Factors Affecting Students Assignment

Factors Affecting Students Assignment Words: 4706

Poverty Poverty is considered as the bottom line that hinders education. ” “l can’t afford it. ” There is no doubt that poverty runs rampant in either rural or urban places. Welcome to the age of financial aid, community college, and work-study options. Many high school students today are aware that their parents cannot afford to foot their tuition bill. This is a common reality, but it doesn’t mean that the students themselves can’t afford college on their own. Education is rumored to be the great equalizer where people from any social class are given the opportunity to excel and rise in fortune.

However, some would argue that those who do live in poverty lack the resources and support at home to take full advantage of their education without assistance. Contrarily, others would claim that children of poverty are capable of performing at high levels, and believe making assumptions about a whole group is simply stereotyping which causes teachers to lower expectations and, in turn, actually lower student achievement. However there are numerous financial aid programs available for students, especially for students whose families cannot help them or students who have low incomes themselves.

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Although he colleges and universities of today carry a heavy price tag, it is of great importance not to let that discourage you from obtaining a college education. The cost of tuition continues to rise, so too does the number of available financial aid options. Below are examples on how you can pay for college: Summer Job: Students save the money they make in the summers. Part-time Job: While at school many students have a part-time job and earn money for school. Scholarships: Colleges give money to students based on financial need, academic talent and extracurricular talent (I. . Sports). This doesn’t need to be paid back. Grants: Colleges give money to students based on financial need. This also doesn’t need to be paid back. Non: Colleges will lend students and parents money to help pay for school. This money needs to be paid back with interest. Gift: Money given to a student to help pay for school and doesn’t need to be repaid. Gifts Often come from family and friends. Savings: Money students have set aside in the past (I. E. In a bank) to pay for college. “Money Spent on College Education Would Be Better Invested in Starting Your Own Business. If you are your row boss, you don’t need a piece of paper to prove to an employer that you’re rotor of being hired by him. You don ‘t have to worry about sucking up to your boss or getting along with your co-workers. Everyone know an employee undergoes all kinds of stress having to deal with co-workers and bosses. Employees are stuck with their co-workers and stuck with their boss. The only way of getting rid of them is to quit your job. Be your own boss and you don’t have to put up with that kind of crap. Bill Gates didn’t need a college diploma to start Microsoft.

In fact he doesn’t have one and neither do a lot of entrepreneurs and people who have made great contributions to society. 2. Family The smallest foundation of a society is the family. A group into which and individual belongs and is subjected to support his needs and some of his wants. “My parents didn’t go to college and they were successful, why should I bother? ” ‘”Nobody in my family has ever gone. ” For students whose parents found success without obtaining a degree, it can be difficult to see the logic behind dropping fifty grand on an education. Such students should consider this: you aren’t your folks.

They own their success and they began working at a time when a college degree wasn’t necessarily the only way to get the job that they wanted. Unfortunately, those times are pretty well over. Currently, there are more college graduates than ever before. This influx of educated applicants has influenced the workplace. Simply put, employers have more candidates holding diplomas to choose from and are no longer necessary to consider applicants without a degree. A diploma is now standard prerequisite for many jobs that did not require education in the past.

If no one in your family has completed college, it can be very intimidating to be the first to attend. However, being the first to earn a degree can be a very satisfying experience, and possibly inspire other Emily members to attend. 3. Intellectual Ability “Self-education is better than forced feeding. ” You can learn more, develop your brain better and have more knowledge than most college graduates simply by reading 2 hours a night. Such subjects as art, history’, literature, foreign languages, music appreciation as well as many other subjects can be self-taught. The learning resources are available on the internet and in public libraries.

Why pay money for something you can get for free? All that is required is self-discipline rather than someone standing over you threatening you with failure if you don’t study and pass sets! The beauty of being self-taught is that then you will learn what you are truly motivated to learn, what you are really interested in rather than courses that are required to get your degree. Such courses will be immediately forgotten once the final has been passed . Many contributors to human knowledge were autodidacts, that is people who were sufficiently interested in whatever field to teach it to themselves.

