Benjamin Franklin Assignment

Benjamin Franklin Assignment Words: 557

Newton, an English mathematician and astronomer, made revolutionary scientific discoveries concerning light and gravitation and formulated the basis of modern calculus. His genius changed humankind’s view of Itself and Its , showing that Individuals can practically, rationally, and reasonably order their world for the benefit of all human beings. English philosopher Lake formulated these attitudes Into his Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1689).

Locked basic thesis asserts that humans are born devoid of any preformed Ideas or perceptions; In essence. A person is a tabular Rasa, or “blank slate. ” Through experience, as perceived through the senses, people develop knowledge. This theory, revised and amended by numerous philosophers of the century, casts doubt upon the previously accepted role of a divine being in the lives of humans. With the Christian idea of predestination called into question, a new attitude toward the Creator was developed to coincide with these new philosophical concepts.

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This “religion,” termed Deism, espoused a belief in a “clockwork universe,” in which the Creator provided the spark to create the world but then took an inactive role in its operation. Thus, people, through reason (not through a reliance on revelation), had the responsibility to arrange their own affairs, both personally and socially. Many American colonists adhered to this philosophy, most notably Thomas Jefferson, the radical revolutionary Thomas , and Franklin.

Early in his autobiography, Franklin concludes, after much study, that he has become “a thorough Deist. ” Franklin, however, took his Enlightenment ideas a step further than most of his scholarly contemporaries. While the philosophers of the era were content to argue among themselves about the nature of humankind, Franklin believed in bringing these new philosophical and scientific ideas to the common people. His wit, coupled with his intellect, had an Immediate appeal to his readership.

His maxims and aphorisms In Poor Richards Almanacs made the colonists laugh but also revealed some of their foibles. Franklins Memoirs De la vie privy??e par LOL-м??me, (1791; The Private Life of the Late Benjamin Franklin, 1793; Memoirs of the Life, 1818; best known as Autobiography) Is essentially a story of the application of rationality, practicality, and wise frugality to everyday life. Also Inherent In Franklins Is the belief In the Innate liberty of common people and the right of people to pursue their own .

Many twentieth century Intellectuals have taken exception to what they see as Franklins materialism. German sociologist Max Weeper’s Marxist interpretation takes issue with the aims of Franklins philosophy: “It [the earning of money] is thought of purely as an end in itself . [11 t appears entirely transcendental and absolutely irrational. Man is dominated by the making of money, by acquisition as the ultimate purpose of his conferences by readers who believe Franklins philosophy Justifies abject materialism.

In fact, the true character of Benjamin Franklin reveals a man concerned about society and its treatment of humankind. His concern for public education, public safety, and public health made Philadelphia the most modern city not only in the colonies but also in the entire Western world. Franklin also refused to apply for patents for many of his inventions, thus making them more accessible to the public. Thus, Franklins philosophy not only defined the American ideal but also defined the entire concept of human progress.

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