Earth is everybody’s home and nobody likes to live in a dirty home. Of all the changes swirling among us, those that affect the natural environment seems to hold the most serious implication for human life. From a long period…
Environmental Science
Air Pollution in Almaty Assignment
What is even worse, air pollution in the city comes from the tailpipes of poorly maintained cars, a situation further aggravated by dirty fuel, or by gasoline and diesel that have been homicidally altered to increase fuel volume and profit.…
Water Pollutiondescriptive Assignment
What’s more, we cannot ignore the influence of the pesticide and fertilizer from agriculture. While not all the countries are facing the water pollution problem, it is a question for the whole world. Because of the large population and global…
Cause and effect of air pollution in China Assignment
Large industries that do not have filtration mechanisms on their smoke stacks are also contributors. Every government which does not pass or passes but does not enforce strict air pollution legislation is also destroying the atmosphere. One may wonder why…
Cause of air pollution Assignment
In the world nowadays, there are many new inventions have invented. They are including cars, motorcycles, electronic gadgets and the machines that use the burning of fossil fuel. Instead of the benefits of these new inventions, there are many disadvantages,…
Water Pollution Assignment
There are many causes for pollution. It may be natural and it can also be caused by human activities. The big causes for marine pollution are oil spills, sewage and toxic wastes such as chemical and radioactive wastes. Oil comes…
Water Pollution Assignment
Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans and beaches. This occurs when large factories dump their waste prod cuts into the water. Water has the ability to carry many pathogens and bacteria. Because SE…
Thisexplains the vast water pollution Assignment
Poor management of existing water resource can lead to these resources running out or at least shrinking. Much of the pollution in the rivers and seas comes from chemicals, mainly from agriculture. Another pollution issue, which is not brought up…
Anabout different types of water pollution Assignment
It’s defined as contamination of streams, lakes, underground water, bays or oceans by substances harmful to living things. Such things as oil spills, boat fumes, and dumping of trash into the oceans, lakes, and rivers are just a few of…
Causes and Disadvantages of Air Pollution Assignment
It has been known to cause illness or even death. Many people are not aware of this. The air that surrounds us is a mixture of 78 percent nitrogen; 21 percent oxygen; less than 1 percent Of carbon dioxide, argon,…