Chem 1035 Syllabus Assignment

Chem 1035 Syllabus Assignment Words: 1884

Attendance at Help Sessions is entirely optional but can be helpful. Questions will be answered and homework and old test problems will be worked. You can stay for Just a few minutes until your questions are answered or for the entire time. Web page (Scholar) http://learn. VT. Du All materials useful for the course are posted on Scholar under “Resources. ” This information includes the course syllabus, a periodic table, old tests and their answer keys, solutions to tests that you take, homework solutions, and class notes. You will also check your grades on Scholar Graduated.

I use Scholar to post announcements, which will also be sent to you by e- mail. Grading: Four tests (lowest grade dropped): Final exam: 25% On-line homework (Connect and Learn Smart) 10% ‘Clicker Questions Grading scale 90-100 5% + and – grades will be used for final grades: 80-89 B 8+ A- and the number range associated with a given letter 70-79 C C+ B- 60-69 D- the end of D D+ C- grade will be determined at the semester. Below 60 F Text: Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change, by Martin S. Sidewinder, TN Deletion, McGraw-HI $201 at the Virginia Tech Bookstores.

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This price includes the Textbook, the Student Solutions Manual, Connect Plus (access to the e-book, on-line homework) and Dignity. The textbook (or e-book) and on-line homework access are required. These materials are used in both Chemistry 1035 and Chemistry 1036. McGraw-Hill is about $110. This includes the e-book. Oust on-line homework access, no e-book) is about $60. Cost of Connect Plus from Cost of Connect alone For on-line Connect registration, go to the following web address and click the “Register NOW’ button: http://connect. McGraw-hill. Mom/class/ 5 You will use this address to get to CONNECT each time you use it and you will log in with your e-mail address and password. Directions for CONNECT/Learn Smart registration are at the end of this wallaby and are also posted as the second item under “Resources” on Scholar. To register for CONNECT, you will need the Connect access code that comes packaged with your textbook or that you purchase directly from McGraw-Hill. Connect seems to like Chrome better than the other browsers. The http://amps. Meme. Com/ link will take you to the ASK Customer Experience Group Support Center.

Scroll down and click on CONNECT. This will take you to the Connect Success Center. Connect Technical support: 1-800-331-5094 clickers: You will also need to purchase an clickers, which will likely be used in other rouses as well. Cost is about $47 at the Bookstores. (The original clicker can only be used for multiple-choice questions; clicker 2 is much more versatile. ) Directions for ‘Clicker registration are at the end of this syllabus and are also posted as the third item under “Resources” on Scholar. Four tests will be given throughout the semester.

Your lowest test grade Tests: will be dropped. All students enrolled in Chemistry 1035 will take the same “department-made” tests at the same time The four tests will be given on Tuesday evenings (Classrooms TAB) at p. M. : September 24 (l essay) October 1 5 (Tuesday) rest 2 November 12 (Tuesday) -rest 3 December 3 (Tuesday) -rest 4 Final Exam December 13 (Friday 7:45-9:45 a. M. ) (Common Time Final Exam) Absences: Each test will consist of 30 questions or problems with your answers marked on Poppas sheets. They will be graded by machine.

The tests will be carefully constructed in order to cover the necessary material and so that, assuming adequate knowledge of chemistry, they can be completed in the time available. Test grades and solutions will be posted on Scholar the day after the test is taken. You must take the tests on the specified dates, unless your absence is excused due to extended illness, emergency, or a university conflict. A request for an excused absence due to emergency or illness must be made in writing immediately upon your return to class by completing a “Request for Excused Absence Form” available from the Instructor.

For an absence due too University conflict, the request must be made in advance of the test and a note from the coach or program director must be provided. You have the option of dropping the zero received on a missed test or taking a makeup test. All make-up tests will be held at 6:45 a. M. The Friday (or Thursday for Test 2) following the test (Rooms TAB). Generally speaking, only documented University conflicts and severe illness or family emergencies certified by the Dean of Students will be acceptable excuses for missing a test or exam. Final exam: The final exam will cover the entire semester’s work.

Friday, December 13, 7:45-9:45 a. M. (Rooms TAB) Exam time: The best way to prepare for tests and the final exam is: (1) study your class notes carefully, working though examples that I did in class; (2) understand the assigned Connect/Learn Smart homework and work extra homework problems when you feel this is necessary; (3) utilize the worksheets when you need additional reactive problems; (4) do the old (Fall, 2012) tests under the pressure off time limit. Important Information Regarding the Tests and Final Exam and the ‘Clicker Questions 1.

