CSR and ethics Assignment

CSR and ethics Assignment Words: 4235

Thirdly I am going to focus on the part of the assignments. Here we have two parts, first the Ethical dilemma and secondly CARS innovation. In the ethical dilemma I’m going to talk about the real implications of the cutbacks made by Spanish Government, that it’s being made in fundamental rights in a democracy in favor of helping the banks. While in the CARS innovation I’m talking about the recently invention made by a 16 years guy, it’s the ability to detect cancer in an inexpensive way and much faster, plus detect before any other system.

After this, I will conclude by telling about the multi-stakeholder role play we did in our oral exam. Body 1) Self presentation: I think that, being honest, the value I feel more represented is: “l will act with utmost integrity and pursue my work in an ethical manner”. Because Integrity is that leads us to not stay in one place but that motivates us to continue doing things the best we can and we do not give up. I believe that all the people must have this value, because is one of the engines for improve yourself.

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Personally, I apply this value to my life personal as professional, because as the phrase goes, “Integrity is the strength of spirit that makes us stay true to our principles. And I consider myself as a man of principle. I come from a country where principles are declining among the country’s leaders (If they ever had them), and after many years of missing values, we now have the consequences… People going outside of Spain to find a Job or simply to escape the lack of values and find somewhere else, in the absence of these in our country.

When this happens, people are facing a very big ethical dilemma, as they have to leave everything behind, family, friends, places, etc… And find another place to find career opportunities. This leads us to another value, honesty. This value is a laity and consists behave and speak with consistency and sincerity, and according to the values of truth and Justice. To build a better world and improve ourselves this is the basic principle to give an example to others.

The other value I have chosen is: “l will take responsibility for represent the performance and risks of my enterprise accurate In professional life, in business and in life in general this is a v Blaming others, claiming to be a victim, or pass the ball to solve the refusal to take responsibility, it erodes respect and chooses Ethical people take responsibility for their actions, Just as the a ability to be responsible both in small things as in great. And t translates into confidence that others will have of you, trust is ‘1 ‘ace S’: harder to come back after losing.

Everyone who comes into con company must have trust and confidence in the way you do buy I have always faced problems at university or college. I have face them, sometimes obviously I have not got, but at least I tried. A works (group and individual) that I had to make, although I was from my mistakes, then I could do much better. The third value identified is: “l will strive to create sustainable economic, social, rookeries worldwide”. Since I was small I have been raised an nature and I feel very fortunate for that.

I therefore believe it is be to everyone, develop availing ourselves in society respecting resources in a manner that is not destructive, but seeking con growth. In this way we achieve sustainable development to Inc both economic and social life. Therefore I would also like to re phrase: Meet the needs of the present generation without com of future generations to meet their own needs. For a couple of years ago, I liked the idea of a sustainable devil third world countries. I would like the feeling of being useful to and to help them all I could.

Also, in my country there is a cur desertification and deforestation strong and with which I have a bit on the ground, doing work of re-forestation in Granddad (m have experienced fires in the summer time heat. 2) Logbook of The first thing I can say I’ve learned during lectures is that each meaning and vision of the ethic. Each one grows with different identify and with which we have been bred. Beside of our MIM that is our family and close friends, also greatly influences our our society in which we live and what we are exposed to since elision.

Because of this, I must to ask the same question Ram “What do ethics mean to you? ” Among their responses were the to do with what my feelings tell me is right or wrong. ” “Ethics h religious beliefs. ” “Being ethical is doing what the law requires. ” “Ethics consists of the standards of behavior our society accept The other value I have chosen is: “l will take responsibility for my actions, and will represent the performance and risks of my enterprise accurately and honestly”. In professional life, in business and in life in general this is a very important concept.

Blaming others, claiming to be a victim, or pass the ball to solve short-term crisis, is the refusal to take responsibility, it erodes respect and cohesion in an organization. Ethical people take responsibility for their actions, Just as the actions shown the ability to be responsible both in small things as in great. And this eventually translates into confidence that others will have of you, trust is hard to earn and even harder to come back after losing. Everyone who comes into contact with you or your company must have trust and confidence in the way you do business.

I consider that I have always faced problems at university or college. I have faced trying to solve them, sometimes obviously I have not got, but at least I tried. As a result, in many works (group and individual) that I had to make, although I was wrong, I’ve learned from my mistakes, then I could do much better. The third value with which I am identified is: “l will strive to create sustainable economic, social, and environmental prosperity worldwide”. Since I was small I have been raised and educated with nature and I feel very fortunate for that.

