Developing Self Assignment

Developing Self Assignment Words: 2118

Introduction: This assignment engaged me with the continuous self development process to my personal and professional knowledge. The assignment can be divided into two main parts, firstly is about analysing self and organisation and secondly is self analysis tool kits to support and find myself about the personality how to reflex myself in the future to continue my progress as a leading manager. Learning is a continuous process and it is supported by David hind (1994) that learning model comprises of three cyclic stages; they are experience, reflection and learning.

Similarly Self development also refers to improve the person in particular qualities and making the person to perform better in its career and as a person (Pedler, Burgoyne and Boydell 2007). Importance of self analysis and continuous self and management development: Self analysis is the substructure of self understanding which will examine the inner feeling that leads to step by step change in the behaviour consciously or unconsciously over a period of time believed by Brouwer (1964).

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The self awareness and self acceptance are the elements which are strongly tied with the self analysis, self development and the potential to identify and go along with others (David A. Whetten 2007); consequently as a manager it is significant to be familiar with the self analysis and self development. On the other side phaidon (2003) suggested that the person cannot reach his/her ambition only with aid of knowledge and talent, it also strongly bind with the personality behaviour, which can be done through experience and mistakes that leads to be a consecutive process.

Hence understanding the competencies of self awareness, self regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills are very important to continue as a manager in this modern world as argued by Goleman (1998). The framework for leadership and management skills in an organisation given by both authors (David A. Whetten 2007) and (Quinn et al 2007) are considerably similar which is the “competing value frame work” proposed by (Cameron et al. ,2006; Quinn and Rohrbaugh, 1983).

Quinn et al (2007) explains that the framework conducts with the four fundamental elements in which the individual must be proficient to become an effective manager. They are collaborating, controlling, creating and competing. The first two elements strongly bind with the leadership quality and the other two elements relate the managerial quality. Thus it is emphatic to find the distinction between leadership and management. The primary deviation between leader and manager are flexibility change and stability control (David A.

Whetten 2007), but David Buchanan and Andrrzej Huczynski (2004) claims that leaders are having much more pleasure than managers. However effective management and leadership are intimate which drives the success of an organisation (David A. Whetten 2007) According to  Rollinson (2007) that organisational behaviour and organisational analysis are broad subject which involved in the familiarity of human behaviour in organisations, and the behaviour of organisations themselves. On the other view Robert P.

Vecchio(2006) analysed that organisational behaviour is the scientific approach towards the individual and organisation behaviour, which consist the department of psychology, sociology, political science and anthropology, even so in common it is strongly allied with the psychological field that can be studied for three prominent cause which are practical application, personal growth and increased knowledge. Ensuring the subject let me address the following issues that can map the structure to understand at ease which results in effective management.

The consequent terms are managing and leading emotional intelligence, perception and values, personality, learning, personal development planning, cultural intelligence and continuing self development. Goleman (2006) maintains that manager should handle criticism in a sense which is the most eminent part results in effectiveness; satisfaction and productivity of people at work that rely on how well they intercourse about finding problems.

Alike Levinson exchange that criticism and praise is equally important for continuous improvement not as a personal attack. Hence competitive managers should handle the emotional situation in an equilibrium state to build their relationship in organisation. As a manager it is very essential to find out how to read and appreciate others which it belongs to personality and perception (Robert P. Vecchi 2006).

Correspondingly Mark Cook( 1993) states that personality is something which allows to find the person behaviour in a given situation that can be measured using different elements, for example questionnaire/inventory, which is commonly used to find the characteristics of a person which automatically leads to predict the person behaviour as viewed by(Rollinson 2007) Perception is a sophisticated intellectual process which differs for every individual that affect the behaviour in organisation. Therefore as a value of perception, manager in an rganisation he/she should not only aware of people through senses but also evaluating the reasons for their action which emerge to change in behaviour (Rollinson 2007). As we seen before learning is a cyclic process said by David hind (1994) somewhat equivalently explained by David Buchanan and Andrrzej Huczynski (2004) that the concept of organisational learning is significant because it has a direct command over organisation such as to grow, to survive, to meet customer requirements, to face economic condition etc which reveals that learning to develop knowledge and up to date in an organisation is an asset which is more important.

Alon and Higgins (2005) suggest that cultural intelligence is classified into two different types they are organisation cultural intelligence and the awareness of the culture that directly relates the ethnic background. Based on the impact of increase in globalization, we can say that top manager should be able to clearly identify the different cross cultural behaviour and to balance them.

Furthermore Organisational culture is outlined by Vecchio (2006) that sharing of values and norms which involves how to behave in an organisation for their new employees and understanding of beliefs and feelings between them. Thus cultural intelligence is an important factor that should be taken into consideration for the effective management. Personal development planning can be viewed as an exercise specifically for effective time management. It is significant for every manager that he/she should possess SMART objectives and plans for his/her transmutation.

