Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation Assignment

Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation Assignment Words: 1385

The system of law enforcement is an ever gradually developing field. As today’s applied science changes so does the system of law enforcement. The obstacles that come along alters how the system will be modified to fit the circumstances. In fact, the obstructions that come with the system of law enforcement and applied science can alter the system and explain what happens next. The principle on which something happens depends on the system of law enforcement and its goal is to guard and serve the public.

Maintaining the changes in applied science is an important part of the criminal justice system. Inside this document there will be an analysis of the past, present, and future trends interfaced between components of the criminal justice system and criminal justice connections. In fact, this document will include recent and current trends, contemporary issues affecting the criminal justice system, and speak of the values of the system of law enforcement in a changing society. Past Trends Occasionally it is comparative to let the events in time gone by go but not in law enforcement.

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In the sass to early sass law enforcement built a relationship with the citizens of the community and allowed citizens to feel safe. In fact, law enforcement officers would go up and down the roads in his or her community while carting out his or her duties. This includes law enforcement acquiring conversations with members of the community, and ensuring the individuals he or she is safe. Law enforcement officials and members of the community occasionally called each other by his or her first name.

This let the members of the community that law enforcement cared about what happened to him or her and what happened in his or her neighborhood. In addition, throughout time the individuals of the community felt secure and had a connection with law enforcement. However, as things changed and applied science became improved the connection between law enforcement, and the citizens became different (“Police: History- Policing Twentieth Century America “C” the Reform Era,”). At the same time modern applied science came into play, and it changed law enforcement.

Law enforcement was no longer patrolling the streets and talking to the citizens in the neighborhoods. Law enforcement were placed into vehicles, given two way radios, and individuals were informed to call law enforcement when he or she had a problem. In fact, with the nevus changes law enforcement was set part from the individuals in the community. These new changes allowed law enforcement to enter homes to take care of more personal matters. In addition, the new changes created a tremendous impression on how individuals viewed law enforcement.

Furthermore, this was the start of a new beginning of law enforcement that gave direction on how law enforcement is today in neighborhoods (police: History- Policing Twentieth Century America “C” the Reform Era f”). Present Trends At an earlier time in the 1 sass new applied science was to aid law enforcement officers inside his or her neighborhoods but had unintended uniqueness that would not be comprehended until years later. New applied science changed the connection that had been formed during a period of time with law enforcement officers and individuals in the neighborhoods.

In fact, law enforcement officers were not walking up and down the roads in his or her neighborhoods but as alternative law enforcement officers were driving around in law enforcement vehicles, had his or her windows rolled up, told individuals to call law enforcement officials if needed, and a quick reply would come once the call was obtained (“Police: History- Policing Twentieth Century America ‘C” the Reform Era’). Today is the 20th Century and law enforcement is close to the way it was in the 1 9005.

When new applied science appeared, two ?? way radios, law enforcement vehicles, and instruments for transmission made a huge impression on how law enforcement would be created in time. As time became different applied science has established unlike ways to increase law enforcement in a changing community. In fact, law enforcement went from officers patrolling up and down the roads in his or her neighborhood roads to using two – way adios and instruments for transmission, and the use of law enforcement vehicles (Citron & Davies, 2008).

With new applied science surveillance cameras have been placed in law enforcement vehicles, on roads, and inside establishments to aid law enforcement officials when crime happened. The new applied science is helpful because it aids officers in traffic stops, and aids officers who want to become a technician and warrant server (Citron & Davies, 2008). However, applied science resumes having imperfections, and law enforcement resumes enhancing law enforcement around the world. The exponential rate at which technology is changing is directly affecting policing today.

While it offers new tools for officers, it is also providing extremely lucratively easy means Of criminal activity” (Citron & Davies, 2008, p. 2). Future Trends Predictions and understandings of advancement or progressive development are noticeable by challenges, objections, and increased state if adequate preparation and methods of achieving transmissions. Throughout the first 10 years of the 20 ?? first century, the system of law enforcement experts are fighting huge problems and planning alterations. Certain if the applied science unconventional transformations in the system of law enforcement examinations, and violation constrain will resume to lower intense wrongdoings is not known. In fact, applied science, and social development as well as future alterations propose a guarantee for the present future (Muralist & Roberts, 2009). Some of the most significant methods contain extended use of devices that senses and transmits information, coherent beams Of light, thermal neuron analysis equipment aiding examiners looking for lost individuals.

Global Positioning Systems devices for example, body leery planted underneath the skin are in hopes of restoring territories thousandths of dollars instead of individuals locked up. Additional strategies are cell phones, electronic pendants, and global tracking systems aiding to shield chronically beaten up females, and others in life ?? threatening situations. In fact, several other strategies are also included for example, multiple uses of digital technology, artificial intelligence systems, and computer – based tracking systems (Muralist & Roberts, 2009).

Furthermore, the use of visual prostheses gives serious help to law enforcement, and behavior – altering drugs set deeply in the back of a sex offender or an individual affected with alcoholism can be started at the proper time. Finally, an integrated computer circuit set deeply in the back of individuals could transmit psychological processes to a central monitoring system that would squeeze a little amount of drugs.

Day reporting, day fines, special effort supervision and money could save the federal government thousandths of dollars while transactions with calm individuals give each territory enough employees to do his or her jobs (Muralist & Roberts, 2009). In conclusion, the criminal justice system field is gradually developing. Past trends consisted of police officers having conversations with citizens in his or her neighborhood that he or she patrolled, and got to know on a first name basis. Individuals felt safe and secure then.

With new technology placed into law enforcement officer’s vehicles officers of the law and citizens of the community he or she used to patrol no longer communicate as he or she used to in the past. However, with new applied science aiding law enforcement officers he or she rides in his or her vehicle with windows up, ND citizens are required to call law enforcement if needed. Although new applied science aids officers of law enforcement in his or her job law enforcement is seeing an increase in criminal activity.

Some of the most significant methods contain extended use of devices that senses and transmits information, coherent beams Of light, thermal neuron analysis equipment aiding examiners looking for lost individuals. Additional strategies situations. In fact, several other strategies are included for example, multiple uses of digital technology, artificial intelligence systems, and computer – eased tracking systems. Furthermore, the use of visual prostheses gives serious help to law enforcement, and behavior – altering drugs set deeply in the back of a sex offender or an individual affected with alcoholism can be started at the proper time.

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Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation Assignment. (2020, Oct 22). Retrieved October 23, 2024, from