I therefore believe it is my duty, and should e to everyone, develop availing ourselves in society respecting the nature of its resources in a manner that is not destructive, but seeking economic and social growth. In this way we achieve sustainable development to increase our quality of both economic and social life. Therefore I would also like to recall that famous phrase: Meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability For a couple of years ago, I liked the idea of a sustainable development project in third world countries.

I would like the feeling of being useful to others in that respect ND to help them all I could. Also, in my country there is a current problem of desertification and deforestation strong and with which I have already been working a bit on the ground, doing work of re-forestation in Granddad (my city) in places that have experienced fires in the summer time heat. 2) Logbook of the lectures The first thing I can say I’ve learned during lectures is that each person has their own meaning and vision of the ethic. Each one grows with different values with which we identify and with which we have been bred.

Beside of our immediate environment, hat is our family and close friends, also greatly influences our values and ethics in our society in which we live and what we are exposed to since childhood, as well as religion. Because of this, I must to ask the same question Raymond Bumboat made, “What do ethics mean to you? ” Among their responses were the following: “Ethics has to do with what my feelings tell me is right or wrong. ” “Ethics has to do with my “Ethics consists of the standards of behavior our society accepts. “l don’t know what denounced by politicians in both the Republican and Democratic Parties, most reminiscently by presidential candidate Mitt Rooney and President Barack Obama. Such statements demonstrate the lack of ethics and values that some people can have. The rape is one of the most sensitive issues to be addressed, because the trauma to the woman is for the lifetime. One of the things that also caught my attention during lectures was when we were talking about when some companies move to other countries where labor is cheaper to reduce costs.

This is unethical, considering that in their home country are taking off the opportunity to work with many people who may also need it. Instead they go o countries where they can earn more money at lower cost. Although personally, I can understand the fact of going to another country in search of lower costs but also is playing with ethical values as they seek their own benefit rather than trying to improve their own country. We have lots of examples of such practices by multinational companies such as Aids, Nikkei, etc.

But in turn, if these companies do not, their costs would be higher and therefore their prices too. We face an ethical dilemma if companies do not, another competition could do it and then lose market share and could lead bankruptcy. The ethical dilemma would then, continue with the same type of management of your company or adapt to the times today and make the management more interested and individualistic way? Speaking of these multinational companies we can find another ethical dilemma, that of exploitation.

Some of the most important companies in the world use people not as human beings but rather as a factor of production. This often leads them to have them exploited. I worry every day more lack of humiliation of society in which we live and especially businesses, that after all are made by people who should have heir values and ethics. Some of the companies, as well as, most important countries of the world treat the planet as if it were all their own where they can do what they want.

Hence, many countries are poor and are treated by the “developed” countries as places to dispose of garbage and also use their resources for their own benefit. Developed countries and emerging contaminate the planet’s atmosphere a very exalted way, so they are endangering the survival of the planet on which we live and for the sole purpose of enriching themselves above others. From my point of view we would go making aware increasingly to the fact both achieve sustainable economic and environmental development.

Because if we cannot use the resources we have on the planet at the end of future generations end up having serious consequences of unsustainable development that has started since many years ago. In order to reduce contamination, countries should be put in the rules that companies cannot issue a certain amount of pollution and negative externalities. Obviously this can slow the growth of the economy, so that’s why we should implement green practices in society and the use of clean and renewable energies or the development of industrial and economic practices.

Obviously we are today at a difficult time because of the crisis in which we f more difficult to find funding for this, but if not in the future we could be FAA much worse crisis in which not have resources to survive and if we have overpopulation rates where we are today. If we do not control this in any us way, in the future we will regret a lot. For make this to become a reality, we begin to raise awareness among young people through education.

Since De for sustainable development is essential to tackling climate change. As Mar Richmond, director of the division of coordination of priorities of the United in the field of education said: “Education for sustainable development is a k instrument through which the education sector can be an influencing global partnership towards effective action, to show people that, in his capacity as consumers and responsible citizens, can help provide lasting solutions to p like climate change”.

What is clear is that ethics is and always will be one of the issues more differ treat, and more now a days, where we can find with globalization strong CUL clashes all over the world. Thus, what for a person born in Afghanistan may or someone who was born in Canada may not be. The ethical dilemma As an ethical dilemma, I decided to do it on an issue that is affecting million people in Spain as a result of mismanagement on for many years and final exploded as a result of the global crisis in 2007, the cutbacks that the current government is making in favor to pay the debts of the banks and the state.

