Course Description of Biology Assignment

Course Description of Biology Assignment Words: 856

This course will look at the very latest information and techniques in the field of genetics, integrating classical rules for inheritance of traits with modern knowledge of the structure and function of genes. The course will consist of three equally important and fundamental areas Of genetics: 1) molecular genetics; 2) transmission genetics (also known as classical or Madeline genetics); and 3) population and evolutionary genetics. In addition to lectures, there will be a strong emphasis on how to solve genetic problems, including weekly problem sets and recitations.

Prerequisites are BIO 187 and BIO 188 (one year of Introductory Biology for Majors). You are expected to already have a good basic understanding of organic chemistry, biochemistry, meiosis and mitosis, and cellular and molecular biological processes covered in these pre-requisite courses. Grading*: Grades will be based on two midterm exams, one comprehensive final exam, and the problem sets: Midterm exam I 25% Midterm exam II Final exam Problem sets 20% Total 100% Missed exams: There will be no make-up exams.

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Missed exams will receive a grade of zero unless the student obtains an excused absence from a roofless no more than two weeks after the exam. Excused absences will be granted only for emergencies, and requests must be in writing and include documentation of the emergency. Granting of excused absences will be at the professor’s discretion. If the absence is granted, the student will receive a grade for the exam that is the average of his or her scores on the remaining exams (including the final).

No student will be excused from more than one exam. Problem Sets: Problem sets will be posted on Blackboard and are due in class on the date listed in Blackboard. A drop box will be provided near the rent of the lecture room for completed problem sets, and late work will not be accepted. Recitation attendance will help students to solve the problem sets. Study groups are encouraged to work together on problem sets, but it is important that each student turn in his or her own work, and not simply copy answers from other group members.

Re-grading: All requests for re-grading must be submitted within one week of the return of the graded problem set or exam. Re-grades are entirely at the discretion of the instructor. NO makeup quizzes or assignments will be given. *Please Note: The instructor reserves the right to alter this grading scheme y omitting assignments or adding additional ones. Recitations: Recitations meet Friday from 10:1 0 PM to 1 1 PM. Students will work on assigned problems and receive guidance in how to solve them. Often, original lecture material will also be presented during recitations.

A calculator will be useful for many problems. Regular attendance is expected. Recitation work may be graded, but another strong reason for attendance is a chance to hone skills on the kinds of problems that will appear on exams. Lecture attendance: Regular attendance of lecture is expected, but I realize that illness and arsenal circumstances may cause an occasional absence. Attendance may be taken. Lecture assignments will occasionally be given, often as in-class assignments. Late lecture assignments will NOT be accepted.

Classroom Rules of Conduct: Students should arrive on time and stay for the entire class. All cell phones, watch alarms, music players, and other electronic equipment must be shut off or set to vibrate or silent mode at the beginning of each class, so as not to disturb the instructors or other students. Blackboard: The syllabus, problem sets, announcements and any other course information will be posted on Blackboard. This includes the Powering slides accompanying each lecture, which will be posted no later than the day before lecture.

These slides are no substitute for lecture attendance, but they may help with note taking and review. Discussion Board: A discussion board will be available on Blackboard for students to post questions about lectures and problem sets, or other genetics-related information that may be of interest to other students. Participation is completely voluntary and will not be graded. The discussion board is mainly a way for students to help one another learn the course material, but instructors will periodically monitor it and post responses to problems raised by students.

Withdrawal policy: Student withdrawal without instructor’s signature is permitted until the date specified in the college calendar. After that, you are responsible for notifying me that you would like to withdraw. Any student who notifies me will receive a “W” (withdrew passing). Any student who Stops attending without notifying the instructor will receive a “Y” (withdrew failing). Academic dishonesty: Academic dishonesty will result in a zero for that assignment as well as an “F’ or “Y” for the course at the instructor’s discretion. All incidents will be reported to the academic dean of students.

Classroom Rules and Visitation: No eating, drinking or smoking is allowed in lecture or laboratory rooms. The university only covers liability insurance on employees and students registered in the class; therefore, no outside visitors are allowed during class hours under any circumstances.

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Course Description of Biology Assignment. (2022, Mar 06). Retrieved March 4, 2025, from