Selling and Pricing Instructions Save Assignment

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Assignment 1 R (20 points) Assignment IR: Selling and Pricing Instructions Save this file in your course folder, and name it with Assignment, the assignment letter, the section number, and your first initial and last name. For example, Jessie Robinsons assignment IR for Section 1 would be named Congregationalisms. Type the answers to the assignment questions below. Use complete sentences unless the question says otherwise. You will have more than one day to complete an assignment.

At the end of each day, be sure to save your progress. Review Lesson 4 of the Course Overview for instructions about turning in your assignments. Assignment Questions In Section 1, you learned about selling and pricing. Now, you’ll apply what you learned. 1 . Choose a type of company that would have sales people, and then answer the following questions about it. TIP: Choose a type of company that you would be interested in working for or starting up yourself. A. Describe the product the company sells. 1-3 sentences. 2. 0 points) This company sells makeup and accessories b. Which needs in Mason’s hierarchy does this product appeal to? Why would customers want this product? (1-5 sentences. 3. 0 points) Esteem needs; the customer would want this because it perfects beauty and it helps with their reputation and status. C. Describe the role a sales person would play in selling this type of product. How much help would customers be likely to need from the sales person? (1-3 sentences. 3. Points) The sales person would try to get you to buy as much as they can get you to buy.

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What pricing strategies do you think would be most successful for this type of product? Describe at least one strategy that would work well for this product, and explain why you believe it would work. TIP: Pricing strategies include psychological pricing, unit pricing, product line pricing, promotional pricing, penetration pricing, and price skimming. (1-6 sentences. 4. 0 points) Promotional Origin, price skimming; would do price skimming first until I would get a competitor than I would do a promotional pricing every other or randomly have one.

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Selling and Pricing Instructions Save Assignment. (2018, Sep 04). Retrieved February 21, 2025, from