English Class Assignment

English Class Assignment Words: 711

We worked mostly on analyzing and evaluating arguments. This iincluded working with multiple articles and really understanding what the author was trying to argue. As a class, we really worked a lot with mapping and charting the texts. These seemed to take the longest to do because you are really digging deep into the text and trying to understand exactly what the author is trying to say. The most important thing that I learned is that “good writing is rewriting”. That was one of Mica’s quotes that he would say to us the entire master, but it is true.

You cannot expect to slide by with Just one draft of your writing. We would spend weeks on Just one assignment, making lots of revisions and constantly fixing things. This really helped me as the semester progressed. 2. Some of my greatest strengths are constantly revising my writing pieces. I am always looking for ways to improve my writing and I like to take the time I need to make sure that it is my best work. When it comes to weaknesses though, I struggle with understanding the reading. It takes me a few times before I am able to finally legalizing what it is all saying.

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Articles tend to bore me which makes me lose focus and it causes me to have to reread things a lot. So I tend to ago lot slower than most, but I still get things done. One thing that seemed to help me in Mica’s class was going over people’s work in class. Also, looking at different examples from past classes. It made it to where I felt like I was on track and really had a strong understanding of what was expected of me for the assignment. 3. There Is a lot of value In strengthening your reading and writing. That Is what everything Is based off of anymore. If you are not strong In either of those, It Is difficult to go far with life.

Everything that I learn In any English class Is really going to help me with my future career and life In general. I am a business major, so every skill I learn Is really going to be helpful as I try to create my business one day or try to get a Job with a big company. You need to be able to persuade people or make them see why you are different from others and In order to do that, you have to be good with words. I feel like all of these skills are going to stay with you for the rest of your fife and the better you get at It now, the easier It will be as life goes on.

Everything I do In school Is very Important to me. I am someone who Is not going to fall, no matter what I do. I won’t set myself up for that. So, I want to be able to thoroughly understand what I am learning now so that I can successfully use It later on. English Class By endothermic 3. There is a lot of value in strengthening your reading and writing. That is what everything is based off of anymore. If you are not strong in either of those, it is difficult to go far with life. Everything that I learn in any English class is really going to alp me with my future career and life in general.

I am a business major, so every skill I learn is really going to be helpful as I try to create my business one day or try to see why you are different from others and in order to do that, you have to be good with words. I feel like all of these skills are going to stay with you for the rest of your life and the better you get at it now, the easier it will be as life goes on. Everything I do in school is very important to me. I am someone who is not going to fail, no matter understand what I am learning now so that I can successfully use it later on.

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English Class Assignment. (2022, Mar 18). Retrieved February 16, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/english-class-10912/