generation and the story line for the content is originated. This is the content creation part were the firms get the intent from mostly the external sources these external sources are usually. Freelancers Journalists News Sources (Reuters) Photographers.

With the recent advent of social media and the digital age the sources of content origin have rapidly improved with numerous sources of articles, blobs, social media posts, social media viral news etc. Have now become included as a Market Participants Publishers/Aggressors: The players in this part of the value chain usually take part in the aggregation of the They collate the content obtained from the Journalist into the various categories such s the domestic news, sports news etc that are then published.

In case of magazines the various articles obtained in the initial phase through interviews etc. Are then collated into a magazine/periodical consisting of a certain type of items that will be relevant. Example- Sports a perfect example of this will be the fortnightly edition of sports it is a collection of articles and news pieces into a single edition of a magazine that will provide the user with an entire collection of Sports related news.

They get the rights from the various sources of the corresponding articles. Magazine Publishers Periodical Publishers Newspaper Publishers Websites Production: This phase consists of the production of the magazine done through the Printing Process. This is usually done by the publishers through in-house methods or through outsourced Printing Presses or through other publishers who have their own in- house printing facilities. Printing Press In-house Printing Facility Distribution: The Distribution of the printed periodicals is another part of the value chain that consists of the numerous players mainly the logistics and the numerous distributors in the various regions where the periodicals and magazines will be sent to them initially which they will be Warehoused and Stock Management and other inventory management activities will be taken care by the logistics that will have touch points to the numerous places such as the newsstands etc. Hat will be the point of sales location for the customers. Logistics Team Transport Services Warehousing/Stock Management. The Point of sales is essentially the Retailers for the magazines and the periodicals to which the previous value chain member provides the magazines. There is also another point of sales of the users subscribing to the periodicals by mail that will also increase the sales for the company. News Stand Multiplexes with stalls Supermarket Magazine Stalls Porter’s Five Forces Analysis- Threat of new entrants Low Bargaining power of suppliers Low.

Internal Rivalry Competition in the industry vary according to the positioning. Buyers High Threat of substitutes High . Threat of New Entrants: The magazine industry is almost in decline phase. The threat is low for established players with wide circulation. Since it is almost in the decline phase the there is less threat from new entrants. Competition in the industry varies according to the positioning. Magazine catering to niche market faces less competition. But the magazines positioned as broad nonuser magazine face huge competition within the industry as they are not focused.

Bargaining power of buyers: Bargaining power of buyers is high. The readers have cheaper option available in the digital space. Advertisers also have substitutes in the form of online marketing. The magazines have to convince their advertisers of the mass appeal and effectiveness of the printed advertisements. Bargaining power of suppliers: Bargaining power of suppliers is low as printers, newsprint manufacturers, Journalist etc, compete for the same business. But interviews or reports from famous personalities are expensive. Threat of substitutes: Threat of substitutes is high.

Substitutes are offering cheap channels of marketing to advertisers. And subscriber loyalty is eroding to online substitutes. Yet with magazines, advertisement can reach larger audiences. Barriers to entry in Magazine industry The magazine industry has low entry and exit barriers. But, there is strong competition for market share among the players in the industry. Cost Structure: Magazines are heavily dependent on advertisements to take care of costs and generate revenue. The new entrants to the industry are facing problems to generate adequate circulation to attract advertisers.

Reputation of established magazines: Many players are well established in their respective regions. It is difficult for new players to enter the market. Each of these players are constantly trying to increase its market dominance. Life Cycle of the product: Digital magazines are increasingly gaining popularity among the masses due to demographic shifts and other factors. As the printed magazines are in decline phase. So, new players are reluctant to enter this area. Superior technology and marketing strategies are the main drivers to capture market in this industry.

With the recent increase in the digital trend, The Publishing and the renters are faced with the threat of facing huge problems with deteriorating sales in the printing media this forced major players in the market to go into the digital trends themselves thus a strategy to be with the rise of technology and the latest trend is a mandate in this Industry. Key External drivers: Low subscription and increase in the use of e- resources have resulted in diminishing revenues for the magazine and periodical industry over the last five years.

The major drivers are E- Journals, online books, Virtual classes and online because it helps to save paper and is also hassle free. The availability of high speed internet has further proved to be hindrance for print media resulting in its reducing subscription. Nowadays people are opting for online subscriptions over hard copies. It is easy to carry on the go and there are no instances of lost information with online copies. Industry Outlook: Publishing is an activity of making information available to the general public.

There are cases in which the author may be the publisher, meaning the originators and publishers of the information, in other cases the originator may be an individual who asks or gives information to the publishers for publishing his content. The publishers may publish their contents on daily basis which is the daily papers of magazines or periodically which is termed as periodical publishing. The periodical publishing can also be classified into two types based on the publication charges, they are paid publishers and none paid publishers.

