Lesson Plan Assignment

Lesson Plan Assignment Words: 1396

Upon completion of this assignment; the student will be able to state the difference between the five groups of haircolor. Specific Objectives: Student will be able to explain the action of a temporary color. Student will list examples of temporary haircolor. Student will be able to explain the action of semi-permanent color. Student will be able to list examples of semi-permanent haircolor. Student will be able to explain the action of a demi-color.

Student will be able to explain the action of oxidative permanent haircolor. Student will list examples of oxidative permanent haircolor. Preparation TEKS Correlations: … apply the competencies related to resources, information, systems, and technology in appropriate settings and situations… … demonstrate knowledge of the concepts and skills related to health and safety in the workplace… 125. 1 … read and interpret appropriate directions, graphs, ingredients, charts, manuals, and bulletins… The student knows the concepts and skills that form the core knowledge of cosmetology.

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The student demonstrates knowledge of the rules and regulations stablished by the Texas Cosmetology Commission. Interdisciplinary Correlations: English Cosmetology l: Types of Haircolor 02003 Texas Trade and Industrial Education 110. xx(7)(A) – Reading/comprehension … establish a purpose for reading such as to discover, interpret, and enjoy; 1 – Reading/comprehension … use study strategies such as skimming and scanning, note taking, outlining, and using studyguide questions to better understand texts; 110. xx(7)0) – Reading/ comprehension References: 1 .

Miladys Standard Textbook of Cosmetology 2. Pivot Point Salon Fundamentals Instructional Aids: 2. . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Types of Hair Color PowerPoint Presentation. Types of Hair Color PowerPoint Presentation – Handouts. Types of Hair Color PowerPoint Presentation – Notes Pages. Independent Practice Sheet. Blank Review Sheet. Hair Color Review/Exam Key. Types of Hair Color Exam. Various color products. Materials Needed: Diskette, markers, pen, paper, masking tape Equipment Needed: Web TV or projector for PPT, Whiteboard Learner The student should provide their textbook, pen, and paper.

The student should have mastered the law of color lesson, and the analysis of the hair lesson. Introduction Introduction (LSI Quadrant l): SAY: Students, you have mastered the law of color and now possess an understanding of how color reacts on the hair. Now you are ready to apply that knowledge to choosing the correct type of color for your clients. There are five categories of haircolor. All haircolor falls into one of these groups according to its action on the hair. If you understand the differences, you can Cosmetology l: Types of Haircolor 2 make an informed choice about what product to apply to your client’s hair.

Outline Outline (LSI Quadrant II): Objectives Have students read the emporary haircolor section in Activities/Training Methods Instructor will explain to students the action of temporary color on the hair. It will be removed when the hair becomes wet. This is due to the large size of molecules and their inability to penetrate the hair shaft. Point out temporary color Instructor should prompt uses. students as to the uses for temporary color. Example: Ask students how they color their hair at Halloween. (Kool-Aid, color sprays) These are examples of temporary haircolor.

Instructor should ask for a disadvantages section in their show of hands, how many textbooks. tudents think a rinse is temporary. (Many students believe a rinse lasts more than one shampoo. ) Instructor-led discussion about the drawbacks to temporary color. Remind students that temporary color CANNOT lift the natural haircolor. Have students read the semi- Instructor should point out permanent color section in that most women think of a their textbook. semi-permanent color as a “rinse. ” Actually, a semi color lasts approximately 6-8 shampoos depending on the color selected and the client’s porosity.

Remind students or permanent color from this service. Review client safety in text. Instructor should point out the importance of performing a patch test prior to application. Have students call out steps for the patch test. (Select Materials PPT slide #2 Instructor should draw on the whiteboard the cross-section of hair as on slide #2. Using a different colored marker, show how temporary color molecules are too large to penetrate the cuticle. Have students call out examples of temporary color. Instructor should list these on the board as they do.