Such geniuses as Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz, who simultaneously developed calculus, were largely self-taught. A lot of great musicians and artists are self-taught. The only season to actually go to college is to get credentialed in a field that you really want to enter, and then it should be possible to just take an exam in order to gain the credential. Abraham Lincoln taught himself law and passed the bar without the benefit of a college education or diploma. Then he was actually able to make money at it – all without the benefit of a college degree.

Today, of course, we are much more civilized, requiring our lancers to have a college degree in addition to passing the bar. Anything you can learn in college you can learn on your own. If you want the equivalent of a college education, find UT the course list and reading lists for any degree of the college four choice. Then read all the same books. Anything you want to know is available on the internet. Why study a lot of boring stuff you’re not interested in? You won’t retain it anyway. Most college students study enough to regurgitate on a test and then immediately forget it.

It’s wasted time and energy. Study and learn what you’re interested in instead of what is “required. ” That way you only will be learning what you have a passion for. Most people that are successful in their professions have a passion for what they do, not merely a ticket of admission” to the field of their choice which is what a college degree represents. We get many high school students telling us “My GAP is not good enough to get into college. ” It’s one of the biggest stumbling blocks that people get tripped up with when it comes to the college application process.

But GAP is only one of the many different criteria that colleges use to decide whether they will admit a student. Since you don’t work for a college admissions board, it is not right for you to decide whether or not you have the grades to make it in. Don’t sell yourself short and don’t assume that you onto be able to go to the school of your choice based on what you heard or read in a forum. “My grades aren’t so great”/”My GAP Is Not Good Enough to Get Into College” There’s only one way for you to determine whether or not your GAP is good enough to get into the college that you’d like to go to.

That is to apply to the college, fill out the application, write the essays to the best of your ability, wait, and see. If you think you don’t have the right GAP for a school and you don’t even apply, then you’ll never know and you made up the school’s mind as well by not even applying. Perhaps you heard that a school as a minimum GAP requirement, or you saw a chart that showed that they mostly choose students with a particular grade point average.

You need to remember that rules are made to be bent or broken, most schools do not specifically use your GAP as the only criteria and in many instances, and it is not even the most important criteria. Schools want a well-rounded student body, not just a bunch of eggheads walking around the campus. Sell your other qualities to the school of your choice and give them a compelling reason to accept you. Admissions boards know this and they take a chance or percentage of students each semester. Your goal is to be in that percentage of “interesting applicants”. Write an essay that really blows them away.

Hopefully you were involved in extra-curricular activities while you were in high school, and if you weren’t get involved in things in your local community. There’s no better time to Start than now when it comes to adding things to your life that can go on your admissions application. You have to paint yourself as an active, fun, smart person that really wants to go to college, and will do a great job once you get in. If you create a mental block for yourself just because of your GAP, then you are sunk before you even start. You haven t given yourself the best chance of success and you’ve taken a defeatist mentality towards the situation.

You lost before you even started. Make sure you don’t let this happen, put your best foot forward, apply to your favorite schools and see what develops. If you’d like to stay be updated on all of the latest tips for getting into college with a lower GAP there are several ways to go about it. 4. Teen Pregnancy Teen pregnancy is life changing. While most teen pregnancies are unplanned, even a planned pregnancy has risks. While teen pregnancy rates have clines over the past 10 years, 22 of 1000 high school students still get pregnant each year, according to a report on the website Pregnant Teen Help.

