Industrial revolution Assignment

Industrial revolution Assignment Words: 1197

For example, the steam engine was built. This allowed factories to run on coal instead of water. This made it accessible for someone to build a factory away from a river or water source. Another major invention is the train. The train is still one of the most commonly used source for transportation. However, today we have more technology, so instead of running on coal, we use other resources to power it. Other inventions that came up at this time were the Henry Court- Piddling Process, the sea drill, and the water frame. Another Major aspect of the Industrial Revolution was the long, hard labor intuitions of women and children.

People who would work in factories would go to work at around 6:00 A. M. And come home at around 10:00 P. M. Laborers got only a 30 minute break for lunch and have no time to rest. If they were caught taking a break, they would undergo a serious punishment. Children had to clean machinery. This was a very dangerous job but the children were the only ones who could fit into the small crevices to clean. This often lead to accidents and death. Come to Leeds Leeds is a small community in which everyone benefits from one another. If you farm corn, you can trade with a blacksmith for metal.

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Farming is very big so you will be sure to have plenty of land. Since there are plenty of trees too, that provides fire wood. Also, there is a church for everyone to attend, a cemetery for late loved ones, and a pub to spend after a long day of work. If you come to Leeds you will also be sure to notice that our system of housing placement is very neat. Unlike other communities, we have organized and placed everything accordingly so that there is plenty of room for expansion and we won’t have to knock anything down. Including trees. Come to Leeds and you are sure to be pleased!

Explanation: Leeds was a British community very similar to others at its time. It provides all the basic necessities of a community. However, farming was the major thing to do. If you didn’t own land and grew crops, it would be very hard for you to make money. For example, “Life was, for the bulk of the population, the life of a farmer. “l This means that before all the technology and industry, there was only farming to make money. Editorial In Leeds, we have many stores, houses, pubs, and churches. That’s why it makes it beneficial to move here. You will find our town is very organized but till has plenty of space to expand more.

We started out with 10 houses, and now we have 45. We started out with one store, church, and pub, but now we have 3 of each! However, what makes it so beneficial to move here is that we still have more space to expand. Leeds is also expanding technologically. Factories are providing work for many people and is an excellent source of trade. For example, ‘The improvement in the conditions of the workers, they say, is entirely an achievement of governments and labor unions. “2 This means that because of the industrial revolution, we have gotten better irking conditions and have achieved a lot technologically.

Where this may have an upside, some may say that it has a downside. Although we have an effective way of housing and providing for everyone, we have to rely on child labor too. The most dangerous jobs are given to them unfortunately, but there is such a large number of them and they can reach into small places to clean. For example, “Moreover, the great improvement in mortality rates seems to indicate that either child labor was not extensive as before or was less harmful. “3 What this means is that once child labor was emitted and taken account for, the death rate has gone down.

Explanation: Industrialization has both helped and hurt our town. It helped because it provided many factories that are a prime source for exports. And it hurt our town because harsh labor forces were required in order to maintain a strong and wealthy export system. However, I think the consequences outweigh the benefits. Sure, the city is thriving and they have tons of stores, and factories, but those factories need to be run by people, and that requires very dangerous and hard work. For example, “It was quite common for errors to work 12 hours or more a day, in the hot and physically exhausting work places.

Exhaustion naturally leads to the worker becoming sluggish (slow), which again makes the workplace more dangerous. “4 This means that the working conditions by no means were safe at all and that accident rats were extremely high due to the conditions in which people were forced to work under. Another reason why all of this expansion isn’t good is because of pollution. Burning fossil fuels such as coal is very hazardous to our environment. We may not have known it back then, but we know today that all of those Laotians are what’s causing global warming.

For instance, “All too often, rivers that pass through urban areas became a receptacle for human waste products, both domestic and industrial”5 This means that all of the waste from factories and cities dump into rivers and streams that flow to a larger body of water, killing whatever sea life that may live there. Mayors Speech Leeds Is thriving during the eighteenth and nineteenth century. We have plenty of housing, hospitals, factories, and space for more. If you look at any other city, you will see that it is crowded, and unmanageable.

However, if you elect me, I will keep Leeds organized, and also incorporate fair ideas, such as no child labor, shorter work hours, and a safer working environment. Since children are the future of Leeds, it is our jobs to protect them. So why are we forcing them into a “death hole” called a coal mine? It makes parents lose their children! Instead, we can take volunteers 18 years of age or older and improve safety. Another thing I would work on is to provide a factory worker with the house from 8:00 A. M to 5:00 P. M. This gives workers more energy to make products so there are less accidents.

Last, I would try to aka the work conditions safer. We keep enforcing new technology and mills, so why can’t we make the factories accident prop Explanation: In order for a factory to strive at this time, there needs to be change. The children are being forced to carry out extremely dangerous tasks just to get a meager pay. For example, “In most situations, every able family member was needed to work to simply keep the family above the poverty level. Those working included children as young as three. “6 This means that a family would probably have to work in order to put a meal on the table.

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