Case Assignment

Case Assignment Words: 275

Please read the note: “How to write an analysis of a case”) 1. As Erin White, what recommendations would you make that might result in achieving break even for the scheduled Halo performance? 2. As Erin White, what recommendations would you make to improve seat revenue for the following two theatrical performances? . As Debbie Salad, what role do you think theatrical references should play in future programs? Explain. 4. What should Debbie Salad do? Guidelines Please read the note ” How to write an analysis of a case” Cases will be evaluated as if teams are in a work situation and have been given the responsibility by senior management to analyze a marketing related business situation and to develop recommendations for the business.

Generally, cases will be graded on the following criteria: Quality of analysis Application of marketing and business terminologies/ theory Adherence to he requirements All cases, unless otherwise specified, are to be submitted typewritten (letter quality). 12 pits. Times New Roman, 1. 5 spaces on 8 h x 11 inch white paper with one inch margins. Only stapled hard copies will be accepted. Maximum 6 pages (excluding exhibits). Teams must ensure that all the individual team members contribute evenly to any teamwork.

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It will be the responsibility of each team to set out in writing the guidelines for its organization, performance and function. It s very important to note that assignments are that of the team’s own work. Any submission of duplicate work will be considered plagiarism and will be handled accordingly. Case Evaluation Form 1. Analysis Points poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent Assessment of ‘SOOT, Micro/Macro Environment 2 Thorough analysis of major issues.

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Case Assignment. (2021, Feb 03). Retrieved October 22, 2024, from