Internal & External Environments Assignment

Internal & External Environments Assignment Words: 963

Communication skills are a value-centered characteristic. A manager must have the ability to communicate with superiors, authority figures in other businesses, employees, and consumers. A manager has to be customer service friendly and stern when needed and also should have the ability to talk in groups and individually one on one to be an effective manager people skills and personal traits is a value-centered characteristic learned both on and off the job. A manager needs to be versatile, and empathetic to work directly with multiple types of personalities.

A manager needs to be a great listener, stress tolerable, proactive, unbiased, mentally stable, and understanding to successfully deal with people from all walks of life. . Troubleshooting and conflict resolution is both knowledge and value-centered characteristics of a manager. Conflict occurs both on and off the job and learning to deal with conflict constructively is a personal skill requirement for a successful manager. Managers need to troubleshoot and resolve conflict between employees to create and maintain a healthy work environment.

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Managers are always called when a consumer is not satisfied and a managers responsibility is to be able to listen carefully, discuss solutions, and resolve the issue to ensure consumer satisfaction Time Management is a value-centered characteristic a manager must acquire to meet specific deadlines. A position as a team leader, department head, supervisor, or manager can become overwhelming and stressful because you are responsible for making sure the people you manage also meet the required deadlines, quotas, and assignments in a timely manner Professionalism is both knowledge and value-centered characteristics of a manager.

A manager must conduct themselves in a professional manner and represent the company at all times. Code of ethics is needed to be exercised and enforced to be a productive anger to help employees understand the principles and the concept of right and wrong. Organizational skills are a value-centered characteristic of a manager. A manager must expedite and delegate work properly and effectively based on employees weak and strong points. A manager needs to be prepared, neat, and organized to be efficient and instill these same behaviors in employees.

Leadership skills is a knowledge characteristic of a manager. Managers must take the time to train employees properly, make employees aware of company policies, code of ethics, the mission and goals of the organization. Managers must also offer additional trainings, and classes to enhance an employee’s performance and knowledge to become better. Commitment and loyalty is both knowledge and value-centered characteristics of a manager. A manager must live out the organizational mission statement, abide by and follow a code of ethics to teach employees do the same.

A manager must be committed to provide services to a multicultural population and ensure both employee and consumer satisfaction Goal Setting is both knowledge and value-centered characteristics of a manager. Managers must recognize employees weak and strong points hen distributing a workload. Being able to visually distinguish employees’ strengths and weaknesses helps successfully achieve visions, quotas, assignments and goals. Objective views are both knowledge and value- centered characteristics of a manager.

Favoritism is inappropriate and unfair, regardless if one employee works better than another employee. This is the main reason it is not a good idea to hire friends or a family member. Managers need to remain non-judgmental and give everyone a chance to prove themselves. Employees are motivated by a variety of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. However both intrinsic and extrinsic components are needed to build a successful organization reward system to ensure each individual employee achieves a feeling that equity and fairness exist within the organization, their mission, and the population they serve.

An intrinsically motivated employee will perform a task willingly and enthusiastically because it gives one a sense of pleasure or satisfaction. This group of people takes time to make choices and process information that leads to a greater depth of learning for a more creative output. An extrinsically motivated employee ill perform a task focusing on external rewards. This group of people tend to focus attention more narrowly and to shorten time perspectives, which may result in more efficient production of predefined or standardized products.

Job satisfaction and long term commitment to a task may also be affected. Similarly both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are used to motivate employees to enhance performance and work efficiently. The difference and one of the most subtle and demanding complexities has been found to occur when extrinsic rewards are given for performance in a task which would otherwise have been undertaken purely out of interest from an intrinsically motivated employee. Organizations worldwide are restructuring to meet the challenges of turbulent markets in our current economic environment.

Before an organization considers restructuring or implementing personnel changes human resource management must answer the question where they plan to be in the next five years and at the same time consider the new challenges in our current economic environment; demographics, diversity, community needs, and budget planning. Human resources will need to conduct an audit, recast supply and demand, develop and implement an action plan, and control and evaluate these procedures.

The first step, Project Personnel Needs requires a matrix of current staff demographics, vacancies, a profile of job expectations and qualifications for each position. The second step, Plan for Achieving the Desired Personnel Profile requires both internal and external strategies to change the personnel profile by using current staff and recruitment to fill positions. Changing organizational structure, job design, performance appraisals, and termination can be used to restructure new sections, however using internal options with integrity should be genuinely considered when implementing these changes.

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Internal & External Environments Assignment. (2022, Jan 17). Retrieved February 16, 2025, from