Human resource management Assignment

Human resource management Assignment Words: 1221

This is Hot Company. Our main business is children’s snack sales and a series of production and processing business. Now, we need a logistics manager. The main functions of this position include the following four points. 1 . Building of the company logistics systems. It is means that according to the actual operating situation of the company to proceed with the company’s logistics system planning, building and improvement. 2. Warehouse management. The main responsibilities are warehouse programming and carry out direct. 3. Distribution management.

You need in charge of overall goods distribution management, and then how to know that deal with emergencies. 4. Logistics cost management. In other words, Controlling inventory and transport cost. 2. Explanation of methods Identification of training needs is the first stage of the systematic training cycle. A range of methods may be used to identify training needs. The main ones are as follows: Interviews, Questionnaires, Group Discussions, Observation, Employee Log, Feedback from Others, and Skills Tests. Usually it is best to identify training needs by using a combination of the methods mentioned above.

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Sometimes it is not possible to carry out a thorough analysis of training needs, particularly if the training is being delivered by an outside provide rather than by a trainer employed by the organization. Having identified needs, the next step is to set learning objectives. Consequently, setting objective gives a clear indication of what is to be achieved through running a particular training event. And Emphasize Standards is very often it is only when objectives are drawn up that it becomes apparent that no performance standards previously existed, or that hose which did failed to reflect what could be achieved.

Provide Consistency is objectives will help to ensure that all those being trained will receive relevant instruction and that is consistent with different trainers and in different parts of the organization. Training needs of confirmation from the performance test and the company development strategy. In a general way, training needs including enterprise demands, employee demands and outside demands. However, what is our company training need? First of all, improve enterprise performance. And then make company competitive edge rise. Thirdly, Improve employee satisfaction.

The next is cultivating enterprise culture. Now, our company needs a logistics manager, but need training before beginning work. The main reasons are can into the working state as soon as possible. It is can decrease company loss. 3-5. Production of training and development plan to include: Minimum of 2 training strategies Timescales and costs Evaluation methods to be used Training Objectives Strategies and Methods Time-scale Costs Evaluation Building of the company logistics systems Warehouse management Distribution management Logistics cost management

Department administration Marketing and sales support Off the job external course on communication and Presentation Skills to include a videoed practical session Off the job coaching with line manager On the job training, for example taking part in a joint briefing session with an experienced supervisor Within three month As and when opportunities arise As soon as possible after attendance at external course 1 500 Yuan approve Self-evaluation by jobholder followed by discussion with line manager Observation checklist to be completed by experienced supervisor, then discussed with job holder and line manager

In general terms training strategies can be divided into two types that Off the Job Training and On the Job Training. However, the two training strategies have different advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of on the job training: 1. Learning takes place in the workplace and is immediately relevant to the job. 2. It is good for training on practical skills. 3. It can be cost effective as the learn is contributing to the job and is not taken away from the workplace Disadvantages: 1 . The environment may be unsuitable for example too much noise or too many interruptions 2.

If the trainer is an ‘experienced worked he or she may lack training skills or be unwilling to share expertise and knowledge. 3. Bad habits may passed on such as short cuts or non-compliance with health and safety rules for the sake of increase speed. Advantages of off the job training: 1 More opportunities for discussion and exchange of ideas as off the job training is usually done in groups. 2. A safe environment to make mistake and to learn from them. 3. More likely that training is delivered in a structured may be a professional trainer. 1 . Can cause disruption to the workplace as some workers are absent. The environment may be unrealistic and not similar enough to conditions in the real work setting. 3. Can be expensive especially if external training providers are used. However, from the perspective of cost, lower cost of on the job training than off the job training costs. Off the job training including Lecture and Presentation, Role Play, Group Discussion, Case Study, Group Exercises of projects, Demonstration and Video. If wanton do off the job training, must have setting time, appropriate venues and training division. But it is needs a large number of costs. However, on the job training appear much easier.

To sum up, often it is best to have a mix of both strategies-off the job training and on the job training. Evaluation should be carried out before, during, at the end of, and some time after the training event has taken place. It is useful, although not always possible, to evaluate existing levels of knowledge before the date of the training event. Evaluation can be carried out informally during the event by observing the reactions and responses of learners. Evaluation can be carried out at the end of the event by means of a questionnaire or perhaps by eating a group discussion.

It is also a good idea to evaluate some weeks after the training event has taken place in order to find out how much Of the learning has transferred into the workplace. In General, the evaluation is divided into four levels. It is Reactions, Behavior, Learning, and Organization level. About this training, we can use reactions and Learning level to evaluation. Reactions level typically takes the form of gathering information by means of an end of course questionnaire. This level of evaluation tends to be fairly superficial as it measures the view and feelings f learners without allowing much time for reflection.

One benefit is, however, that the training is still fresh in the learners mind. Learning level may also be measured when the learners return to the workplace by assessing how well they can use or implement what has been covered on the training course. In this evaluation, it is including the development of human resources personnel and trainees. The trainees needs to training because we want to know what their training effect, and then decided to who can become logistic manager. However, evaluation the development of human resources response, Quality of training programs in order to improve in the future.

Practical Exercise According this outcome we can know that a new logistic manager must be trained to start work. Firstly, in order to raise interest and put learners at ease, so we have a brief introduce. And then we are going to use case study and video methods to explanation related to a particular objective and development about company.

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