Allegory of the Cave Assignment

Allegory of the Cave Assignment Words: 1651

Do entrust tell me in class and hope that I remember. * If you have an emergency, email me as soon as you can. If see that an email was sent to me before class, this counts as one of your days that you notified me that you loud miss. However, if you wait until the next week to tell me, this will count as one of your no call/no show days. * If you think you will be out of class for an extended period of time, more than 3 days in a row, please let me know about it as soon as possible. This can be as simple as sending an email that states how long you think you will be gone and a brief reason why. The more I know, the better I can work with you in the case of an emergency. Athletes: You must give me the document provided by your coaches which states all of the days you will miss during the semester. If you miss a day of peaches or an exam day, we will discuss individually, through email, office hours and after class, how you will make this up. Speech days will be assigned at minimum 2 class periods before speeches begin, so be sure to pick a day when you are not traveling. * Emergencies: * If there is a university-wide emergency: These include weather related emergencies, or anything that would affect the university community as a whole. There will be postings on www. IPPP. Du, stating whether the campus is open or not.

You can also call 260-481-6827 at anytime during the semester to determine whether the university is opened or closed. Finally, the campus as devised an emergency system which you can sign up for voluntarily on minify, which will call you in the case of an emergency. If I can get to campus during a weather emergency, and campus is open, I will hold class. Have an emergency: will send emails out to the entire class via Blackboard. Also, I will call my department to have them post a cancellation notice near the door of our classroom. * If you have an emergency: See the attendance policies above. Makeup work and Missed Assignments * Makeup work: Will not be accepted without additional documentation stating why the item was turned in late.

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All assignments, except for tests, will e due using the Blackboard Learn system. Therefore, these can be turned in from home even if you cannot make it to the campus. Acceptable documentation is up to the discretion of the instructor * Missed speeches- You will be assigned a specific speech day well in advance of any speech, therefore, if you miss a speech, you will write a paper on your topic due no later than two class periods after the missed speech. This paper will need to be in length the same number of minutes it would have been if performed. For instance, if you miss your informative speech, you will write a 5-7 page paper. In addition, if you miss a speech, you will lose p to 20% for being late.

If there are extreme circumstances which prohibit you from doing so, please contact or see me. This option will only be considered if there is paperwork detailing why you missed your assigned speech day. * Missed exams-Will need to be made up during office hours no later than one class period after the exam was taken. If you have to take an exam after the appointed exam time, you will lose up to 30% for being late. You will not take the same exam as your classmates, and may be asked to take a full essay exam. In addition, if you miss the second opportunity to take the exam, you ill not get another opportunity. If there are extreme circumstances which prohibit you from doing so, please contact or see me.

This option will only be considered if there is paperwork detailing why you missed exam day. * Extra credit-when assigned, will be accepted no later than the date specified when the extra credit was assigned. For ongoing extra credit, this will be accepted no later than Monday, December 2nd , the Monday after Thanksgiving Break. Classroom Conduct Throughout this semester, there will be many discussions, and as such, many different viewpoints. This is expected and encouraged. However, name ailing, harassment, and other actions that create a hostile environment for me and your fellow students will not be tolerated. Be respectful towards others’ opinions, and feel free to share your own without the fear of hostility.

Assignment Descriptions All assignments turned in (excluding exams) will be typed in 12 point, either Arial or Times New Roman font (Arial Preferred), with 1 inch margins on all sides. All assignments will be turned in via Blackboard, rather than turning in via hard copy. All papers will be double spaced, with a cover page containing the title of your paper, your name, the name of this course and way to contact oh. Your header will not contain your name, rather part of your title. All outlines will be turned in single space, with your speech title, your name, this course, and the date which the outline was turned in at the top left. Sample rubrics for each assignment are on Blackboard Learn already.

These rubrics should give you an idea of my grading style and what to expect, but may not be the exact rubric given in class. Exams (400 pets) There will be three exams throughout the semester, each highlighted in the syllabus. These exams may be done electronically, via a take home exam format, or on cantors. Therefore, you should be prepared for any of these options. This means, for example, always having a #2 pencil with you on exam days. You will be told no less than one week before the exam which format will be used. These exams may include true/false questions, multiple choice questions; fill in the blank questions, short answer questions and essay q questions.

Classroom Participation (50 pets) These are the points you will obtain by attending class and participating in classroom activities. This means being attentive, taking notes, answering questions and listening to others’ answers as well. This may include small, handwritten assignments announced in class. This does NOT mean, reading books for other classes, chatting with friends in the class or on the Internet (unless it is during group time, and you are including an absent group member), or using your cell phone during the class. Cell Phone use: This is extremely discouraged, and in most cases will not be tolerated. It is a distraction not only to you, but also those around you who could become disengaged from the material because of your cell phone use.

However, I also understand that each of you are going down different paths n life, and therefore may need to be attentive to your phone during a class period. If this is the case, please let me know before class starts that you may need to take a phone call (NOT a text) during class. If you receive a call during class, quietly excuse yourself and go into the hallway. If I catch you testing or using your phone for something unrelated to classroom activities, reserve the right to take 5 points off your total for the semester per instance. If, at the end of the semester I have not caught anyone using their cell phone for things unrelated to classroom activities, everyone will get 5 extra credit mints.

Show and Tell (10 pets) This is your first chance to show the rest of the classroom who you are, as well as take part in some public speaking. Bring something to class that is special to you, and says something about you. This can be a book, your laptop, favorite pencil, the possibilities are endless. You will not need a visual aid, other than your “show and tell” item, and you need no outside sources for this assignment. These will be no longer than two minutes Informative Speech (1 0% or 100 pets) This speech is meant to inform your audience about a particular subject. In his course, would like for you to inform the class one of these topics: a. One thing you want to do more than anything in the world, b.

One place you’d like to vacation, either for the first time or again, anywhere. For either of these, pretend money is no object; you can spend whatever you want to accomplish it. For example, if the one thing you want to do more than anything is to see a band perform in China, you could talk about that. You will pick your topic on or before the date specified in the tentative schedule below.. * This speech will be 5-7 minutes in length * This should include at least 2 cited credible sources. An assist with this. You must have at least one source that has gone through an editorial process, such as an academic journal article, a newspaper article, or a book. A typed outline will be turned in by midnight the night before speeches begin, please include your references on this outline at the end. (Feb.. 7) * Use at least one presentational aid (audio clip, Powering, etc) * You will lose up to 1 or 10 pets, off of the speech if you are reading directly from a note card or manuscript. * You will lose up to 10 pets if you run short or go over on your speech time * You are allotted 2 ex. index cards to help remind you f what you are going to say. * Topic must be approved by specified date on syllabus. (Jan. 23) * Grades and feedback for this speech will not be given back until everyone has completed their speeches.

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Allegory of the Cave Assignment. (2022, Jan 26). Retrieved February 12, 2025, from