Job Analysis for an Operational Gap MEMO Assignment

Job Analysis for an Operational Gap MEMO Assignment Words: 932

This memo Is to bring awareness to the operational gap within the Engineering and Product Delivery department (PEED) in the organization. The project office notified the PEED with the preliminary booked project assignments for the next calendar year. The PEED is operating at full capacity and does not have additional capacity to work on new projects. For the past three months the PEED engineers are reporting more than 40 hours a week with an average of 50.

Based on the upcoming projects, there is an immediate need to hire three experienced engineers. By filling the gap, this will allow the new hires to come up to speed In time and work on the new upcoming assignments as soon as possible with little Interruption. These positions will enhance the PEED team’s ability to demonstrate Innovative solutions rapidly and deliver our new flag ship product to more customers on time. The following job analysis and position descriptions, qualifiers, and requirements propose to meet the organizational goals.

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Job Analysis for the Engineering and Product Delivery Team member The Engineering and Product Delivery department proactively performed the job analysis, (ASCII, 2010) and identified the Job requirements to fulfill the operational gap within the organization. Management conducted a job analysis and gathered information about the Job requirements based on the observation method. Without interfering with Job activities, the department watched and recorded several of the engineers performing their tasks and summarized the tasks performed, why the tasks were performed and how they were performed.

For the field assignments that require the engineers to be in front of the customers, to determine the job requirements, management interviewed the best performers and analyzed surveys room the majority of the engineers. Another method used was the department managed to capture the Jobs responsibilities, required the reviewers to perform some of the engineer’s tasks to capture the necessary skills for the Jobs. Engineering and Product Delivery team Responsibilities Perform complex software and hardware engineering analysis. Participates on project teams.

Provide guidance to Junior engineers. Planning research and development for prototype product. Support domestic and International product and services. Support product acceptance. The Product Delivery team is a customer facing group. To determine the minimum skills required to perform in the PEED the following was compiled from the interview data that was retrieved from the majority of the engineers working in-house and outside In the operation fields with the customers. Strong problem solving. Strong analytical solving. Excellent verbal and writing communication.

Ability to work under stressful situations. Deliver under tight deadlines. The Engineer needs to be able to attend to details. Self motivated. Be able to lead. Position details and duties The PEED team is a hybrid organization consisting with the Engineering team and the Product delivery team. The Engineering team is responsible for designing the input system specifications from the customers on the organization’s product and working within synergies with the Product delivery engineering team deployed in the field that are facing the customers.

The relationship with engineering and product delivery teams works very well because engineers are both familiar with the design and delivery of the product. Further, it minimizes the traveling requirements per engineer in the team because the teams can rotate the engineers from the office and the customer. The most important detail tasks and duties that identified for the Engineering and Product delivery engineers are as follows. Works with Product Planning and Engineering during the investigation and testing of new product features. Provides lead product support for customer demos by providing technical expertise and executing system tests during demos. Participates in planning meetings and interfaces with upper management, Sales, Product Management, lab, and staff level Customer engineers to help ensure acceptance of our new features or software releases into customer networks that uses our product. Provides lead technical support for customer First Office Applications, FOE, and field trials. Develops Methods of Procedures, MOP, in the areas of product operation and software and Hardware upgrades. Mentors to lower-level to Engineering and Product Support Engineers. Review technical documentation for technical accuracy and operation. Provide technical input on content. Provides product support for interoperability testing between our product and other competitive products. The required experience and the minimum qualifications for a candidate in the Engineering and Product delivery team that will enable him or her to perform at the highest level are, Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, E, Software Engineering, or Computer Engineering. Minimum five or years of related experience.

Experience with Internet Protocol, ‘P, and networking. Experience with wireless network technologies. Customer facing experience. Leadership experience. The optional qualifications that will be nice to have are, Master’s in Computer Science, E, Software Engineering, or Computer Military experience. In-depth system troubleshooting experience. Organizational strategic goals The Engineering and Product delivery team is aligned with the organizational goals, to be a company of choice for our customers who fully understands our customer’s halogens and delivers superior products and services with minimum defects and delays.

The operational gap within the team is an obstacle to the organizational goals, and it needs attention. The additional workforce will enhance the ability to deliver the products and further establish the organizational name as a vendor of choice to the commercial space. Conclusion The Engineering and Product delivery team needs the addition of the three engineering positions to resolve the operational gap within the organization. Please contact PEED for addressing any questions. The response and action to this matter are anxiously awaited.

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Job Analysis for an Operational Gap MEMO Assignment. (2020, Dec 23). Retrieved October 23, 2024, from