Nearly 1 million babies are born to teens each year, including 18- and 1 9-year; olds, and not all of them are ready for or want the responsibility. Loss of Education An estimated 70 percent of pregnant teens drop out of school, according to Pregnant Teen Help, and only half of those young women have jobs. Reasons for dropping out of high school include physical problems, such as morning sickness, and emotional problems, such as body image embarrassment, a ear of bullying or sexual harassment. “Start Life Early. Don’t Delay it by GoingГ? to College. You don’t have to delay real life by 4 to 8 years. You can start a family and your kids will be grown and out of the house before you are old and gray. You have a jump on real world experience. College unnecessarily delays starting out in life. At a time when your peers are graduating from college with so much student loan debt that they can’t even afford to date, let alone get married and start a family, you could own your own business which you started from scratch, have a family started and own a house. Be earning none during the 4 to 8 years you might have spent in college.

Learn a basic trade or profession and build your business over the years you would have spent in college. Pay the minimum necessary to procure whatever credentials you need to practice that trade or profession. Learn it on your own. The only college degrees worth having are in the ‘thousand year old professions” such as law, architecture, civil engineering, medicine. In these professions you can hang out your own shingle – be in business for yourself. Forget high tech and anything that requires you to work for a corporation or as an employee and isn’t let you have the option of starting your own business.

These degrees are worthless. As a laborer with a college degree, no matter how high tech, you are just a commodity. As a self-employed businessman, you call the shots, make the profits and build a business which has a value in itself, which can be sold some day if you choose to do so. Live simply and on the cheap when you’re starting out pouring most of your money into your fledgling business. Be homeless if you have to. Live in your car or work vehicle. If you have a shop or storefront, live there. No sense in paying 2 rents. After you get owing you will be able to afford to move up in the world. 5.

Peers Friends are meant to construct and improve you. They will serve as our second family though it is our responsibility to sift and choose the real ones. The wrong choices are the ones who bring you to a habit that they themselves perform; for example Marijuana use and Alcohol. Marijuana Use Marijuana use is only topped by alcohol. An estimated 40. 1% of students over the age of 1 2, and 49. 1 % of college students have used marijuana. This is probably due to the easy accessibility of marijuana. To get alcohol, someone has to know a person that is of age. However, to get marijuana, there is no age limit, making it easy to purchase.

One similarity to alcohol is that limited use of marijuana appears to have few negative effects on the users. The hard part is in the difference between a statistical and a personal model. Models and statistics may be misleading. Some are hit harder by the use of marijuana than others. Some users are more likely to have anxiety disorders and panic Alcohol Alcohol is a depressant used in intoxicating people. It is found in beer, wine, and liquor. Beer, wine, and liquor contain different amounts of alcohol and hush affect the drinker differently. Liquor has the highest percentage of alcohol, while beer has the lowest.

Young adults are the most prone to inflict injuries such as: automobile accidents, violence, falls, overdoes, and accidental deaths. This shows that students are more likely to drink more alcohol in a short period Of time having a higher chance Of being in an accident. Drinking excessively at an early age can also affect the brain also. The result of drinking at an early age makes it difficult for a healthy brain to grow causing long term effects to the health. Most students don’t realize the Eng term effects of alcohol, but it’s very severe and will damage the body immensely.

The start to having an unhealthy body is drinking so much that the liver becomes scarred. This is the first step to deteriorating the liver. There are also other organs affected by excessive drinking too like; the heart and brain. The liver is a very important organ in the body that supports it. There are more than one disease that can harm the liver such as; fatty liver, hepatitis, and cirrhosis. The earliest stage of liver disease is fatty liver which is developed when the liver is clogged with fat. This only happens because ranking causes the liver to be unable to transfer the fat but filter the alcohol.

The result Of this is the liver cells become swollen with water and fat. When this happens the body lacks nutrients and oxygen to the liver cells, this kills the cell which. When the liver has been scarred it becomes irreversible and will be a permanent part of the liver. When this occurs the blood that travels through the liver doesn’t properly filter the toxins. Not being able to filter the toxin as mentioned by the college drinking prevention, can lead to mental confusion, agitation, or tremors. The heart is also a very sensitive organ that s affected by drinking also.

