Interface by which a module Assignment

Interface by which a module Assignment Words: 274

To provide interface by which a module can communicate with its environment what its environment what can be used. A) modules B) ports C) variables D) none 5. In Overlong, constants defined in a module by the keyword A) Constant B) Parameter C) Cons D) None How many logic values defined in Overlong with their strength’s A) One B) Two C) Three D) Four w 7. Which of the following represents Reduction operator NOR 8. If the input to a tranquil bidirectional switch is supply, then the output signal strength is [ A) weak B) strong C) weak 1 D) strongly 9. Trigger nets can have

B)O, 1, z only values 10. Go, 1, x only D)O, 1 only It is legal to connect internal and external items of different Intermeddle port connections. A) Sizes B) Variables C) Constants con…… 2 Fill in the blanks 11. When making In Overlong, with respect to gate delays, which delay is the minimum of all delays 12. Process of converting a high-level description of design into an optimized gate level representation is called Delay associated with a gate output transition to a ‘O’ from another value is called 14. To represent physical connection between structural elements be used. 15.

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Implicit continuous assignment of delay can be used in 16. Sequential blocks in behavioral modeling are specified with Keywords. 17. Data type can modeling. Delay associated with a gate output transition to a ‘1’ from other value is called delay. 18. Is used to verify design in real-life environment with real system software running on system 19. Delay associated with a gate output transition to the high impedance value (Z) from other value is called 20

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