Customer Assignment

Customer Assignment Words: 496

The course will also address building excellent customer relations into the mission of the company and committing to customer service as competitive advantage. Core Learning Outcomes: By the completion of the course students will: 1 . Describe the role of the associate and management in developing and maintaining customer relations. 2. Describe the ways in which customer relations policy can add value to the product and affect the profitability of an organization. 3. Analyze various methods of handling conflict between the company and the customer. . Create a 5. Identify the various techniques of gathering information from the customer. 6. Describe customer relations in terms of both product differentiation and market advantage. 7. Evaluate the four step model of customer relations standards. Instructional Methods: Lecture and related online discussion activities Multimedia presentations Video Group exercises/discussions Homework problem-solving reviews Text for the Course: Required: Customer Service: Career Success through Customer Satisfaction, Fifth Edition, Paul R.

Tim, 2014, Prentice Hall Publishing Company with the companion access code for the textbook Online Resources Time Commitment for Academic Success At Frederick Community College, in all online credit courses, students are expected to invest a minimum of 37 hours of “time on task” per credit. For example, in a 3-credit online course, students can expect to spend 112 hours for their course work. In a traditional 1 5-week, 3-credit online course, students should expect to invest an average minimum of 7. 5 hours of course work per week.

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In a 3-credit hybrid course students are expected to spend at least 18 hours of on-campus instructional time and should invest a minimum of 94 additional hours of “time on task” for course work. Evaluation Methods: Tests/Quizzes/Exams/Assignments Point Value Final Grade Scale Chapter Case Studies (1-14) 20 points each 280 A = 90-100% Chapter Activities (1-14) 15 points each 210 B = 80-89% Chapter Quizzes (1-14) 10 points each 40 c = 70-79% Chapter Discussion Board (1-14) 5 points each 70 D = 60-69% -rest 1 -rest 2 Secret Shopper Paper Total 1 oho Examination Policy: All exams must be taken when scheduled unless prior notification is received.

Failure to notify the instructor in advance may result in penalties being assessed at the instructor’s discretion. All assignments must be turned in when due. Failure to do so may result in penalties being assessed at the instructor’s discretion. Progress Report: Students will receive a graded evaluation by the sixth week of the class, but can enquire via BlackBoard at any time. Participation Policy: Your presence online is expected. 1 . You are expected to review and complete all assignments by the due date and time.

You should receive feedback on assignments within a week unless otherwise specified. 2. You are expected to read the Course Announcements at least weekly. 3. You are expected to participate in any online discussions. 4. You are expected to take one exam (date to be determined) at the on campus testing center. Average minimum of 7. 5 hours of course work per week. Student Services A variety of services are available to assist students in succeeding at FCC

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Customer Assignment. (2019, Feb 04). Retrieved October 22, 2024, from