The heart is such a small organ that when you drink you work the heart a lot harder than it’s necessary. This makes it possible for the person to have a heart attack or a stroke. Continuing with excessive drinking will lead other heart problems such as: cardiopulmonary, cardiac arrhythmia, and sudden cardiac death. Alcohol also affects the stomach and the brain. The stomach can easily be damaged when students drink excessively, especially when the excess alcohol is left in the stomach to irritate the stomach lining. This leads to damage of the stomach lining and loss of nutrition to the body.

The brain damage is only possible in young teens that drink. Drinking has only been known to affect the growth of the brain in adolescence but no evident long term effects are present. 6. Age gap There is only a chance to attend and start schooling but if you fail to meet that chance you wouldn’t want to have another. Being inside a class full of students whom your child may have befriended may be embarrassing. Study says age gap difficult for adult college students Adult students, which are undergraduate students over the age of 25, are often misunderstood at colleges, according to a recent study conducted by

Alumina Foundation for Education. However, support services are offered to all AU students, including “returning students,” the term the university uses to distinguish students over the age of 25 because all students are considered etc be adults in college, according to Dean Of Students Faith Leonard. During the fall of 2006, there were 203 LAG students ages 25 years and older enrolled. Of these students, 47 were 25 years old and 81 were 26-29 years old. The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment considers them full-time students who are pursuing undergraduate degrees, according to Auk’s Academic Data

Reference Book. James Volvo is a 28-year-old returning student in the School of Public Affairs, who hopes to work for the State Department or on Capitol Hill. He said the age gap is ‘the most difficult part” of being a returning student. “Students right out of high school go directly to college – whether close to home or far away,” Volvo said. “Whereas, when an adult student goes to school, they have a different goal. ” Returning students’ college experiences differ from undergraduate students under the age of 25, said Jonathan Post, an undergraduate academic counselor in the Good School of Business.

It is the norm for high school students to go to college and have an internship; whereas returning students are focused and well organized, he said. Returning students not only go to school full-time, but sometimes have a full- time job and a family, she said. The commute has an additional effect on the lives of returning students, Swartz said. “Students who were in the working world hit a road block,” he said. “They realized without a bachelors degree they can not get a contract or close a deal. ” The report said returning students often have no clear path to earning a bachelors degree. L don’t feel disconnected,” Volvo said. L sometimes feel more misunderstood with students just because of the age and perspective. ” However, education is timeless as long as you consider it to be. Related studies “Why Should You go to College? ” One important answer to this question is more opportunity. As opposed to generations of the past, high school graduates today are unable to obtain the number of high-paying jobs that were once available. The U. S. Has been transformed from a manufacturing-based economy to an economy based on knowledge, and the importance of a college education today can be imparted to that of a high school education forty years ago.

It serves as the gateway to better options and more opportunity. There are additional reasons as to why it is important to go to college. When students experience a post secondary education, they have the opportunity to read books and listen to the lectures of top experts in their fields. This stimulation encourages students to think, ask questions, and explore new ideas, which allows for additional growth and development and provides college graduates with an edge in the job market over those who have not experienced a higher education.

The importance of a college education is also accentuated because Of the opportunity to gain valuable resources during your tenure. The more connections which are collected during your college career, the more options you will have when you begin your job search. Once you have ended your job search and have started your career, however, the importance of a college education has not been exhausted. Having a college degree often provides for greater promotion opportunity. So, why should you go to college?

The reasoning does not begin and end with the job aspect. A good education is unofficial from many different viewpoints, and while the importance of a college education is quite evident for many high school students, what is often not as clear is how they will pay for that education. “Countermanding the Importance of College Education” If you are still asking yourself why should you go to college, it is important to remember the significant amount of opportunity available for college graduates.

The global economy is becoming increasingly more competitive, and in order to give yourself the best chance for a well-paying job, you must first understand the importance of college education. Attending college provides students with the knowledge and experience they are unable to receive from a secondary education, and finding a way to fund a higher education now can pay off in a huge way in the years to come. The 10 Most Common Excuses for NOT Going to College and Why They’re All Wrong! EXCUSE : Nobody in my family has ever gone to college before.

