Assessment factors of the housekeeping staff of the best Assignment

Assessment factors of the housekeeping staff of the best Assignment Words: 866

This research was basically informed by the need to actually know the factors that motivated hotel workers to carry out their professional duties effectively. It was indeed necessary to know whether these hotel workers were forced by circumstances to stay in the profession r if they were actually satisfied with their Jobs and also to find out their level of satisfaction. It was essentially necessary to determine the main factor that gave them the Job satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

In other words, it was determined how Job factors such as pay, working conditions, relationship with boss, personnel policies and the work itself affected the Job satisfaction of the hotel workers. For the empirical part, a qualitative research method was used; this included the use of interview and observation. After the analysis of the results it were discovered that a to of hotel workers were averagely satisfied with their Jobs and Job satisfaction leads to efficiency on the part of the employees.

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Recommendations were made to the employers of the hotel, and this could be useful for other hoteliers too, in order to have a good human relationship, employee satisfaction in the Giant Star Hotel in particular and the hotel accommodation industry in general. 10 The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of individual differences focusing on career turnover intention in the hotel industry. This study surveyed 609 non-supervisory employees working at two Dallas hotels.

Respondents provided information regarding career motivations, polychromatic, Job satisfaction, and turnover intention. Career motivations were significantly related to employee Job satisfaction which impacted employee turnover intention. This finding can be useful to hotel companies and their managers when attempting to understand employee motivation. Al LOCAL STUDIES The purpose of this article was to look into the organizational climate of Del Monte Philippines Inc. , Canaan De ROR City.

The study addressed four research issues: Socio-economic profile of the employees in the selected departments of Del Monte Philippines; the kind of organizational climate existing Del Monte Philippines in the areas of Human Relations, Motivation, Communication, Leadership, Employee Participation, Management Support and Individual Freedom; the Job performance profile of these employees as indicated in their Job performance appraisal. This study utilized the descriptive-correlation method of investigation.

A random sample of 53 regular employees from selected departments of the company responded to this inquiry. The research instruments used to gather data were the researchers-made questionnaire and an interview schedule. The questionnaire contained questions on the socio-economic profile of the respondents and questions and questions on organizational climate to determine the existing climate of Del Monte Philippines. The Pearson Product-Moment Coefficient Correlation and Weighted Mean were used to analyses and interpret the data.

The t-test was used to determine the significance of the relationship between organizational climate and Job performance. The findings showed that the respondents expressed their satisfaction in all seven areas of organizational climate namely: Human Relations, Motivation, Communication, Leadership, Employee Participation, Management Support and Individual Freedom. It was concluded that majority of the respondents manifested favorable attitudes towards their organizational climate.

Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that the proposed guideline for enhancement be implemented particularly in the area of motivation, conditions existing in the area of motivation be further studied in order to come up with a detailed procedure of how modification, improvement and maintenance efforts can be undertaken, a further study to evaluate the effectiveness of these proposed interventions be made at a later time so that medial actions can be undertaken to further improve work conditions and productivity. 2 Local Studies The total reward system consists of both intrinsic and extrinsic aspect (supplied by the organizations). The intrinsic rewards consist of those elements of the work which provide ascent of achievement, responsibility, challenge, control participation, including, while the extrinsic rewards have both deal with financial elements. Intrinsic rewards depend on the person who views whether or not the reward given actually encourages work performance. The rewards are directly related to the Job itself and are utilized as motivators.

Some example of intrinsic rewards are challenging or exciting assignments, Job freedom and discretion, delegation of some responsibilities, participation in decision-making, opportunities for personal and the more tangible, less perception dependent elements of compensation, given by the organization to employees these kinds of rewards should be carefully considered before being applied. They are the most obvious kind of payment and could cause misunderstanding among organizational members. Extrinsic rewards are further classified into two categories, namely: 1) direct 2) indirect.

Motivation is the intrinsic inducement that peoples the individual to think, feel, and perform in certain ways. According to this definition by Conception, Radio, A. Marries(1991), motivation is an internalized function, making it very hard to influence other because “It come from within, from a person’s own psychic”. 15 Synthesis of Related Literature and Studies The related literature and studies cited here has relevance to the researchers because it gives theories, concepts, methods and ideas that can be used in the present study. The studies give comparisons and relationships about the research study being conducted.

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Assessment factors of the housekeeping staff of the best Assignment. (2022, Apr 01). Retrieved March 10, 2025, from