Internal Environmental Scan/ Assignment

Internal Environmental Scan/ Assignment Words: 957

In this course so far you have conducted the following steps toward completing the capstone strategic audit: Identified the organization for your report Interviewed key mid-level and senior level managers Created a market position analysis Conducted an external environmental scan in preparation Of your final report ND presentation Prepared a preliminary strategic audit In this module you will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the internal environment at your business unit or organization you are working with for this project, also known as an organizational assessment, and present your findings in a report.

Your report should analyze the operating characteristics and assets of your business unit and categorize them as strengths or weaknesses in terms of enabling the business strategy (these will be inputs into a final SOOT analysis). The internal environmental scan or organizational assessment should include the fool lowing: Mission, Vision, and Values: Assess the organization’s understanding of the mission, vision, and values, and how they relate the business strategy. Is there consensus on the mission and vision of the organization?

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What are the shared values of the organization? What are the behaviors espoused by these values? Strategy Clarification: Assess the organization’s understands nag of the business strategy through interviews with mid-level and senior managers. Assess their understanding and agreement of the business unit’s value proposition, market position, and competitive advantage (these are inputs from MM: Assignment 1). Cultural Assessment: Explain the unwritten rules and shared values that govern behaviors in the organization. Do they act as enablers or blockers to the strategy?

For example, is there a culture of information sharing and collaboration that enables the organization to respond quickly across structural boundaries to solve problems for customers? On the other hand, do groups not share important information through informal mechanisms, thus slowing response times? Value Chain Analysis: Identify the primary (direct) and support (indirect) activities that create and deliver your product or service to your customers. Assess each activity’s contribution to competitive advantage through cost or differentiation.

Identify any areas where the business may be at a competitive disadvantage. Summary of Findings: using these different analyses, identify the organizational strengths and weaknesses as they relate to the business strategy. Organizational strengths are assets, capabilities, and resources that contribute directly to the organization’s strategic fit, differentiation, and competitive advantage relative to competing organizations. Organizational weaknesses are characteristics and capabilities (often lacking) that place the organization at a disadvantage relative to competitors.

Write a 3-4 page report in Word format. Apply PAP standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: Electromagnetism_MM_AY. Doc. The paper should include a (in addition to the 3 to 4 page body of the report) a cover page, plus executive summary/abstract, table of contents, body of paper-?proper headers (Mission, Vision, and Values assessment; Strategy Clarification; Cultural Assessment; Value Chain Analysis; Summary of Key Findings; and References). By Wednesday, February 5, 2014, deliver your assignment to the MS: Assignment 2 Dropped.

Assignment Component Proficiency Maximum Points Mission, Vision, and Values: Assess the organization’s understanding of the mission, vision, and values, and how they relate the business strategy. Is there consensus on the mission and vision of the organization? What are the shared values of the organization? What are the behaviors espoused by these values? Assessment of the organization’s understanding of mission, vision, and values is clear and complete. It includes direct examples of relationship to the business strategy. 2 Strategy Clarification: Assess the organ conation’s understanding of the business strategy through interviews with mid-level and senior managers. Assess their understanding and agreement of the business unit’s value proposition, market position, and competitive advantage (these are inputs from MS: Assignment 1). Assessment of the organization’s understanding of business strategy is clear, complete, and grounded in reason. Examples from the interviews with mid- level and senior managers are used to illustrate or expand ideas.

Assessment of the understanding and agreement of the business unit is clear, complete, and grounded in reason. 12 Cultural Assessment: Explain the unwritten rules and shared values that govern behaviors in the organization. Do they act as enablers or blockers to the strategy? For example, is there a culture of information sharing and collaboration that enables the organization to respond quickly across structural boundaries to solve problems for customers? On the other hand, do groups not share important information through informal mechanisms, thus slowing response times?

Unwritten rules and shared values in the organization are clearly identified and completely explained. How they influence the organization is described, and specific examples are used to support and justify ideas. 16 Value Chain Analysis: Identify the primary (direct) and support (indirect) activities that create and deliver your product or service to your customers. Assess each activity’s contribution to competitive advantage through cost or differentiation. Identify any areas where the business may be at a competitive disadvantage.

Primary and support activities are clearly and accurately identified and explained. How each activity contributes to the competitive advantage is clearly explained with specifics in competitive advantage through cost or differentiation. Any areas where business may be at a competitive disadvantage are identified and explained. Summary of Key Findings: Using these different analyses, identify the organizational strengths and weaknesses as they relate to the business strategy.

Strengths and weaknesses of the organization are identified and explained. How they related to the business strategy is explained and specific examples are provided to justify ideas. Write using ethical scholarship and proper grammar and mechanics. Writing is clear, concise, and in an organized manner; demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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Internal Environmental Scan/ Assignment. (2022, Jan 10). Retrieved October 22, 2024, from