Appendix B Assignment

Appendix B Assignment Words: 1211

Additional information Learning Disability (Week Two) A learning disability is a condition when a person has a problem learning and acquiring knowledge and skills necessary. Usually children with a learning disability have low test scores and assignment scores. They also have a hard time paying attention and a hard ime processing information that is being taught to them. They also have poor social skills and low motivation. The classification criteria or identification criteria is a huge difference between what is expected of that age group and what is actual achieved. Rosenberg, Westling, & McLeskey, 2007).. Learning disabilities have increased and also vary from state to state. Many researchers have documented that learning disabilities persist into their adult years but there have been many adults that have had learning disabilities that are very successful as adults but studies also show that one in our have difficulties finding employment and living by themselves. (Rosenberg, Westling, & McLeskey, 2007)..

Some of the associated educational practices is to catch this early on and intervene so that the child can get help with his or her disability which could include classroom help and other services such as going to a specialist or a separate class such as speech class. Setting up an IEP where parents and all teachers work together to assist the student to get the most out of each lesson. Many children with learning disabilities have trouble interacting with other children, have a hard time xpressing themselves (or being shy), and have difficulty or problems with oral skills, written skills, mathematics, and memory.

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Mild Intellectual Disability (week TWO) A mild intellectual disability is when they need more support or just a little help learning for a limited amount of time. (Rosenberg Westling, & McLeskey, 2007). One of the most primary characteristics with children with mild intellectual disability is that they have a delay in their development of different types of skills such as attention, memory, speech, and writing but with a little support can learn easier. Rosenberg, Westling, & McLeskey, 2007).

About 1 in every six student suffers from a mild intellectual disability. This usually persists through adult hood but some may struggle and others may not. Most severe disabilities have identifiers that can tell what the cause is but with mild disability most really can’t. (Rosenberg Westling & McLeskey, 2007).. Students with mild intellectual disability can benefit from being taught using direct instruction or direct teacher instruction (such as one on one help).

There really Isn’t much more additional information besides most children hat have mild intellectual disability can keep up with other children. I know from experience when my sister had a learning speech disability and attention disability that they would put her in a separate class for a hour or so for a few years and then I eventually was able to function better and graduated high school with honors and my disability was counted as a mild intellectual disability. Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities (Week Three) This is a disability that can exist with other disabilities as well.

An according to the reading the National Mental Health defines it as being “characterized by ehavioral or emotional responses in school programs so different from appropriate age, cultural, or ethnic norms that the responses adversely affect educational performance, including academic, social, vocational or personal skills; more than a temporary, expected response to stressful events in the environment; consistently exhibited in two different settings, at least one of which is school-related; and unresponsive to direct intervention applied in general education, or the condition of a child is such that general education Interventions would be insufficient. (Rosenberg, Westling, & McLeskey, 2007). Some of the characteristics include “(A) An inability to learn which cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors; (B) An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers; (C) Inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances; (D) A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression; (E) A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems. The term includes children who are schizophrenic. For the criteria classification there is actually two.

One is statistically derived dimensional and the other is clinically derived. The classification differs from how the child reacts according to these categories “aggressive behavior, rule breaking, anxious/depressed, withdrawn/ depressed, somatic complaints, attention problems, social problems, and thought problems” and children usually with this condition have extreme rates in one or more of these categories. (Rosenberg, Westling, & McLeskey, 2007). The prevalence of students having this disability is less than one ercent of the student population but sometimes it is about six percent that require additional services. Most students with EBD are unidentified and has raised much concern with people.

Students with EBD Often have issues after school such as getting a job approxiamately three to five years after school. There have been many theories of what causes EBD in children but sometimes it cannot just be linked to a single problem. (Rosenberg, Westling, & McLeskey, 2007). Some of the educational practices include intervention with “behavioral techniq ues, instruction in self-control, and social skills, as ell as life-space interviews” and also after they get out of school they may need additional help such as vocational school, community service and help with work experience amongst other help. (Rosenberg, Westling, & McLeskey, 2007).

EBD is an ongoing problem that people are trying to figure out that includes the cause, teaching methods and what kinds of medication to use, amongst others. Even though it is considered that not many children have EBD I still believe that it is an important issues that we need to work with especially helping the children that have it and helping identifying it early so he children can get the care that they need. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD is defined as children containing a disability that have a hard time paying attention and are very hyperactive. Sometimes they are easily distracted and can go from one thing to another.

Some of the characteristics include “impulsivity, hyperactivity, inattention, coexisting conduct problems, and coexisting academic problems. Also children with ADHD have trouble with interacting with other children which is part of their behavior problems which is caused by ADHD. Also, when it comes to being academically challenged that is mostly due to “impulsive, inattentive, and hyperactive behaviors. ” (Rosenberg, Westling, & McLeskey, 2007). It is estimated that about 3 to 7 percent of school aged children have ADHD. Studies show that it is more common in boys than with girls. Children diagnosed with ADHD often have one or more disabilities as well.

For some children this disability can continue into adolescence as well as adult hood. Sometimes the cause of ADHD cannot be identified but in some cases it can be because of a “brain njury, brain abnormalities, hereditary Influences, and family issues. ” (Rosenberg, Westling, & McLeskey, 2007). Some of the educational practices are: to make sure that instruction is brief, use visual aids, give feedback immediately, reward immediately for good behavior, and give punishment immediately for bad behavior. One important thing to remember with those practices is that more rewards and incentives for doing good work should be giving than punishment.

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