We are faced with several parts in this ethical dilemma, on the one hand we have the Spanish government and banks and large national and multinational companies and on the other side is the Spanish population and Seems. First of all before I explain the ethical dilemma and its consequences I have to explain the general situation of Spain before and during the crises so that everything is better understood.

As it happened in the United States of America since August 2007, more precisely in Florida and California where it exploded the vast estate speculative banking bubble, which hardens credits construction industry and it would bankrupt thousands of companies with the consequent loss of Jobs and the total breakdown of a system. Also starts in Spain in 2008 its housing crisis. The property prices had remained low n big cities, however both in Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao began modestly up from 1992 in front of a small but steady demand did not Justify the higher prices triggering a demand increasing the supply.

This situation would reach its peak in 2007 off virulent form that would be evident in the deterioration of expectations estate and construction industry in Spain, in the context of a global economic crisis. Such indicators would be mainly the decrease of units sold, and hence the sharp drop in house prices ( more or less pronounced depending on the region ) and increased developers and construction companies cellared bankrupt or in financial distress.

The Spanish phenomenon have characterized by a marked increase of houses built and unprecedented growth of mortgage debt, as well as an increase in the importance of construction in GAP and employment growth in the sector. In return, there was an increase in housing prices well above the ICP. After the bursting of the housing bubble there was a lowering of housing prices attached to unemployment has meant that many citizens cannot take care of their mortgage, or even selling their property.

This situation occurs because in areas where prices had been “inflated” by AR the current price of the home is less than the mortgage owed debt. Thus, numerous local embargoes and second homes, as well as first-time home evictions are being carried out during this period of crisis. The Spanish banking system was considered by many analysts as one of the strongest among the economies of Western Europe and better equipped to withstand a liquidity crisis due to the restrictive banking policy that required maintain a high percentage of reserves.

However, this analysis proved wrong by other factors, during the housing bubble relaxed this policy and the regulator, the Bank of Spain, acted omission. The accounting system of “accounting provisioning” practiced in Spain does not exceed the minimum standards of the International Accounting Standards Board, this allowed giving an appearance of solidity while the system was vulnerable. Later it was found that most of the MSP had significant investments in real estate, reaching in some cases up to 20 properties.

Other news reports revealed numerous complicity of the central and regional governments with the banking sector (the international press expressed surprise at the number two in extremis Banc Suntanned, Alfred Asana pardon, who had been sentenced to prison for interfering offenses documentary). At the same time the main parties were heavily indebted to banks. Sharp contrast to other countries such as Ireland, the only major nationalization was late. Previously the government had promoted with public money a bank merger.

Since Spain had denser network of bank offices in Europe, this led to a large number of “surplus” employees to significantly increase unemployment. We can think in some mechanism to solve the problem. Obviously the bank cannot close its doors because the remedy would be worse than the disease, remember that the money is deposited in them and they work with, it is public money. The main problem is legal. Ultimately you have to immediately repeal the Spanish Mortgage Law and adapt to the serious social problem that hits the Spaniards.

The first case is dropping lower prices without any resentment for the sole purpose of minimizing losses. At this point those who cannot afford the value of the remaining mortgage must reinstate good without any obligation to meet with the lending banks. Or purchase the property for 50 % of its appraised price if stay at public auction deserted. And remove the legal monstrosity to continue paying the bank the initial mortgage. Thus be achieved recover much of the investment. Properties that fail to place in a certain time would be acquired by the Spanish state to look to future social developments, where permissible.

What is a reality and this could lead to another ethical dilemma is that the eviction is not the escape of the situation as is happening in Spain , it’s Just a social time bomb that could explode at any time. It is true that there will be a fiscal deficit but there are coping mechanisms that allow a more long term and more rationally taking Spain back to the way of their full economic and social development. As a result of this, instead of eliminating tax evasion or tax large fortunes, the government has preferred to reduce the rights of citizens and raise taxes and fees to the citizens.

If reduced by ten points the fraud rate in Spain, the state could collect each year more than в? 38,500 million. Besides Popular Party conducted an amnesty tax 2012. The own current Prime Minister said two weeks before the election, in which he was elected, “I’m going to put the scissors to everything except public pensions and, even powers of the autonomous communities, health and education, where I do not want o trim the rights of citizens. Everything else, yes, we have to do and it’s good that Spaniards know”.

