High Noon at Alpha Mill Assignment

High Noon at Alpha Mill Assignment Words: 1593

Content 1. The importance of interpersonal competencies and management skill for managerial and leadership effectiveness; differing skill requirements within different management context 2. The centrality of diversity within organisations including cultural, inter-cultural, gender and the issue of ethics 3. Behavioural change theories and the experiential/group learning model 4. Theories of human development; managing personal change and the centrality of self-awareness in personal development 5. Goal setting, stress management, time management 6.

Interpersonal skills of relating to others including listening skills, non-verbal communication, assertion, responding and feedback skills 7. Applied skill of delegation, meeting management, group skills, presentation skills, decision making skills, problem solving skills, conflict resolution, negotiation skills, interviewing skills, networking, influence and leadership skills Required texts Quinn, R. , Faerman, S. , Thompson, M. , St. Clair, L. (2011) Becoming A Master Manager: A Competing Values Approach, 5th edn, John Wiley and Sons, USA. Indicative references

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Useful Websites Australian Institute of Training and Development www. aitd. com. au Australian Institute of Management www. aim. com. au/nsw The Institute of Type Development www. itd. net. au Australian Human Resource Institute www. ahri. com. au/index. php The Social Psychology Network www. socialpsychology. org References Bolton, R (1998). People Skills: How to assert yourself, listen to others and resolve conflicts, Simon & Schuster, Australia. Cialdini, R (2000). Influence: The Science of Persuasion, Allyn Bacon, New York. Covey, S (1989).

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Simon and Schuster, New York. Daft, R. L. and Pirola-Merlo, A (2009). The Leadership Experience (Asia Pacific Edition), Cengage, Melbourne. DeBono, E (2000). New Thinking for the New Millennium, Millenium Press, New York. Dunphy, D (1993). Organizational Change by Choice, McGraw Hill, Sydney. Eunson, B (2008). C21 Communicating in the 21st Century (2nd Ed. ), John Wiley & Sons, Milton. Fisher, R. & Ury, W. , with B. Batton (1991). Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. Houghton Mifflin, Boston. Honey, P (2001).

How to Improve Your People Skills (2nd Ed. ) CIPD, London. Janis, I (1972). Victims of Groupthink, Houghton Mifflin, Boston. Johnson, D. W (1999). Reaching Out: Interpersonal Effectiveness & Self-Actualisation, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, Mass. Thompson, L (2001). The Mind and Heart of the Negotiator (2nd Ed. ), Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Other resources Additional readings have been provided on UTS Online. It is important that students read these articles in order to broaden their knowledge beyond the text book. UTS Guide to Writing Assignments http://www. usiness. uts. edu. au/teaching/guide/ UTS Online https://online. uts. edu. au/webapps/login/ UTS Library databases http://www. lib. uts. edu. au/databases/search_databases. py Assessment Assessment Item 1: Oral Presentation (Individual) Objective(s):This addresses Subject Learning Objectives 2 This addresses Program Learning Objective/s: PLO 3. 2 Weighting:20% Assessment Item 2: Personal Skill Development Project (Individual) Objective(s):This addresses Subject Learning Objectives 1 and 3 This addresses Program Learning Objective/s: PLO 1. 2, 3. 1 Weighting:50%

Assessment Item 3: Skill Development Activity (Group) Objective(s):This addresses Subject Learning Objectives 1 Weighting:30% Assessment Item 1: Oral Presentation (Individual): 20% Each student is required to individually give a speech of 10 minutes duration during the semester at a date and time to be arranged in Weeks 1 and 2. The speech can be on any topic you choose. You must identify the purpose of the speech utilizing the Competing Values Approach (eg creating commitment, cohesion; improving productivity et cetera) and you will be graded by your eers according to your objectives including PLO 3. 2 Assessment Item 2: Personal Skill Development Project (Individual): 50% Written assignment in 3 parts worth 50%; Part A due in week 5; Part B due in week 9 and Part C due in week 13. See assignment details following. Note carefully that this is a demanding assessment requiring a good project management approach, so you should plan to get started almost immediately. Evaluation criteria will be discussed in class. 4000 words (appendices of feedback/basic data/personal journal entries are NOT included in this word limit).

This assignment is in THREE interconnected parts for a total of 50%: • Part A: A basic review and analysis of your CURRENT management skills, (5%; 500 words) culminating in the choice of ONE area for skill development (eg stress; time; listening; conflict); • Part B: A critical review of the literature on the area for development chosen in Part A. A minimum of TEN quality references (published in the past five years) should be used (30%; 3000 words); quality of the writing (PLO 3. 1; 5%). Part C: A brief report outlining your progress in developing the skill chosen in Part A and researched in Part B (5%; 500 words) and an analysis of the implications of this development for business and the broader environment (PLO 1. 2; 5%; 500 words). . Assessment Item 3: Skill Development Activity (Group) : 30% Students will form groups of 4-5 people in Week 1 and each week in class the groups will spend some time working through the modules provided by Quinn et al (2011). Each group is to keep a diary of these activities and each individual within the group is to keep their own reflective notes.