As a future manager I enclosed herewith the development plan chart which will transform me as an effective manager cum leader in an organisation. Thus continuing self development would be the most influential process that makes a positive change in behaviour. Additionally Quinn et al (2007) claims that if a person is tolerant to get feedback and willing to work on that it will develop himself to be a successful manager 2. SUMMARY OF CRITICAL INCIDENT I. Self Analysis Toolkit : Belbin Summary of critical incident |

I will bring back my past experience as an Assistant manager that was offered a position by the state owned company Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB) soon after my graduation. As I started my career as a gazetted officer at the age of 22 without any practical experience to take control of 10 million pound worth of project, initially I found it very difficult to lead, manage and command my sub-ordinates (about 40 people) and due to this my position was dominated and overruled by my colleague.

Up to 3 months there was no change in my behaviour due to fear about my new environment, commitment, aged and experienced fellow worker and immediate superior. After that I realized, I should take full in charge of my section without any hesitation, but I find it was too late and it is really challenging for me. Although I continuously change my attitude and behavior with organization to overcome this problem. Successively I build strong relationship with my sub-ordinates by listening to them and sharing ideas diplomatically to avert friction.

After that I developed contacts of my superiors with the help of my unique computer knowledge in the organization by assisting them to prepare estimates and to design the project layouts using AUTOCAD software. This approach made me to find some place to my position as an Assistant Engineer, because all the computer works have been outsourced before, which is more expensive and time consuming. Therefore after one year I put myself as a very good competitive leader with the leading team among my colleagues inspite of their experience. How does this reflect the findings of your chosen self analysis toolkit? | The Belbin self analysis toolkit strongly influences me by showing the results that my preferred roles are resource investigator, team worker, implementer and specialist. I find myself very similar toward the first two roles because if u read the above incident, I can clearly say that the resource investigator role helps me to develop contacts and good rapport with my superior which makes me more convenient to handle my project effectively.

Second one is the team worker role that can be viewed from the incident that I made strong relationship between the workers by sharing ideas and listening to them which means that I put myself with my older subordinates to execute my modern plans effectively and correctly as I am a least youngest among them. The other two preferred roles (implementer and specialist) I think it can be manageable roles for me because if u see from the incident that I didn’t take any practical steps and action initially up to 3 months and after that I started myself working on it.

As per belbin my manageable roles are plant and co-ordinator. In this section I can accept with the result plant, but I contradict with the co-ordinator which should be placed in the preferred roles, because this skill helps me out to make my team most successful in an organisation. Finally I agree with the belbin results of my least preferred roles as a shaper, monitor evaluator and complete finisher which can be identified from the incident that initially I lack to influence others, reluctant with my colleague and liable to offend others. What are the implications for future career or personal development| In spite of the fact that I am a good team worker and resource investigator as per the belbin results I need to develop myself as a quality shaper, monitor evaluator and complete finisher. I will take these specific areas in my development plan and improve myself by getting proper feedback from my colleagues, friends and family members. Furthermore I will make myself to find how to increase my competence in these areas by reading books and exploring knowledge through various sources which will help me over a time to become a top manager. II. Self Analysis Toolkit : Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Summary of critical incident | In this section I will bring back my colorful residential week end experience in my life that happened during my course I enrolled here. The final task was most critical for me because my team members all are from the different and same cultural background. Therefore initially I step back myself to involve in the task and to share my ideas. This situation made me to think how to overcome the problem and how to bind with the team during the short period.

The outcome of this made me to voluntarily communicate with my team mates during the tea-break about myself and about their culture. Aftermath I found myself very comfortable to communicate and share my ideas within the team giving confident about me with my team members. The final task given to our team was to build a tower of TIKI with the additional task of finding the card. In my team everyone was more active and put themselves immediately into the task.

First we planned to split the groups into two for two different tasks, after that each of them found their responsibility and roles to work together. I myself and another team member took the responsibility towards the sub-task ‘finding a card’. At the beginning we both of them miss-understand the question and we were working on that particular easy task for a long time. After some time we realized that somewhere we are going wrong, so I stopped working and again I read the question properly to understand it clearly.

Finally we finished the sub-task within the time given and we also merged ourselves into the main task, which results our team to find a third place among the other teams, mainly because of our organized well structured and effective team work. | How does this reflect the findings of your chosen self analysis toolkit? | | What are the implications for future career or personal development| | III. Self Analysis Toolkit : Johari Window Summary of critical incident | | How does this reflect the findings of your chosen self analysis toolkit? | | What are the implications for future career or personal development| |

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