C Paper Assignment

C Paper Assignment Words: 355

Each unit will feature an essay assignment requiring the student to apply one or more of these rhetorical strategies. Also, smaller assignments in each unit will allow the student to explore the different strategies being used by an author. Your English 1 35 course will be facilitated through a variety of instructional methods to include, but not limited to, interactive lectures, discussions, group collaboration, modeling, multimedia presentations and resources. This course content will be delivered within the Advance 360 learning management system.

This means that the instructor is the facilitator of learning the student is responsible for actively participating in the learning process. Requirements for Essays: For each essay assignment, students will receive a rubric that details expectations for a grade of A, B, C, and D. PAP Statement: All freshman courses will use PAP (American Psychological Association) Documentation Style for oral and written work. PAP is a method of documentation research that uses in-text (parenthetical) citations to give credit to sources by directing the reader to the list Of references used in the academic work.

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Plagiarism Statement: In accordance with Benedict College Policy, plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty that occurs when a student intentionally or unintentionally vomits written and/or oral published or unpublished works to include, but not limited to, words, ideas, data, or structure belonging to another in a paper, oral report, or other assignment without appropriate documentation and/or permission. Plagiarism may result in failure of the course and/or suspension from the College. Required Textbooks: Clines, Raymond H. And E. Cob (2012). Research Simplified.

New York: Pearson. Facilely, Lester and J. Serer (2012). Good Reasons with Contemporary Arguments. (5th deed. ) New York: Pearson Longhand. Blackman, Kim and M. Ragman (2012). Nexus: A Rhetorical Reader for Writers. New York: Pearson. A collegiate dictionary Other texts and readings for the course will be provided by the instructor through Advance 360. Success in this Class: Your level of success in English 135 is contingent upon your master of academic and non-academic behaviors. Your level of acquiring program and unit learning outcomes also impact your success in English 135.

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C Paper Assignment. (2019, Dec 20). Retrieved October 18, 2024, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/c-paper-4469/