Fmst assignemt Assignment

Fmst assignemt Assignment Words: 426

Essay Topics For this assignment you’re to write a paper of approximately 2,000 words in length (New Times Roman 12 font, double-spaced = 7-8 pages). You are strongly encouraged to select your essay topic from the list of topics offered below. The subject topics range from one of the genres studied in class (horror, western, melodrama) to one of the post-World War II film movements studied in class (New Wave Iranian Cinema, Italian Neo-Realism, Soviet Socialist Realism, Contemporary Japanese Cinema). This is not meant to be an exhaustive list of suggested topics, but a selective offering.

In mom cases the topics can be modified to fit a different film/genre. I am also willing to entertain personalized topics, if there is one that you feel very strongly about that cannot be accommodated by this list (I. E. If you want to write on the avian-grade or documentary). However, any modification from this list, or personalized essay topic must be approved by your instructor. Pleased include a word count at the end of the essay, and when you perform any kind of formal scene or shot analysis please provide a DVD/BAD time code at the end of the description (I. E. 35’20” = thirty-five minutes and twenty seconds).

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The essay is due on Wednesday, April 9 at the Mel Happening School of Cinema office, FEB.-319, before 5:pm (alternatively you may hand the paper in class on April 7). There should be a box on the desk with my name or the course code for you to place your paper in. If you are writing on New Iranian Cinema, your essay is due at the Cinema office by 5:pm on April 16. If you want your final essay returned with comments you must provide an EASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope), otherwise your paper will be recycled. It is strongly recommended that in preparation for your essay you review The Film Experience, Chi. 2, “Writing a Film Essay,” up. 35-467 which will help you in terms of doing research, properly sourcing your citations, taking notes, and organizing your paper. Genre 1 . “Violence in the classic Hollywood western, as LOL argued, is ‘socially necessary,’ a means toward a noble end, and when used in this light it represented “manly virtue” (LOL 101). The violence pictured between cowboys and Indians, the Cavalry and the Confederates, are all necessary struggles in the larger process of civilization that will ultimately lead to the realization of a utopian community the settlers were Sistine to build in this new-found land” (Ever Jan Van Lenten).

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