CELTA Handbook manacad Assignment

CELTA Handbook manacad Assignment Words: 1632

The school was awarded ‘Best Teaching Qualification Centre’ in the I-JK by Cambridge English (April 201 3) School opening times: The school is open Monday -Thursday 8:45 – 17:30* and Fridays 8:45 – 17:00*. *the school is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings for part-time trainees only. School Facilities Teacher Training room: Rooms 4. 6 and 3. 7 are our teacher training rooms. There are books for your reference and a photocopier you can use free of charge. Please be aware of resources and keep photocopying to a minimum, always using the double-sided option.

You will be given a code for the photocopier on your first day. There are 2 computers in the teacher training room for CELTA trainees to use, and there is also a computer room on the first floor with 12 computers and a printer that you can use outside class time. Again, please aim to keep printing volumes appropriate for your needs. Wi-Fi network: Wi-Fi is available everym/here in the school Wi-Fi network: ELCManchester Password: ElcM@nchester prayer Room: A designated classroom, room 4. is available outside class times for trainees who require a place to pray. School Safety Know where to exit the building in case of emergency and follow the green signs. If you’re not sure, ask a member of staff. We carry out practice fire evacuations from time to time – the purpose is to ensure staff and students know the process Of an evacuation in case if a real emergency. Exit calmly and quickly and proceed to the assembly point outside school. The fire alarm is tested on a weekly basis at midday on Wednesdays.

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We have staff trained in First Aid to help in case of a medical emergency. Report to reception for emergency first aid treatment. Teacher Training Team Manchester Academy of English, Experience English General Manager: Karen Page Director of Teacher Training: Vanna Carter CELTA trainers: Dolores Long Michelle Farrar Katie Fielding Chris Robinson Gaby Sanderson Pam Womack Academic Administrator: Laura Wilkinson The team members can be contacted on the school’s main number: 01 61 2375619 The general school email is Manchester@experienceenglish. om Please feel free to use this address if you have any general enquiries. Course Overview The course will include 4 written assignments and 6 hours of assessed teaching practice. You will also be involved in observations of peers and experienced teachers. You are required to maintain and submit a portfolio of all course work including all written assignments and materials relating to teaching practice.

Candidate assessment portfolios must be clearly labelled and consist Of: Section A The completed candidate record booklet (CELTA 5) which includes: A record of the candidates attendance A record of observations undertaken A record of the length, level and focus of teaching practice A record of the ark awarded for completed written assignments Tutorial and progress records Section B Records of each assessed teaching practice session in reverse chronological order including: the candidate’s lesson plans the candidate’s evaluation of their teaching the materials used for teaching the course tutors’ feedback on lesson plans and teaching practice Section C The completed written assignments marked by course tutors. Course Requirements Course hours, attendance and dress Timetabled hours for full-time courses are from 9:00 to 17:00. For part-time courses, the hours are from 17:30 to 21100 on Tuesday and Thursday venings and 17:30 to 20:30 on Wednesdays. On full-time courses you can expect to spend around 2 – 3 hours working in the evening also, and some time at weekends will be required for assignments and lesson preparation. In order to fulfil the requirements of the scheme, candidates are required to follow 100% of an approved course, punctual attendance is required too.

The course is approved on the basis of 1 20 hours’ including input sessions, 6 hours’ teaching practice of students (not including peer teaching) and 6 hours’ (minimum) observation of lessons taught by qualified teachers, together with TP preparation time, tutorials and feedback sessions. You must be present at the teaching practice Of the other members Of your group and contribute to the feedback sessions. In the case of unavoidable absence, please inform us immediately by telephoning 0161 237 5619. Absences will be officially recorded in the CELTA 5. Please try to ensure that you dress in a way that is unlikely to cause students from other cultures to be alienated from you.

Formal dress is not required, but you need to ensure that you project a professional image at all times. Course Timetables Timetable for our full-time courses: 9. 00-10. 30. input 10. 30-12. 00. 12. 00-12. 30. supervised TP preparation lunch 12. 30-13. 30: 13. 35-15. 35. teaching practice 15. 35-15. 50: break TP feedback and lesson TP preparation 1 5. 50-1 7. 00. Timetable for our part-time courses: Tuesdays / Thursdays 17:30 – 18:45: input 19:15 – 20:00: input 20:00 – 21100: supervised TP preparation Wednesdays 17:30 – 1 9:30: teaching practice 19:45 – 2030: TP feedback *some Thursdays will be used for teaching practice later in the course.

