A War Assignment

A War Assignment Words: 699

Copyright and Plagiarism The thoughts and publications of others are regularly referred to by students in the process of study, and this makes it critical for the original author to be properly acknowledged in the student work. Plagiarism occurs when an individual deliberately or accidentally submits or presents the work of another person as his or her own. Where excerpts are cited directly, the author must be acknowledged in the text, through footnotes, in endnotes, or n other accepted forms of academic citation. In the case of collaborative or group work when permitted by the instructor, students must ensure that they adhere to the requirements as outlined by the instructor.

Regardless of intent, all students are responsible for ensuring that any work which has been submitted is their own or has been cited correctly, and does not constitute plagiarism. Students who are uncertain as to what constitutes plagiarism should consult their instructor before handing in any assignments. Students may also consult the librarian or one of Alexander College’s tutors for proper citation methods. Accommodation for Disabilities Students who have a disability or medical concern that may affect their attendance or participation in class must establish their need for accommodation with the Director of Operations or Director of Academic Affairs prior to commencement of classes or at their earliest convenience.

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Each student applying for accommodation will be considered individually, on a case-by-case basis, with respect and confidentiality. Instructors will make provisions as mutually agreed upon by themselves and the student. Policy: Attendance Alexander College is highly interested in the academic success of our dents. To this end, students are expected to maintain a minimum of 70% attendance in each course. If a student fails to maintain this standard, instructors may choose to bar a student from writing the fall exam. Policy: Lateness Students are expected to arrive on time for their classes. After 10 minutes into the class, the door of the classroom will be closed and the instructor maintains the right to disallow students from entering the classroom.

If there is a break time in the middle of a class, the instructor may allow students in at this time. Policy: English Only Policy in Effect; “In order to succeed in an academic environment in Canada it is vital for students to communicate effectively in English. For this reason Alexander College has a strict ‘English Only policy’ Policy: History Classes Reading: Students are expected to do all assigned readings in preparation for class. This means you are expected to have read the required chapters before the class so you can participate in class discussions and follow the lectures. You are also expected to take detailed notes of your readings to develop your critical reading skills.

It is not possible to do this course without having a copy of the required textbook. Class Participation: Participation in class and group discussions is expected and will comprise a significant percentage of the final mark. Guidelines for class participation will be provided to help guide this learning process. Writing: Also, students will become familiar with writing historical essays, including providing proper citations (footnotes or endnotes and a bibliography, according to the Chicago Manual of Style (SMS)). For the research paper you will be required to use a thesis statement in a well researched argumentative type essay. Writing is an integral part of this course.

Some guidelines and audience will be provided but it is up to each student to become skilled in academic research, analysis and writing practices. There are references guides and other assistance available in the Alexander library to help you. Your course Instructor and the Alexander tutors and librarians are all there to assist you in developing your academic research and writing skills. You must use the “Chicago Manual of Style” (SMS) – no other style guide is acceptable. This is the standard guide for History and other research-oriented disciplines. Reminder: The plagiarism guidelines of Alexander College are strictly enforced in this course. You must know Alexander current rules about quoting sources and the use of tutors – and you must follow those rules exactly.

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A War Assignment. (2020, Jan 07). Retrieved January 22, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/a-war-4592/