Introduction To Marketing Assignment

Introduction To Marketing Assignment Words: 737

You will then look at how market research impacts on the marketing plan of a specific organization. In the second assignment you will need to look at the development of a coherent marketing mix targeted at a defined group of potential customers. You work for a large marketing agency that consults for a variety of businesses on the marketing activities that they undertake in order to promote their products or services. Your marketing agency has a varied portfolio of clients and you have been given the task of consulting for new business that operates in the riveter, public and voluntary sectors.

Learning Outcomes: 1 . Know the role of marketing in organizations 2. Be able to use marketing research and marketing planning 3. Understand how and why customer groups are targeted Student Name: Assignment Brief – Tasks course Title BEET Level 3 Diploma in Business Unit Introduction: You need to choose one business in the private sector and one in the public or voluntary sector that could possibly be represented by your company. You will need to carry out research to evaluate the marketing activities of these impasses.

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It may be useful to select a company you are familiar with and one that you will find easy to access information from, for example, your college or workplace. Assignment Tasks Criteria Task 1 Pl Describe how marketing techniques are used to market products in two organizations After you have chosen your two businesses you need to complete the table issued describing how each business uses the different marketing techniques for ONE product/service they provide MI Compare marketing techniques used in marketing products in two

Write a paragraph for each marketing technique which compares the similarities and differences of the strategies that each business above uses. Give your reasons why you think they are similar / different. Del Evaluate the effectiveness of the use of techniques in marketing products in one organization Now choose one of your two businesses. In a report you need to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of the techniques in marketing products in this business. How effective is it? Justify your answer. Find reliable evidence that supports the statements that you made in MI

This could include news articles, data from websites, statistics, quotes, marketing information from marketing journals etc Make sure that you reference your sources of information. MI Task 2 PA Describe the limitations and constraints of marketing Select one of the businesses used for task 1 and prepare a leaflet/facets that describes the limitations and constraints of marketing for the organization you have chosen. Make sure that you give real world examples of each limitation and constraint identified.

Using Exeter College as your chosen organization for Task 3 you are required o investigate its use of marketing research as part of your evaluation into representing the company. To improve your marketing skills, in Task 4 you have also been asked to look at the segmentation and targeting of different customer groups. This will help you to look further than just one target market for each product/service. Task 3 Prepare a Powering presentation to give to your manager that details the marketing research for this company.

Include the following: PA Describe how a selected organization uses marketing research to contribute o the development of its marketing plans Investigate and describe how Exeter College uses marketing research to contribute to the development of its marketing plans. What research do they do and how does this link to the development of the organization’s marketing plans? MM Explain the limitations of marketing research used to contribute to the development of a selected organization’s marketing plans Identify and explain the limitations of marketing research used to contribute to the development of Exeter College’s marketing plans.

Explain at least 3 limitations. DO Make justified recommendations for improving the validity of the marketing research used to contribute to the development of a selected organization’s marketing plans Make and justify three recommendations for improving the validity of the market research used to contribute to the development of Exeter College’s marketing plan. Hand in date: Task 4 PA Explain how and why groups of customers are targeted for selected products You have also been asked to produce information sheets on examples of segmentation and targeting. Explaining how and why groups of customers are targeted for selected products.

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Introduction To Marketing Assignment. (2018, Sep 04). Retrieved October 22, 2024, from