Napoleon’s Buttons Assignment

Napoleon’s Buttons Assignment Words: 665

The motivation behind each endeavors goals could have been the use for good, wealth, money, or prosperity. The chemistry of the compound is related to their usage and motive for obtaining them because molecules can control the trade and use of one specific area of the world. Some major molecules that were valued are phenol, Suppression, silk, cellulose, and glucose. Phenols were used as antiseptics during surgery to prevent cuts and wounds from getting infected. Suppression, which is rubber, has been made into countless everyday items that we use to this day.

Silk is one of the most valued fabrics in the world. Silk is very hard to harvest and it is expensive. Cellulose is the main component of cotton. Cotton is cheap and most of our clothes are made out of it today but it has fueled slavery for most of the 18th and 19th centuries. Glucose is our everyday sweetener that is always at hand but this has also been a product of slavery during the same time period of cotton. All of these molecules have been valued at some point or another. Each molecule here has been a product of someone’s endeavor to gain some sort of goal. . Serendipity Is the occurrence and development of events by chance In a happy or beneficial way. A decent majority of chemical discoveries are serendipitous, either by means of trying to create artificial chemicals, failing and creating something accidental, or just by plain dumb luck. Most of the discoveries and expansions of intro compounds has to do with luck. One account of pure randomness is when Christian Frederica Such??been spilled a mixture of nitric acid and sulfuric acid on his wife’s apron.

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When he hung it to dry, he had converted the cellulose in the apron as an internal source of oxygen; when heated, it exploded. Phenols also had a high probability in chance. Joseph Leister covered a clothe in phenols as an antiseptic which worked almost every time in use. This led to the cleanliness for germ-free techniques In surgery. Suppression, or rubber, Is another discovery with luck by Its side. If a Christopher Columbus hadn’t gone to the new world and brought back rubber a lot of our everyday Items wouldn’t exist.

Charles Macintosh also discovered a waste product from a local gas works that could convert rubber into a fabric. This fabric is a very useful item in our lives, for its waterproof qualities. Wonder drugs have come a long way in past couple of centuries, from herbs to pills. Without these painkillers, many would have suffered or even died. Chlorination compounds have kept our food fresh and spoil free for decades. CIFS have refrigerated items across oceans and continents and kept them from rotting, which could have been detrimental to sailors in the 19th century.

All of these chemical discoveries had some type of serendipitous involvement in our world for good and beneficial reasons. 3. “With great power comes great responsibility. ” In some cases, the men In charge began to neglect their moral power of the Industry. During the process of making silk In the early 20th century, the corporations used child labor. The children could get in places could not, sanitary or unsanitary. The children got very little or no infectious diseases and had deformed backs.

Today in the world, Japanese corporations treat their workers the same: low pay and poor working conditions. Slavery was another big issue once the trading of sugar began. When sugar plantations began in the new world, we enslaved innocent Africans to work on the plantations. The slaves had to work from the break of dawn till the sun set. Slaves were beat if they didn’t obey the master’s rules and they poor living conditions. Today in Africa children are tricked into being enslaved to work on cocoa plantations just as slaves did two hundred years ago.

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