Apartheidassignment Assignment

Apartheidassignment Assignment Words: 493

Black Person I interviewed a 48 year old woman who takes care of a two year old and five year old child. She lives in brick house with electricity and running water in Atlantis up the West Coast. Her home language is Afrikaans and showed some difficulty in understanding the questions. It seems that black people, well some of them were not even aware of apartheid. She was sure that apartheid was fair and that no group benefited.

I asked her if she was educated and her response was “What’s that again? So I then asked if she went to school and she replied mimes”. This puts things into perspective, and demonstrates how bad the education was for black people. During the apartheid era, she never had to; move, neither had a family member killed nor had to carry a pass book. Interview – White Person I interviewed a 37 year old General Practitioner who is a mother of two children. She lives in Sunset Links Golf Estate, Milometer and her home language is English.

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She was very aware of apartheid and at first thought that apartheid was okay but during ere high school years started to question why there were no black people around and at school with her. She knew that whites got better housing, employment, education, health care etc. And had no restrictions. She viewed all people the same and no one told her why blacks were different. She thought that things were never going to change, but after 1990 her school in Belleville was the first to open its door to people of “different color”. The children were accepting of the “new’ people that were now at the school.

Conclusion During apartheid life was extremely different for the different race groups. The white race benefited hugely as there were no restrictions put on them, they had all the money in the country and ruled the country holding all the voting power. The black people were held as prisoners in their own country with no democratic rights, were intimidated, and many were killed, and had NO Vote which meant they had no say in running the country. This was something that should NEVER have taken place and we Extra Story (White person)

During a cadet tour to the Eastern Cape, they were fortunate to be staying at the same hotel as Nelson Mandela. While having breakfast at the hotel one morning Nelson Mandela happened to walk in. Most of her school friends, including herself were not aware of who he was, except her friend Lauren. Lauren approached Mr.. Nelson Mandela and addressed him in Xhosa and had a little chat. He later called them to his table and said “Never in his life did he expect a white person to speak to him in his home language and made him feel that the struggle was all worth it”

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Apartheidassignment Assignment. (2020, Oct 17). Retrieved October 23, 2024, from https://anyassignment.com/history/apartheid-assignment-assignment-47447/