The only calculator that can be used on quizzes, tests and the final exam is a TTL-XX XI’S, which is available at the Bookstore on campus for about $15. 2. A periodic table and tables of data will be provided when needed. 3. Tests and the exam and clicker questions are closed-book, closed notes. You will be provided with a formula sheet for the final exam. 4. Note the information on “Absences” on this page of this syllabus. 5. Do not handle cell phones, ‘Pods, laptops, or other such electronic devices during the tests, and exam.

They must be turned off and stored. 6. ‘Clicker questions will be conceptual and will not require a calculator. Extra cream courses. Extra cry alt assignments are never given In General chemistry The thought underlying this policy is that anyone needing extra credit will be better off spending the time studying the basic chemistry than preparing an extra credit assignment. Homework: The homework assignments will include questions from Connect and from Learn Smart. Connect is problem-oriented, whereas Learn Smart is more incept-oriented.

All of the assigned homework problems must be completed using McGraw- Hill’s Connect on-line homework system. There will be about two assignments per chapter. I will post solutions to assigned homework problems on Scholar after the assignment due date. Homework is critical to your understanding of the material. If you spend time on the homework and understand it, you should do very well on the tests and final exam. I will be happy to assist you with the homework during office hours, after class, during help sessions, by phone or e-mail, or, as time permits, in class.

If you ask a question by e-mail, be sure to attach a screen shot showing me what you have done on the problem. ) Working together on homework in small groups is often helpful, but depending too much on the work of others is discouraged. Until you have solved a problem from beginning to end by yourself, you cannot be sure that you understand the material illustrated by that problem. Keep up with the homework! Don’t wait until Just before an assignment is due to begin studying and working the problems. Due dates (and times) for all homework assignments will appear on Connect when you access the assignment.

Extensions on the homework will not be given except in special situations (as described in “Absences” on page 3). The work that you have completed on any given assignment will be submitted automatically on the due date and you will receive credit for work that you have done correctly. Class Notes: Class notes for each chapter will be posted on Scholar before we begin the chapter. It will be helpful if you bring these notes to class. I will use the document camera and write on the notes as necessary during class, particularly when I solve example problems.

After each class the “written on” notes will also be posted. Worksheets: If you want to work extra problems beyond the required Connect/ Learn Smart homework problems, I strongly suggest the worksheets prepared by Dry. Inmates. These worksheets and solutions are posted on Scholar Free Tutoring: The Chemistry Department provides extensive tutorial assistance in the Chemistry Learning Center (CLC) located in Hahn Hall North, Room 301. Operating hours, beginning September 2, are: Monday, 1-3; Tuesday 10-12; Wednesday 2-4, and Thursday 9-11 .

During these times graduate students will be available to Nell you Walt class material. Appointments are not necessary. I nee center operates on a walk-Len Oasis; The Student Success Center provides tutoring for selected 1000- and 2000- level courses. The link to the Center’s web page is www. Seductresses. VT. Du Alpha Chi Sigma, a chemistry fraternity, also provides free tutoring. Hours will be announced soon. As they develop, other opportunities for tutoring assistance will be found on Scholar under “Resources” – Extra Help in Chemistry 1035.

Attendance Attendance is not required except for the tests and exam. Whenever a clicker: class is missed and an clicker question not answered, you will receive a “zero” for that question, but it is anticipated that five ‘Clicker grades will be dropped. Regular attendance will usually make it easier to learn the material needed for success on the tests and exam. There will be one or two clicker questions per class period beginning the week of September 2 and a total of 45 for the semester. A correct answer is worth 2 h points, and an incorrect answer is worth 1 h points.

An absence is zero points. Honor Code: The course will be conducted in strict compliance with the Virginia Tech Honor Code. It is understood that all work submitted on tests and the final exam and on the ‘Clicker questions is entirely your own. It is acceptable to work gather on homework. Special Needs: Any student with special needs or circumstances should feel free to meet with me during the first two weeks of classes. The Services for Students with Disabilities (SD) Center is now located in Leaver Hall (next to Randolph and Just across the street from McBride).

For students needing extra time on tests, we will find a room to use for testing rather than having the test taken at the SD Center I nee course outline Delve gives ten order In wanly snappers will De covered, a Roller listing of the major topics from each chapter, and dates for tests and the final exam. It also includes estimated class dates for when the particular chapters will be covered in class. In some chapters, not all of the sections in the textbook will be covered.

When this is the case, as we begin each chapter, I will tell you which sections you are responsible Course Outline Chapter 1 – Keys to the Study of Chemistry (August 27, 29) metric/English units, unit conversions, density, temperature, significant figures, accuracy, precision Chapter 2 – The Components of Matter (September 3, 5) elements, atomic symbols, atomic theory, average atomic mass, periodic table, homicidal nomenclature.

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