Human resource management Assignment

Human resource management Assignment Words: 719

This involves contributing to organizational strategy, structure and processes; influencing culture and values and developing personnel HER strategies and policies.

Employee Resounding: Incorporates human resource planning, recruitment, selection and deployment and orientation of employment. Employee Development: training & development, management development, career development and performance management. Reward Management: Incorporates the selection of reward strategies and admit of pay and benefits. Employee Relations: Includes industrial relations, employee involvement and participation, communication, health and safety, welfare and employee services.

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Employment & Personal/HER Admit: Incorporates admit of employees records, employment policies and practices, working conditions and personnel HER. Issues HER deals with: Planning resounding and staffing Developing: Training and learning Motivating: Compensation & benefits, Performance management Managing diversity Industrial and employee relations Disciplinary issues, grievance, redundancy Personnel admit and records Health, safety and welfare Organization management: e. G. Change programs Variety of approaches: Generalist management function – managers who are involved in most activities.

Specialist management function Support role e. G. Recruitment, training & development, reward, employee relations etc. Strategic role e. G. Senior management level History of HARM 1978 UK Legislation passed to regulate hours of work and conditions for omen & children reducing their hours of work to 60 a week. The trade union movement was also developed during this period; this led to the development of collective bargaining. Some employers wanted to improve working conditions for employees and adopted schemes to improve workforce as part of their company policy.

This led to industrial Welfare Officers. The Welfare Tradition The welfare tradition refers to a series of voluntary initiatives undertaken in certain companies to improve the conditions of factory workers. Egg Reentries Catbird Early industrial period – Very poor working conditions. O sick pay, pensions, basic health, safety welfare provision. Welfare Officers Introduced. Welfare has been linked with a caring approach to employees dealing with issues such as health, living & working conditions and personal problems.

This is very much evident in modern HARM in practices such as counseling, employee assistance programs and occupational health, safety and welfare provision. Early welfare officers occupied a semi-independent position in the factory system with employees the main beneficiaries of their work, this led to employees seeing Wow’s as the representatives of workers. Modern HER practitioners operate as an integral part of the management team representing employees as opposed to workers interests.

Modern Traces EPA, Health & Safety, Counseling &’Middle-man’ perception of role. Scientific Management ( Tailors) Improvements in technology coupled with increase in scale and organizational complexity encouraged employers to investigate new means of improving industrial performance. Taylor led the Way by pointing to the efficiency and profitability benefits to be gained through greater standardization of work systems and methods. Taylor encouraged employers o adopt more systematic approach to job design, training and payment systems.

Management needed to become more professional in its approach and that academic principles could be deployed to improve firm performance through co-operation between qualified, trained managers and a carefully selected and trained workforce. Emphasis was placed on job analysis, time and motion studies and the creation of incentive bonus schemes. This led HER away from the ‘caring’ agenda of the welfare traditional and into the more managerial efficiency/profitability;y agenda. Scientific Management placed rater weight on careful selection and systematic training of employees.

HER also took responsibility for the research and admit required to underpin such initiatives. Tailors helped improve efficiency and prompted a systematic approach to selection, training, work measurement and payment. Traces of S. M. Today: Creating routines, efficient work Job analysis ‘incentive systems’ Recruiting & training ‘right workers for best fit Behavioral Science Movement Research shows that employees worked harder, not because of working conditions or out of self-economic interest but rather because they were part f a group.

This concluded that employee behavior and performance is influenced by complex combination Of motivation, individual needs and group dynamics in addition to working conditions and payment practices. Growth of psychological testing Springing from World Wars Choice of tools Aptitude tests Personality tests Common in ‘best practice’ approaches to Recruitment Selection Human Relations Elton Mayo/ Hawthorne studies Key idea: -How social & psychological factors influence work performance Workers’ social needs Power of informal groups Mascot & McGregor Limits?

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