As the name indicates the publications which charge for their subscription are paid publishers and those who give it for free are non paid or free publications. Readership is estimated by two different surveys, The Indian Readership Survey (IRS) and the National Readership Survey (MRS.). The Indian publishing media is one among the largest in the world and the operations were started in Calcutta in 1780 through the publication of the Bengal Gazette. The first breakthrough came when stardust introduced brightly witty celebrity Journals in India which is followed by India Today which started the transformation of Indian Magazine industry.

The magazine industry in India is going through a tough phase with newspaper covering the earlier contents of the magazine as supplement to their main papers. Televisions channels have launched different genres that dint exist before. Even Hough the evolution of internet in the nation made the people be online there was still widespread demand for print and magazines to occupy the gaping market share which could not be satisfied by the online medium. They can also distribute the content on website to give the customer a choice to get the content anytime and anyplace.

The Indian Industry of the publications is much skewed with an estimate of around 49000 publications with majority of the players lacking technology, marketing and capital to grow which has led to the market being dominated by only a few leaders. The Times of India Group being the market leader. The Fragmentation of the industry is also due to the many regional languages being present in India. This Regional Language accounts for percent of the market share remaining percent is the Hindi publication and the percent English Publications.

The major penetration of English language magazines currently is in metros and urban centers and the growth is widening due to increase in literacy levels of the growing population. The major segment of the Indian publishing and magazine industry are Industry Products, Entertainment magazines, Academic and professional, Home and living magazines, General interest magazines and other periodicals. Industry Life Cycle: publishing industry is valued at around INNER 14 billion. The current periodical publishing industry shows decline and the INNER 14 billion seems to take a roller coaster ride.

The main reason being many prominent magazine houses is closed due to the evolution or movement towards digital media and other substitute sources of revenue generation. The other reason being weakening of Indian domestic currency contributing to high deficits, high inflation, interest rates and investment bottlenecks that prevents corporate and infrastructure growth. Hence the growth in the ageing industry over the next 5 years is expected to be around 3. 6 % of the total print industry.

Measures to Counter the Decline Phase To improve the readership industry is focused on content category magazine as it feels readers are interested in it and this could also be the revenue generating approach in the future. The industry is also increasing the cover price in order to bridge the gap between the product revenue and publishing cost and reduce the burden on advertisement sales. But, despite the challenges magazines do enjoy the undivided attention from readers. According to Engagement survey report conducted y Association of Indian Magazines, 87 per cent of the readers do nothing else while reading a magazine.

Further, the survey also highlights that for genres like home decor, health, accessories, travel and clothing, magazines remain to be preferred source of information. Indian Market: In the year 2013, Indian Publishing Market estimated at US $ 4. 5 billion. This is further sub divided into Book Market US $2. Billion. Magazine Market US $670 million. News Paper Market US $890 million. Products and markets: The various products include Various magazines include Flimflam magazine, Stardust, India Today, Women’s era etc. The main target market is elite and upper middle class people.

Another major subscription comes from the hospitality industry. These magazines are a common site in major hotels and restaurants and other places like international airports. Academic and professional magazines: These publishers publish books for school level, college level and competitive exams and also books and magazines for professionals in various industries like IT, Medicine etc. Providing information on the latest discovery and the emerging trends in the corresponding sector. Home and living magazines: The various options include Home Dcore, Home + Living etc.

The major target market include households in metros and tier 2 and tier 3 cities where the target audience are the wives who will be interested about the latest trends and home and housing in the world/the regional. General interest magazines: There are various magazines and periodicals focusing on diverse sectors like health, Education, Real estates, Career and Job opportunities etc. Major Players: Key success factors: Circulation: Circulation is an important factor. The physical circulation of magazines can never match the speed and ease of online subscriptions. This has resulted in a severe rain in the sales and hence the revenue.

The trick lies in ensuring circulation to all major airports, three star and five star restaurants. Advertising: More the number of ads the greater will be the revenue. Even in this sector there is stiff competition from the digital media like Google Towards. Advertisers have started to change their course of action: They are also starting to slowly migrate to the digital media from the traditional print media. As a result of this there is decrease in sales for the magazine publishers. Content: Providing niche content is the only way to differentiate from the competitors.

The latest trends and information with extensive description which is not usually found in online resources can help increase the subscription. Consumerism: The race among various brands to create their own identity results in greater number of magazines and patrons are bound to subscribe to them Pricing: The prices should be competitive and at par with their online counterparts. Technology: Technology can be used for reducing the cost of printing and publishing. The quality of the paper, the print styles, the use of colors etc. Can all be improved to make the product more appealing to the readers.

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Magazines And Periodical Industry Analysis Assignment. (2022, Jan 23). Retrieved October 23, 2024, from