Apple Assignment

Apple Assignment Words: 584

Activity and Assessment Work both autonomously and collaboratively 5 Work individually and/or with others, to complete tasks and critically evaluate and respond to own and others’ performance using established parameters. Exam, tests and assignment Communicate in a variety of contexts and modes Communicate with others, using speech and writing, on a broad range of complex topics using specialized and appropriate language and demonstrating control over key genres/text types required. Assignment, tests and exam. Work in an environmentally, socially and culturally responsible manner 5 Reflect on own and others environmental, social and cultural practices in work, community and learning contexts and respond appropriately.

Assignment Problem solve in a range of settings Identify and solve a broad range of complex problems, drawing on in-depth knowledge, understanding, reflection and evaluation. Assignment, exam and tests Locate, critically evaluate, manage and use written, numerical and electronic information 5 Critically evaluate, synthesis and generate ideas through the application of complex information on broad range of topics, for a range of purposes. Assignment and exam GRADE SETS There are five grade sets, namely fail (N: 0-49%), pass (P: credit (C: distinction (D: 70-79%), and high distinction (HAD: 80-100%). ASSESSMENT Assessment Weight Learning Outcome Format Lick Graduate Capabilities portfolio Due Date 1. At risk assessment management. Short answer test n/a Problem solve in a range of settings.

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Locate, critically evaluate, manage and use written, numerical and electronic information. N/a 2. -rest Demonstrate a sound understanding of the basic principles and concepts of portfolio management; and communicate in writing, matters relating to investment and oratorio management. 3. Assignment 25% Read financial information and interpret the information presented; develop financial literacy; identify the theoretical and practical concepts of investments and investing. Practical project Simulated Environment Project Work both autonomously and collaboratively. Problem solve in a range of settings. Work in an environmentally, socially and culturally responsible manner. Communicate in a variety of contexts and modes n/a Week 1 1 4.

Final Exam portfolio management. Identify the theoretical and practical concepts of investments ND investing; and classify investments assets by type, purpose and key characteristics information. Communicate in a variety of contexts and modes n/a Exam period Required Reading Reilly, F. K. And Brown, K. C, 2012, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 10th Edition, South Western Coinage Learning Recommended Reading Bodied, Z. , Kane, A and Marcus A. J, 2011, Investments, 9th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education Jones, C. , Shinnied, A and Neumann, K. , 2007, Investments Analysis and Management, 2nd Edition, Wiley. Albright, S. C. , Winston, W. L. And Zapped C. , 2010,

Data Analysis and Decision Making, 4th Edition Coinage Learning Unit Requirements 1. Attendance Students are required to attend all lectures and tutorial sessions during the semester. Active participation in lectures/tutorial sessions is an important requirement. 2. Case study The assignment is designed to reflect the understanding of investment analysis issues, and skills in applying the techniques used in valuation, strategic decision- making and optimality principles related financial asset portfolio management. The organizational units used in the case study for the purpose of investigation are industries or firms. Refer assignment and assignment submission guide lines document on Web for details. 3.

Special Consideration If a student’s work is seriously affected by illness or other cause, students are advised to follow the special consideration provisions described in the latest Faculty Handbook, found at the IV website. 4. Conditions of Assessment To pass the unit students must have completed satisfactorily, all assessment tasks set during the semester. Assessment Breakdown Components Marks Assignment

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