In Week 12 and 13 half the groups will each present a poster presentation identifying ‘key reflections’. Assessment will be both peers and lecturers. Further details in class. Semester Week Topic and Text Chapter Week 1: commencing (w/c) 2nd August Subject Introduction The Competing Values Approach Week 2: 9 August Module One: Creating and Sustaining Commitment and Cohesion. Understanding Yourself and Others. Week 3: 16 August Module One: Creating and Sustaining Commitment and Cohesion. Communicating Honestly and Effectively

Week 4: 23 August Module One: Creating and Sustaining Commitment and Cohesion. Mentoring and Developing Others. Week 5: 30 AugustModule Two: Establishing and Maintaining Stability and Continuity Part A Assignment Due Week 6: 6 September Module Two: Establishing and Maintaining Stability and Continuity Week 7: 13 September Module Three: Improving Productivity and Increasing Profitability Week 8: 20 September Alternative Teaching Strategy: No class 27 September VICE CHANCELLORS WEEK: NO CLASSES Week 9: 4 October

Module Three: Improving Productivity and Increasing Profitability Week 10: 11 October Module Four: Promoting Change & Encouraging Adaptability Part B Assignment Due. Week 11: 18 October Module Four: Promoting Change & Encouraging Adaptability Week 12: 25 October Group Presentations/Poster Session Week 13: 1 November Group Presentations/Poster Session Part C Assignment Due. Student Services Unit/Counselling. Student Services provides a range of free and confidential professional services to support different aspects of your life and learning at UTS (http://www. ssu. uts. du. au/ ). These services include counselling for personal and learning problems or issues. If you are experiencing difficulties with your overall study program, for whatever reason, please phone 95141177 (City) or 95145342 (Kuring-gai). Students with Disabilities or Ongoing Medical Conditions: If you are a student who has a disability or ongoing medical condition that requires support services (http://www. uts. edu. au/div/ssu/support. html ) you are encouraged to contact the Disability Support Officers or Special Needs Service (95141177) for a confidential interview.

Supporting documentation regarding your disability or ongoing medical condition is required if you wish to apply for assessment adjustments, including alternative assessment conditions. Each Faculty has appointed Academic Liaison Officers (ALOs) who are responsible for approving assessment adjustments. Meeting with the Disability Support Officers or Special Needs Service before seeking assessment adjustments from your ALO is required. Any arrangements should be negotiated within the first 6 weeks of semester. Plagiarism Plagiarism’ is a broad term referring to the practice of appropriating someone else’s ideas or work and presenting them as your own without acknowledgment. Plagiarism is literary or intellectual theft! It can take a number of forms, including: • copying the work of another student, whether that student is in the same class, from a earlier year of the same course, or from another tertiary institution altogether; • copying any section, no matter how brief, from a book, journal, article or other written source, without duly acknowledging it as a quotation; copying any map, diagram or table of figures without duly acknowledging the source; or • paraphrasing or otherwise using the ideas of another author without duly acknowledging the source. Whatever the form, plagiarism is unacceptable both academically and professionally. By plagiarising you are both stealing the work of another person and cheating by representing it as your own. Any instances of plagiarism can therefore be expected to draw severe penalties and may be referred to the Faculty Student Conduct Committee.

Cheating means to defraud or swindle. Students who seek to gain an advantage by unfair means such as copying another student’s work, or in any other way misleading a lecturer about their knowledge or ability or the amount of work they have done, are guilty of cheating. Students who condone plagiarism by allowing their work to be copied will also be subject to severe disciplinary action. Avoiding plagiarism is one of the main reasons why the Faculty of Business is insistent on the thorough and appropriate referencing of all written work.

Improve your Academic & English Language Skills (DAELS) Marks for all assessment tasks such as assignments and examinations are given not only for WHAT you write but also for HOW you write. If you would like the opportunity to improve your academic and English language skills please make an appointment to see the Business Faculty’s Director, Academic and English Language Support (DAELS), Mr. Peter Meyer. You can make an appointment by contacting Peter at peter. meyer@uts. edu. au ELSSA

The ELSSA Centre provides academic language and literacy support to students and staff at UTS. http://www. elssa. uts. edu. au Careers Service The UTS Careers Service aims to actively support the career development needs of all UTS students. http://www. ssu. uts. edu. au/careers Business Network The GSB Business network invites you to register as a member for seminars, special events, and networking with fellow students and alumni. http://www. graduateconnections. uts. edu. au/networks/busnet/index. html

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High Noon at Alpha Mill Assignment. (2021, Jul 26). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/high-noon-at-alpha-mill-8387/