Why not be the first? It’s true that being the first to do anything can be difficult and maybe even a little frightening, but being the first in your family to receive a college education should give you a sense of pride. Not going to college is the kind of Emily “tradition” you should break. EXCUSE #2: My grades are not good enough for college. How do you know they’re not unless you apply? Even if you haven’t obtained all good grades in school, you can still be admitted to a good college that will be right for you. Colleges look at more than just grades and test scores.

They look at such things as letters from teachers and other adults; extracurricular activities; jobs you might have had; special talents in art, music, and sports; and interviews. When deciding who gets in, colleges examine the whole person, not just one small part. EXCUSE I can’t afford t. There’s a lot of financial aid available to help you pay for college. This year alone there are about $26 BILLION waiting for students who need money for college. If you apply for aid, and you demonstrate that you need it, your chances are as good as anybody else’s that you will receive help.

There’s money available from the federal government, from your state, from the colleges you apply to, and from thousands of grant, scholarship, and work- study programs. But you won’t see any of it if you don’t check it out. EXCUSE I don’t know how to apply to college, or where want to go. You’re not lone. You can start by looking at college catalogs in your high school or local library, and you can talk to your high school counselor, favorite teacher, or someone you know who’s gone to college. There’s a lot Of good advice available, but you have to ask for it.

With more than 3,000 colleges to choose from, there’s bound to be one that’s right for you. EXCUSE #5: think college may be too difficult for me. Not likely, if you’re willing to work hard. Thousands of students graduate from college every year, and chances are many of them were afraid college would be too difficult for them – but they dad it in spite of their fears. College is a big change from high school. The competition will be greater and the homework assignments will be longer and tougher. And it isn’t always easy to adjust to strange surrounding and make new friends.

But once you get involved with your work, you’ll find that many of your classmates feel as you do. Who doesn’t worry sometimes that they might not make it? And even if you find that you’re not doing well in certain subjects, you can still do something about it. Tutoring is available from professors or fellow students, and counseling for personal problems is available on campus too. EXCUSE #6: I’m not sure that I’ll “fit in” in college. Just about any college you might attend will have students from all kinds of backgrounds, so you are sure to find other people whom you can relate to.

If you’re a minority student, for example, find about student clubs sponsored by African Americans, Hispanics/Latino, Native Americans, Asians, or other groups. Such clubs can help give you a sense of community away from home. Regardless of your ethnic background, you should remember that one of the good things about college is getting to know all kinds of people. It will be interesting to learn about different life-styles and cultures, and it will help prepare you for the world you will face after graduation. EXCUSE #7: don’t even know what want to major in or do with my life.

The great majority of college freshmen don’t have a clue about these things either. Giving you choices is what college is all about. You can take courses in different fields and see what you like and what you’re good at. You may be surprised to find a subject or a career field that you never would have thought of before. The biggest mistake you can make is to think that any decision you make is cast in incorrect and that you can never change your major – or your life. EXCUSE #8: There’s no way I can go to college full-time. So go part-time.

Most colleges offer programs you can attend in the evening or on weekends. Some colleges even give classes where you work or in neighborhood churches and community centers. You can also study many subjects through correspondence courses in home-study programs, and a number of states have external degree programs that let you work for a degree without believe it or not – any classroom attendance! Ask your counselor about these possibilities. EXCUSE #9: I’m too old to go to college. Nonsense! You’re never too old to learn. Even if you’ve been out of high school for a while, you can still go to college.

Almost half of all full-time and part-time students in the country are adults older than 25 years of age. If they can do it, so can you! EXCUSE #10: I just want to get a good job and make lots of money. College will help you with that and more. Studies have shown that a college graduate will earn several hundred thousand dollars more during the course of his or her working life than someone who has only a high school diploma. Of course, money isn’t everything, but most challenging and interesting jobs with DOD futures require a college education.

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Factors Affecting Students Assignment. (2021, Dec 22). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/factors-affecting-students-9391/