Components Of the course nput sessions These will be about various aspects of teaching, e. g. anguage awareness, phonology, and the four skills, and will take the form of workshops or brainstorming sessions rather than lectures. Candidates are expected to participate in these sessions and, on occasion, lead them. Teaching practice The amount of assessed teaching required for the Cambridge CELTA is six hours per candidate over the whole course. TP will begin in the afternoon of the second day for full-time courses and on the second Wednesday of the course for part-time courses and continue through the course. There will be two different levels of students, one about elementary (CEFR Al+) and one bout intermediate (CEFR Bl) level.

Candidates will be divided into groups, each group teaching one level for half the course and then switching levels for the other half. Trainers will also change groups. Teaching will be divided up among the group with each person sharing the teaching of a lesson at the beginning of the course and then teaching a whole lesson later in the course. Those not teaching on the day observe and make notes in preparation for giving feedback on their peers. A lot of guidance will be given by the trainers at first but this will gradually be withdrawn as the course progresses. Towards the end of the course, candidates will be expected to plan lessons with minimal guidance from tutors.

All students in teaching practice classes must be at least sixteen years old. A minimum of 50% of teaching practice should be with classes of an average of eight students. Classes of fewer than five students are not normally valid for assessment purposes. There will be an oral feedback session for each TP lesson in which teachers, peer observers and trainers contribute their views on the lesson. There will also be written feedback by the tutor and supervised preparation time for the next lesson. In addition, candidates are required to complete a short self- assessment task each time they teach. A record of all assessed TP must be included in the course portfolio and in the CELTA 5.

You will need to provide two copies of each lesson plan and handouts/materials: one for your tutor (staple together lesson plan and materials) and one for your file. You are responsible for reproducing the lesson plan forms and self-assessment forms for your personal use. 5 Guidelines for use of classrooms in teaching practice TP takes place in classrooms which are also in use at other times for teaching. Candidates are expected to act in a professional manner with respect to their use of the classrooms, as would later be expected of them by other members of staff in a future place of employment. Accordingly, please observe the following rules: If extra chairs are brought into the classroom, ensure that the same number are returned to the classroom(s) from which they were taken.

Also, return tables to their original position. Similarly, if a CD player or overhead projector (OHP) is taken to a different classroom, ensure that it is returned to the classroom from which it came. At the end of the lesson, leave the classroom in the state in which you found it, ready for the next class. This includes tidying away waste paper, unused photocopies etc. , and cleaning the whiteboard. The adoption ofthis behaviour is part of the candidates’ professional development, and is essential preparation for their future working life in a busy school, where teachers expect the classrooms to be left ready for their use by the previous teacher.

These will include records of: – attendance -observation undertaken -length and level of teaching practice -the focus of each observed and assessed teaching practice session -tutorial -progress reports For each observed and assessed teaching practice session: -evidence of the candidate’s lesson planning -the materials used or reference to materials used for teaching -evidence of the candidate’s self-evaluation Of their teaching -the course trainers’ feedback on teaching practice For the written assignments: -all submissions of the completed written assignments -the course trainers’ feedback on written assignments Assessment and tutorials Assessment is continuous, in that it takes place throughout the course, and integrated, in that each assessed component contributes to the overall grade.

There are two assessed components- planning and teaching; and classroom related written assignments. By the end of the six hours of assessed teaching practice, candidates should have demonstrated successful achievement of all the teaching practice assessment criteria. This refers to both the planning and he execution of the lessons. After teaching two or three lessons, the tutor draws up a progress report on the candidate’s teaching, together with an action plan for the next stage of the course. A face-to- face tutorial is given at the mid-point of the course, at which action points for the remainder of the course are agreed by the candidate and the tutor.

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CELTA Handbook manacad Assignment. (2022, Feb 22). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/celta-handbook-manacad-10223/