Conflict Resolution and the Negotiation Method Assignment

Conflict Resolution and the Negotiation Method Assignment Words: 1400

There was a situation between two students in which they had a disagreement on which approach to take on a team project. There were names called and a lot of agree between the two. I went with the negotiation method. I wanted to hear both sides’ arguments and see what we can do to pull this project all together. I want to make sure I was being fair in resolving this conflict and to make sure both sides input was a part of this project. Working with a team is not always easy for students, but the outcome of the project was all worth it. 2. Please explain a situation in which you resolve conflict.

Describe your method of conflict resolution in a professional environment. When put in a situation where there was conflict between two co-workers, I decided to bring them together to discuss the issues at hand and to see if they can be resolved. First, I decided to meet with them both separately to hear their arguments. Next, I brought them both together to discuss what I’ve heard and to come with a possible resolution. 1. Please explain how your past personal and professional experience make you a quality candidate for the position for which you are applying.

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My entire life I knew I wanted o be a teacher. My Mother is also a retired teacher. She has worked with children my entire life. My personal experience with children has helped me become more patient and understanding of how and why children act. After hearing her positive remarks towards teaching, I was inspired to become a role model to students as well. I spent time teaching in a preschool classroom. Currently, I am currently registered as a substitute teacher and working as a teachers aid to a preschool classroom. I have taught on and off for 18 weeks this school year.

I have gained knowledge in caching individual students, small groups, and whole classrooms. This experience has allowed my skills in differentiation, technology, and parent communication to grow. 1. Describe the skills or attributes you believe are necessary to be an outstanding teacher. I believe outstanding teachers are known for their adaptability. I have learned from my student teaching and experience as a reserve teacher that no two days are ever alike, so my “plans” are constantly shifted, even though my expectations for the students are consistent.

Outstanding teachers are overly organized, which is a great raid to have when teaching a number of different classes. Effective teachers must have a passion for the subject if they expect to have motivated students. I adore history and finding ways to make history relevant to today’s students. The final attribute that makes an outstanding teacher is the ability to look upon your subject with perspective and teach the students to be objective when confronted with new information. I understand that everyone who enters my classroom enters it with a specific viewpoint that is different from everyone else.

This variety of background knowledge enhances the classroom. I believe one of my strengths is to have the students participate equally and bring their past experiences into the classroom with them. 2. How would you address a wide range of skills and abilities in your classroom? Addressing the wide range of skills and abilities in the classroom is the toughest part of teaching. I have found that I often differentiate far more than I think I do Just by making sure that my lessons are varied and exciting for the students.

I refer to the multiple intelligence seminars that I have attended in order to make sure that all my students are receiving a specialized lesson a couple of times a week. If a student seems to be struggling, I would take them aside and have a quick conference to see if there were any strategies that had worked in the past that I could use. Students are very eager to help out a teacher when it comes to giving information about what types of lessons they enjoyed before they came into your classroom. For any of my advanced students I challenge their thinking by asking questions about the answers they provide.

I also am willing to have students work on alternative assignments if hey have already mastered what we are covering in class. This teaches them independence and the Joy of in-depth research. 3. Please explain a situation in which you resolve conflict. Describe your method of conflict resolution in a professional environment. There was a situation between two students in which they had a disagreement on which approach to take on a team project. There were names called and a lot of agree between the two. I went with the negotiation method.

I wanted to hear both sides’ arguments and see what we can do to pull this project all together. I want to make sure I was being fair in resolving this conflict and to make sure both sides input was a part of this project. Working with a team is not always easy for students, but the outcome of the project was all worth it. 1 . What personal characteristics define an excellent administrator? 2. Attention to detail 3. Ability to see the big picture 4. Support of staff 5. Elasticity of the mind – willingness to try new things 6. Life long learner 7. Open and transparent with his/her own personal development 8.

Follows through with commitments 9. 2. From your point of view, how important is technology in education? What technology-related skills can you contribute to a school district? Technology is a great aspect to any classroom. I believe that technology is very important in education. It is a huge motivator for students and enhances learning. Like many things it is another tool for teachers to use. I am very efficient in Microsoft Office and as a internet researcher. I feel I would be a great attribute to the school district with my proficient technology skills. Please explain a situation in which you solve conflict.

Describe your method of conflict resolution in a professional environment. In our rules of engagement (upon which we agreed when we first talked about this) is to bring any conflict to the open ASAP and to talk about it before it becomes toxic. Healthy conflict should be tolerated and as leader of the pact it is my sacred responsibility to make sure that dissenting voices are duly heard, listened to and evaluated. We all need to make sure to make the best possible decisions. That can only happen if many voices are heard, even if it meaner that they come from opposite ends.

When there is a conflict in the professional word involving me, this is the steps I take to be sure it is resolved accurately. 1 . Describe the skills or attributes you believe are necessary to be outstanding when working in student support services. I am a keen, passionate and enthusiastic person, with a strong desire to motivate and inspire students from various cultures & backgrounds. Additionally I have very good time management & coordination skills, excellent in working independently or as part of a team, and I eave good communications & listening skills when liaising with students and other staff.

Proficient in the use of computers, specializing in MS office programs (word, PDF, Excel, Outlook and Powering), and certified trainer in First Aid & CPRM. 2. How would you address a wide range of issues in your groups? Get to know the student, find out what their interests are, which could be incorporated into my teaching plan. Treat each student as an individual, encouraging them to work on their weaknesses, but use the strengths to their advantage.

Flexibility and a illnesses to adapt programs and resources to ensure student has the best support needed to suit them individually. Vary my teaching instructions, strategies and tools, to create an interest and prevent boredom, but also to meet the needs of all learning styles (visual, auditory, kinetic). Encourage students to work independently or as part of a team. Encourage open classroom discussions which are respectful of all students in the classroom. Raise any concerns about a student’s health ; well-being or classroom issues with parent’s and principal.

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Conflict Resolution and the Negotiation Method Assignment. (2022, Mar 10). Retrieved October 23, 2024, from