Computer waste Assignment

Computer waste Assignment Words: 1337

The development, Implementation, and maintenance of SIS constitute a large and growing part of the cost of doing business; protecting these resources Is a primary concern. Managers and users at all levels play a major role in helping organizations achieve the positive benefits of IS. These people must also take the lead in helping to minimize or eliminate the negative consequences of poorly designed and improperly utilized information systems. For managers and users to have such an influence, they must be properly educated.

This paper examines about computer waste and imputer related mistakes and their causes; and the necessary measures to avoid them. 1. Introduction Computers have become such valuable tools that today’s business people have difficulty imagining work without them. Yet the information age has also brought the following potential problems for workers, companies, and society in general: Computer waste and mistakes, Computer crime, Privacy issues, Work environment problems Ethical issue.

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Computer waste Involves the Inappropriate use of computer technology and resources. It” may be defined as discarded computers. This deflection includes used computers which are destined for reuse, resale, salvage, recycling, or disposal. Computer technology is advancing at a rapid pace leaving users with older and obsolete equipment more quickly than ever. To remain profitable in a competitive environment, organizations must use all resources wisely. Preventing computer- related waste and mistakes should therefore be a goal.

Today, nearly all organizations use some type of Computer Based Information System (CBS). To employ IS resources efficiently and effectively, employees and managers alike should strive to minimize waste and mistakes. For this reason and numerous others, this paper highlights about computer waste and the need for necessary measures to manage this growing waste management issue. 2. Computer Waste Computer waste is widespread in the public and private sectors, and is usually caused by the improper management of information technology.

Some companies discard usable hardware and software that could be used elsewhere In the company, or sold or donated. Another example of computer waste occurs when significant resources are invested in the development of an information system, and then, it is never used to it fullest extent. This happens for many reasons, but poor design and inadequate training are major causes. Computer waste refers to the inappropriate use of computer technology and services.

Cause: Improper management of information systems and resources 0 Discarding old software and computer systems when they still have value 0 Building and malignantly complex systems that are never used to their fullest extent using corporate time and technology for personal use 0 Spam Some experts believe that computers waste up to half of the energy they consume and account for about 2% of worldwide energy usage. Some companies discard old software and computer systems when they still have value. Others waste corporate extent.

A less dramatic, yet still relevant, example of waste is the amount of company time and money employees can waste playing computer games, sending unimportant e-mail, or accessing the Internet. Junk e-mail, also called spam, and Junk faxes also cause waste. People receive hundreds of e-mail messages and faxes advertising products and services not wanted or requested. Not only does this waste time, but it also waste paper and computer resources. Worse yet, spam messages often carry attached files with embedded viruses that can cause networks and computers to rash or allow hackers to gain unauthorized access to systems and data. . Computer Related Mistakes Computer-related mistakes: errors, failures, and other computer problems that make computer output incorrect or not useful; caused mostly by human error Common causes: 0 Failure by users to follow proper procedures 0 Unclear expectations and a lack of feedback 0 Program development that contains errors 0 Incorrect data entry by data-entry clerk Despite many people’s distrust of them, computers rarely make mistakes. Yet even the most sophisticated hardware cannot produce meaningful output if users do not allow proper procedures.

Mistakes can be caused by unclear expectations and a lack of feedback. A programmer might also develop a program that contains errors. In other cases, a data-entry clerk might enter the wrong data. Unless errors are caught early and prevented, the speed of computers can intensify mistakes. As information technology becomes faster, more complex, and more powerful, organizations and computer users face increased risks of experiencing the results of computer-related mistakes. 4. Preventing computer related waste and mistakes a. Establishing Policies and Procedures

The first step to prevent computer-related waste is to establish policies and procedures regarding efficient acquisition, use, and disposal of systems and devices. Computers permeate organizations today, and it is critical for organizations to ensure that systems are used to their full potential. As a result, most companies have implemented stringent policies on the acquisition of computer systems and equipment, including requiring a formal Justification statement before computer equipment is purchased, definition of standard computing plat- forms (operating system, type of computer chip, minimum amount of RAM, etc. And the use of preferred vendors for all acquisitions. Prevention of computer-related mistakes begins by identifying the most common types of errors, of which there are surprisingly few. To control and prevent potential problems caused by computer- related mistakes, companies have developed policies and procedures that cover the acquisition and use of computers, with a goal of avoiding waste and mistakes. Training programs for individuals and workups as well as manuals and documents covering the use and maintenance computer systems also help prevent problems.

Other preventive measures include approval of certain systems and applications before they are implemented and used to ensure compatibility and cost effectiveness, and a requirement that documentation and descriptions of certain spreadsheets and a description of all data elements and relationships in a database system. Such standardization can ease access and use for all personnel. B. Implementing Policies and Procedures Implementing policies and procedures to minimize waste and mistakes varies according to the business conducted.

Some useful policies to minimize waste and mistakes include the following: 0 Implementation of source data automation Use of data editing to ensure data accuracy and completeness 0 Assignment of clear responsibility for data accuracy within each information system Training is very important for acceptance and implementation of policies and procedures. Many users are not properly trained in using applications, and their mistakes can be very costly c.

Monitoring Policies and Procedures To ensure that users throughout an organization are following established procedures, the next step is to monitor routine practices and take corrective action if necessary. By under- standing what is happening in day-to-day activities, organizations can make adjustments or develop new procedures. Many organizations implement internal audits to measure actual results against established goals, such as percentage of end-user reports produced on time, percentage of data-input errors detected, number of input transactions entered per eight- hour shift, and so on. . Reviewing Policies and Procedures The final step is to review existing policies and procedures and determine whether they are adequate. During review, people should ask the following questions: ; Do current policies cover existing practices adequately? Were any problems or opportunities uncovered during monitoring? ; Does the organization plan any new activities in the future? If so, does it need new policies or procedures addressing who will handle them and what must be done? Are contingencies and disasters covered? This review and planning allows companies to take a proactive approach to problem solving, which can enhance a company’s performance, such as by increasing productivity and improving customer service. 4. Conclusion In summary, Computer related waste and mistakes are major causes of computer problems, contributing as they do to unnecessarily high costs and lost profits. Computer waste involves the inappropriate use of computer technology and resources.

Computer related mistakes refer to errors, failures, and other computer problems that make computer output incorrect or not useful, caused mostly by human error. Computer waste and mistakes contribute to computer problems, high costs, lost profits, and angry customers.

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Computer waste Assignment. (2019, Mar 26). Retrieved January 22, 2025, from