Industrial Revolution Assignment

Industrial Revolution Assignment Words: 286

It was very hard to keep in touch with people in other parts of the country, news was spread by travelers or through messengers and goods was distributed largely within the locality in which they were produced. Children of poor and working-class families had worked for centuries before industrialization they took care Of the animals in the barns or in the fields planting seeds, pulling weeds and picking the ripe crop, helping around the house or assisting in the famish enterprise when they were able to. Education was poor and mostly reserved for the rich who could employ private tutors.

There were schools and universities but again, these were reserved for the wealthy. The industrial revolution brought a massive change in the people’s lifestyle. Because of the invention of machinery, it reduced the need for people to work on farmland so many citizens moved to the cities to get accommodation and a job. Also Agricultural Revolution had led to enclosures of land. (Charles Townsend introduced a new method of crop rotation, however this new and more efficient process required large open areas of land) many people either could no longer earn a living from the country or were being kicked of the land.

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The small farms that used to support most people were replaced by large farms belonging to a smaller number of landowners. The small farmers were driven out to look for work elsewhere. Some of them became farm laborers, working for the big farmers instead of running their own small farms. Because of arbitration, many cities, whose infrastructure system could not keep up with the rapid population growth, were overcrowded with people joking for jobs.

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