Benjamin Franklin – American Hero Assignment

Benjamin Franklin – American Hero Assignment Words: 710

Men who greatly helped shape America’s independence. A man ho stands out among these names is ” The First American”, Benjamin Franklin who goes beyond being simply an icon of America’s conquest for freedom, but is truly an American hero. Benjamin Franklins heroism exists In his numerous achievements In politics, his Inventions, and his accomplishment of truly being “The First American”. Franklins contributions to the world of inventions, and science prove his ideal heroism.

Some of Franklins contributions include his improvements on Franklins stove, he Invented the Pennsylvania fireplace, which retained and dispersed heat evenly in a room. Franklin shaped perhaps the first idea of electricity; he also helped improved city’s pavements, street lighting, sanitations, fire companies, and police. These are a small amount of Franklins more material accomplishments, but they are also some of his strongest. Franklin Is considered an American hero because although he was a politician, he felt the need to go above and beyond his regular duties.

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Franklin strive for perfection and had a strong to desire to help his fellow man. Whether it was improving the quality of his community by looking at such common aspects Like city pavement, or street lights, or by making a large technological breakthrough and creating something Like the musical . Although Ben Franklins heroism was never symbolized in any battle, it was largely seen with his constant attempts in the world of science and innovation. Benjamin Franklin used an expressed his high level of Intelligence for others to learn and prosper from him. > Although Franklins use and discoveries in science and innovation are well- rounded accomplishments, he is most credited for his actions in political office. Benjamin Franklins ethical right mind helped shape our nation today. Franklin believed that America had to separate Itself from Its control under Great Britain. Perhaps Franklins most heroic act is the work he contributed to help make America the free nation it is today. It is interesting to think if our country would be the nation it is today without the hard driving values that Benjamin Franklin and other determined American politicians had.

Franklin stood strong to his belief that we must branch off from England, even when there was strong opposition. Franklins fair mind allowed him to realize that he would have to compromise with his fellow politicians. Franklin is heroic in this time of political turmoil for his ability to reason with others, stand true to his beliefs, and his courteous nature at all times. Benjamin Franklins work as an American Politician paid off greatly, perhaps more than he could have imagined. > 1 title with good reason and it proves him more as an American hero. Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts the poorly educated son of a candle and soap maker, Franklin through hard work and perseverance transformed himself into a philosopher, diplomat, inventor, writer, and scientist. Franklin was truly the First American because he was the first to live the American dream, the dream being that anyone regardless of gender, race, or background can be anything they desire through honest hard work.

Franklin is heroic in that he was truly the voice of the people, he was not a man who knew wealth and luxury all his life but knew hardship and struggle Just as much, and he was more like the common man unlike most politicians and other people of wealth. He is heroic in that many view him and realize that anyone has a bright future in the United States of America. Benjamin Franklin is Truly “The First American”. >Benjamin Franklins countless accomplishments in life easily label him an American hero.

His strict Puritan religion stayed with him throughout his entire life, and it gave Franklin great discipline, which is probably an ideal that helped Franklin reach the success he did. Franklin was also constantly critiquing himself looking to see if he was truly a person of high morale. Although Franklin found his character to be quite flawed it was probably Just his perfectionist personality. Every time period has a figure that is symbolic of all that, that era strive for. Benjamin Franklin represents the Revolutionary period with great dignity.

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