Have students refer to their text if they are unsure of examples. PPT slide #3 Instructor should bullet on the whiteboard student ideas bout temporary haircolor. PPT slide #4 Illustrate on the whiteboard the effect of a semi-color on the hair. Instructor should write student responses on whiteboard. Allow students to refer to text if needed. 3 Have students read the demipermanent color section in their texts. client safety issues associated with this service. permanent haircolor section in their textbooks. Review client safety in this section. rea, cleanse area, mix product, apply to test area, leave undisturbed for 48 hours, examine test area, record on client card) different products and to ALWAYS refer to anufacturer’s directions for application. Remind students to condition after a semipermanent application. Instructor should point out that these products are designed for longer color coverage, but there is no lifting power to them. This product is popular when covering gray hair. All demi applications require a patch test. This product has little ammonia and is fairly gentle to the hair.

There is a developer used with demi-colors therefore they last longer than a semipermanent color. Instructor should read and teach students to say the words aniline derivative. This ingredient is the main ne found in permanent This service requires a patch test. Point out to students the hair slightly. Instructor should remind students this is the best service for gray coverage. The ability of the product to lighten and deposit, makes it ideal for gray coverage. Remind students to always follow manufacturer’s directions for product usage.

Instructor should pass around several semi colors for student examination. PPT slide #5 PPT slide Draw on the whiteboard, the action of demi-color on the hair shaft. Pass around products for students to examine. PPT slide #7 Instructor should draw hair haft on the whiteboard and action of permanent haircolor on the hair. Demonstrate action. product samples for students to examine. 4 Application Students will be given a Haircolor Types Review sheet covering each color category and its characteristics. Instructor will prompt students for a list of each category writing responses on the whiteboard.

Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant Ill): Students will be given a Haircolor Types Blank Review sheet to fill in responses on their own. Summary Review (LSI Quadrants I and ‘V): Each student will be given a slip of paper and a piece of tape. As the instructor calls a group, students will try to “match” their paper with the correct category. This can be repeated several times as papers are switched around to other students. Evaluation Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant Ill): Students will be given a new Haircolor Types Blank Review sheet to fill in category information.

These will be exchanged for students to check each other’s responses. Reteach occurs at this point. Allow students to direct the reteach. Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant Ill, ‘V): Students will complete a blank Types of Haircolor Exam sheet for a grade. Instructor an use the Exam Key to grade the exam. Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant ‘V): Students will apply each of the four colors discussed to manikins in guided practice in the lab. Client practice will be allowed upon successful completion of guided practice. Temporary Haircolor Cosmetology Types of Haircolor Temporary haircolor Molecule action Temporary Haircolor Products Semi-permanent Haircolor Molecule Action Semi-color Products Demi-permanent Haircolor Demi- permanent haircolor Trade & Industrial Education 6 Demi-color Products Aniline is pronounced AN-ehl-ehn Derivative is pronounced i-riv??? a-tiv 7 Permanent Haircolor 8 Permanent Haircolor Products Permanent Haircolor molecule action 9 10 Haircolor Types Independent Practice DIRECTIONS: (cut these apart with one for each student) ??? Does not require a patch test Requires a patch test ??? Molecules do not penetrate the cuticle ??? Removed by shampooing ??? Lasts 6-8 shampoos ??? Physical change only ??? Does not lighten the hair ??? Examples: color rinse, colored mousse, colored gels, mascara, spray-on color, color- enhancing shampoos May require an activator ??? Examples: Jazzing, Cellophanes, Prizms Cosmetology l: Types of Haircolor Independent Practice Deposit-only haircolor ??? Contains aniline derivatives ??? Penetrates the cuticle ??? Removes and deposits pigment at the same time ??? Low-ammonia content ??? Used for gray coverage ??? Examples: Wella, Clairol, Farouk ??? Examples: Wella, Clairol, Farouk, Loreal, Matrix Haircolor Types Review Does not require a patch test Molecules do not penetrate the cuticle Removed by shampooing Physical change only Examples: color rinse, colored mousse, colored gels, mascara, spray-on color, color-enhancing shampoos Partially penetrates the cuticle

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Lesson Plan Assignment. (2018, Nov 09). Retrieved October 18, 2024, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/lesson-plan-assignment-1738/