AB Students Version Assignment

AB Students Version Assignment Words: 696

By the end of this unit the learning outcomes will be: 1) Understand different types Of business information 2) Be able to present business information effectively 3) Understand the issues and constraints in relation to the use of business information in organizations 4) Know how to communicate business information using appropriate methods.

Scenario In parts of this assignment you will be required to refer to business information that is used in an organization. In order to be successful it is therefore important that you chose an organization from which you will be able to access the necessary information. An ideal scenario would be a small- to medium-sized local company that is willing to share information with you, including examples Of its corporate communications.

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Task 1 – (Pl , MI , ODL) Pl Explain different types of business information, their sources and reposes MI – Analyses different types of business information and their sources ODL – Evaluate the appropriateness of business information used to make strategic decisions You have been asked to carry out an audit on the types of information used within a business in order to report back to management on the range of information used, the ways in which it is used, and the appropriateness of information used in decision making. Write a report to show the results of your investigation into information in an organization of your choice.

In order to do this you should complete the following activities. Complete a table like the one below to show the types, sources and purposes of information used within the organization. Try to include at least 0410 examples of each type of information. Type of Example Description Purpose Source Verbal Written On-screen Multimedia Web-based Where possible cross reference your example to evidence of this in your appendices, for example, a screenings of web-based information or a copy Of a letter. Remember to refer to the Student Book and specification to help you give details on the types, purposes and sources.

This includes the way in which information is communicated to the customer. You must prepare materials to be discussed and presented at the meeting combining different forms of information, for example, text, tables, charts and images from a range of sources. In order to do this you should complete the following activities. Choose a product or service offered by the business. Gather information from a range of sources that will help you look at key indicators of the sales and marketing performance of that product or service.

Ask the following questions: How has it been marketed? How effective was the marketing? How does the business measure the effectiveness of its marketing? What are the sales figures? This task is part Of your evidence for UP Prepare a presentation to support your summary and give further explanation during the meeting. Present a corporate communication document aimed at improving the sales of the investigated products or services. This tasks is your evidence for UP Provide a summary of your findings on one side of AY to be distributed to employees prior to the meeting. This task is part of your evidence for UP) Produce a two-page document on your findings to be issued as part of the equines’ annual report to shareholders and or other stakeholders. This task is part of your evidence for UP Evaluate the corporate communication which has been used to promote this product or service. This task is your evidence for UP You should consider the points below: What is the purpose of the corporate communication? What is the business trying to achieve? Who is the target audience of the communication?

How does the business want the audience to respond to the communication? What are the strengths of the communication? What are the weaknesses of the communication? Overall, how likely is it that the communication will enable the business to meet its objective? Your points You should consider: Financial targets – does the business measure success by profit, profit margins, ROCK etc? HER targets – does the business measure success by its staff turnover, labor productivity, training, motivation, recruitment etc?

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AB Students Version Assignment. (2021, Dec 27). Retrieved February 10, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/ab-students-version-9424/