There are cases of circulars to warn official consequences for criticizing government cuts. Governments use Newsweek for these cases, and prefer to say “reforms” or “settings” instead of “cuts”. All this information leads to the ethical dilemma that I present , and which is related to two of the values I put in my self-presentation: “l will take responsibility for my actions, and will represent the performance and risks of my enterprise accurately ND honestly” and “l will act with utmost integrity and pursue my word manner”.

Neither the government nor the banks take any responsible actions, many of them related to corruption or lies at the expense oft benefit, never looking for the good of the country. How can a party the financed with illegal money for years can continue leading our count r-bal question I could make thousands. The government prefers to continuo to banks, raising taxes and cutting public spending on fundamental RI for the country’s development in the future as education . Thus, in Sp storing the middle class and the welfare state at the expense of p that banks have given us.

The bailout that received the Spanish bank clean up its banks and flowed credit among Seems and the economy is where he is, the Spanish Seems have not seen a Euro of that money an continue loading them taxes that destroy thousands of them a year . CARS Innovation The CARS innovation on which I speak has to do with the recent Medici cancer. In only 16 years, an American high school student has manage sensor for detecting cancer in Just five minutes, his name is Jack And that may change many people lives.

It all started with the loss of a love of this terrible disease Andorra when Jack was 13. A terrible experience investigate cancer through simple online tools. And three years later, “quick, simple and effective” way to detect this deadly disease, thanks invention, it can be neutralized. With information obtained from Go Wisped, Jack studied the 8000 proteins found in blood, to understate these, enmeshment, soars in early stages, people who become ill with p cancer. “Detects one of the thousands of proteins (enmeshment) is in t cancer patients.

The mechanical was to use antibodies and weave the outwork of carbon annotates, so that only a marker that reacts to boot explained the report to the Festival of the Brilliant Minds. So he achieved his invention. A paper sensor, which costs 3 cents, an detect in five minutes three types of cancer: the pancreas, ovary and surprising of all is that it was 26 thousand times cheaper being as we faster. Furthermore, this method is 400 times more sensitive than cur noninvasive.

But his best point in favor is that “you can detect cancer at the earlier someone is almost 100 percent chance of surviving, and so far is over 90 percent accurate for detecting cancer,” he said. He said also: “And it will be the same for ovarian and lung cancer”, added “and changing the antibody, the same invention can use a different protein to detect Alchemist’s, other forms of cancer or HIVE. But it was not easy to get. From 200 requests sent to laboratories, all of them refused to continue his research, except one.

Finally got the Johns Hopkins University will help its development. It is a discovery that could affect the cancer industry millionaire. His invention is patent prosecution stage, which can take several years, but the day it s approved may be a revolution for medical science. Also during the conference, Jack said that science should not be a luxury, and should be a fundamental human right, “the right of access to information should be for all, not Just those who can pay”, he said. A discovery that has earned him the Gordon E.

Award Moore of the International Science and Engineering Fair and the Intel Smithsonian American Ingenuity Award and is the youngest of the Royal Society of Medicine in the U. S. Speaker. Definitely a price well deserved. The invention this kid has made is amazing, has discovered a huge step forward for our society, and instead of being recognized by the cancer industry refuse to develop it, since being developed would lose the millions they earn with cancer. The invention soon developed between 5 to 10 years, they said.

Since there are legal restrictions on free use and need to get a number of permits to commercialism this technology. If the sensor entered the market, the survival rates of pancreatic cancer would be 5. 5% today to almost 100%. You can save lives with this invention from now until that all such permits are approved, but instead is more important to continue enriching for a ewe years at the expense of the very expensive treatments used to treat cancer. This is a method that could revolutionize medicine and affect the millionaire medical industry.

Perhaps it could be one of the most important discoveries of 2013, and also of modern medicine. This is a new method that could hit the millionaire industry of laboratories and medical providers that fight cancer. Jack discovery could be one of the most important in recent years, although it has the necessary broadcast by different factors. One is the direct impact that this new teeth could bring about the billion dollar industry around the cancer, run by big pharaohs and medical providers.

In regard to values, innovation refers to my first and my third selected value: “I will act with utmost integrity and pursue my work in an ethical manner” and “I will strive to create sustainable economic, social, and environmental prosperity worldwide”. Jack started this project because he wanted to help others to find a way how to detect a possible cancer in time to save people. The main value of this innovation is that everyone has the opportunity to know the information, not Just the wealthy.

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